Реестр регулируемых консультантов представляет собой список всех организаций, предоставляющих иммиграционные консультации и услуги в Лондоне, в Англии, в Северной Ирландии, в Уэльсе и в Шотландии
Что могут советники
Иммиграционные консультанты могут давать вам советы только в том, в чем они могут вам помочь.
Вы можете увидеть, какой совет они могут дать вам по их «уровню». Есть 3 уровня.
Прежде чем использовать их , убедитесь, что иммиграционный консультант имеет право давать вам необходимые советы .
Только советник уровня 3 может выступать от вашего имени в иммиграционном трибунале.
Уровень 1 — советы и помощь
Консультант 1 уровня может проконсультировать вас по простым случаям, например по продлению бизнес визы, когда у вас нет проблем с работой и всеми необходимыми документами.
Консультанты уровня 1 могут проконсультировать вас по следующим вопросам:
- разрешение на въезд
- выйти, чтобы войти
- оставить, чтобы остаться
- национальность и гражданство
- право ЕС и ЕЭЗ
В подробном руководстве объясняется , что могут делать советники 1-го уровня .
Уровень 2 — делопроизводство
Консультанты 2-го уровня могут делать все то же, что и консультанты 1-го уровня, но могут принимать и более сложные случаи.
Вы можете воспользоваться услугами консультанта уровня 2, если в прошлом у вас были проблемы с иммиграцией и вы хотите получить разрешение остаться в Великобритании.
Советники этой категории также могут помочь:
- с заявлениями о предоставлении убежища и заявлениями о правах человека
- добиться пересмотра решения по вашему заявлению на получение визы ( «административное рассмотрение» )
- если вы въехали в Великобританию нелегально или остались после истечения срока действия вашей визы
- если вас удаляют или депортируют
В подробном руководстве объясняется , что могут делать советники 2-го уровня .
Уровень 3 — защита и представительство
Советники 3-го уровня могут делать все то же, что и консультанты 1-го и 2-го уровня.
Они также могут выступать от вашего имени в иммиграционном трибунале. В определенных ситуациях они могут помочь вам, если вы обратитесь в суд.
В подробном руководстве объясняется , что могут делать советники 3-го уровня
Найм советника
Когда вы нанимаете иммиграционного консультанта:
узнайте, сколько они берут и придется ли вам платить им
получить подписанную и датированную квитанцию, если вы заплатите им какие-либо деньги
спросите, сколько вам придется заплатить, если вы решите, что больше не хотите их использовать
согласовать плату, прежде чем они сделают какую-либо дополнительную работу для вас
Некоторые советники не берут комиссию. Если они не взимают плату, вам все равно придется оплатить любые расходы, такие как расходы на перевод и сборы за подачу заявления.
Юридическая помощь может помочь оплатить юридическую консультацию или представительство в суде или трибунале — проверьте, имеете ли вы право на эту помощь .
Ваш консультант должен дать вам письмо сразу после того, как вы его наняли, в котором говорится:
- какую работу они делают для вас
- сколько вы будете платить
- как вы будете платить им
Найдите иммиграционного консультанта
Перейти к содержанию руководства
Пожаловаться на консультанта
Вы можете пожаловаться в Управление комиссара иммиграционной службы ( OISC ) на:
- плохое обслуживание, которое вы получили от советника, зарегистрированного в OISC
- иммиграционный совет, который вы получили от нерегулируемого лица
Вы также можете попросить кого-нибудь подать жалобу от вашего имени, например, друга, адвоката или волонтерскую организацию.
Есть другой способ подать жалобу на юрисконсульта, зарегистрированного в профессиональной организации, но не регулируемого OISC.
На что можно и нельзя жаловаться
Вы можете пожаловаться на:
- плохой совет или услуга
- необоснованные сборы
- советник, утверждающий, что вы добьетесь успеха
- советник взимает плату за невыполненную работу
- советник пропустил сроки или не явился в суд
- советник
Вы не можете пожаловаться на:
- сколько времени заняло ваше иммиграционное заявление
- что-то, что уже является частью текущего судебного иска
- возврат или компенсация
- Персонал домашнего офиса
- лицо или организация за пределами Великобритании
Обычно вы не можете подать жалобу на то, что произошло более 12 месяцев назад — OISC решит, проводить расследование или нет, в зависимости от ситуации.
OISC может направить вашу жалобу в другое место, если вы жалуетесь на адвоката или барристера.
Узнайте больше о том, как OISC работает с жалобами .
Как пожаловаться на советника, регулируемого OISC
Самый простой способ пожаловаться:
- скачать и заполнить форму жалобы
- включите любые документы, имеющие отношение к вашей жалобе
- отправьте форму жалобы и документы по адресу жалобы@oisc.gov.uk или по почте на адрес, указанный в форме.
Форма доступна на разных языках, и при необходимости вашу жалобу можно перевести.
Вы можете получить помощь от сотрудников OISC, чтобы заполнить форму жалобы, но они не могут написать вашу жалобу за вас.
Пожаловаться письмом
Вы также можете подать жалобу, отправив письмо или электронное письмо.
Вы должны предоставить как можно больше подробностей о том, против кого вы подаете жалобу и о чем жалоба.
жалоб Комиссара иммиграционной службы,
5-й этаж ,
21 Блумсбери-стрит ,
, WC1B 3HF
Как пожаловаться на нерегулируемый советник
Вы можете отправить электронное письмо в OISC , чтобы сообщить о том, что кто-то дает иммиграционные рекомендации, деятельность которых не регулируется OSIC или другим утвержденным органом .
ОИСК info@oisc.gov.uk
Получить помощь с вашей жалобой
Вы можете получить поддержку и консультацию:
- Совет по делам беженцев Англии
- Уэльский совет по делам беженцев
- Шотландский совет по делам беженцев
- Совет граждан Северной Ирландии
Что происходит дальше
В течение 5 дней после подачи жалобы вы получите письмо с описанием того, как она будет рассматриваться.
Вы получите письмо с решением по вашему делу в течение 5 месяцев после подачи жалобы.
OISC может принять решение:
- принять меры против советника, например предупредить советника о своем поведении
- передать жалобу, например, если речь идет об адвокате или барристере
Адрес: | Flat 2, 94 Cotswold Gardens London Лондон NW2 1PG Англия |
Телефон: | +447418355866 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | fedor@1abcdone.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.1abcdone.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
! Абсолютный советник |
Адрес: | G1 Langdale House 11 Marshalsea Road Лондон Лондон SE1 1EN Англия |
Телефон: | 020 7993 6762 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@1-absolute-advisor.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.1-absolute-advisor.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 2 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы |
! Абсолютный советник |
Адрес: | 107 London Strand Golden Cross House 7 Duncannon Street Лондон Лондон WC2N 4JF Англия |
Телефон: | 020 7993 6762 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@1-absolute-advisor.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.1-absolute-advisor.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 2 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
# 1 4 Иммиграция |
Адрес: | 1st 4Immigration Tower 42 25 Old Broad Street London Лондон EC2N 1HN Англия |
Телефон: | 087 1472 1468 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@1st4immigration.com |
Веб-сайт: | https://www.1st4immigration.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 3 Консультации по убежищу и защите Иммиграционные консультации |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
1 Стоп Консультация ООО |
Адрес: | 54 Gloucester Road Северный Бристоль Бристоль BS7 0SJ Англия |
Телефон: | 0333 789 1011 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@1stopadvisory.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.1stopadvisory.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Адрес: | Fairgate House 205 Kings Road Birmingham West Midlands B11 2AA Англия |
Телефон: | 0121 285 5121 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@121immigration.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | https://www.121immigration.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Адрес: | Golden Cross House 7 Duncannon Street London Лондон WC2N 4JF Англия |
Телефон: | 020 3745 1616 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@121immigration.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | https://www.121immigration.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
121 юрист |
Адрес: | 121 Law Associates Barking Enterprise Center 50 Cambridge Road Barking Greater London IG11 8FG |
Телефон: | 020 3137 7861 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@121lawassociates.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.121lawassociates.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 3 Консультации по убежищу и защите Иммиграционные консультации |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
121 виза |
Адрес: | 75 Baron’s Hill Avenue Linlithgow West Lothian EH49 7JQ Scotland |
Telephone: | 075 5727 6876 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@121visas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.121visas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
1st Call Immigration Services |
Address: | The Old Coach House 25 Noel Street Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 6AQ England |
Telephone: | 0115 845 3325 |
Fax: | |
Email: | james@1stcalluk.com |
Website: | http://www.1stcalluk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 3rd Floor 86-90 Paul Street London London EC2A 4NE England |
Telephone: | 020 3856 3516 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@dmlawpractice.com |
Website: | https://www.dmlawpractice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
2 Way Tenancy Solutions CIC |
Address: | Greenesfield Business Centre Mulgrave Terrace Gateshead Tyne And Wear NE8 1PQ England |
Telephone: | 0191 490 9407 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@2waytenancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.2waytenancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
4A Law Limited |
Address: | 3 Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN England |
Telephone: | 0161 817 5044 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@4alaw.com |
Website: | http://www.4alaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
4A Law Limited |
Address: | 5 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1LG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.4alaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
4A Law Limited |
Address: | 136 Langley Drive Crawley West Sussex RH11 7TG England |
Telephone: | 079 0391 1073 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@4alaw.com |
Website: | http://www.4alaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
786 Law Associates |
Address: | 3rd Floor Winton House Stoke Road Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire ST4 2RW England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@786-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.786-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
786 Law Associates |
Address: | 363 Ripple Road Barking Greater London IG11 9PN England |
Telephone: | 020 3137 7866 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@786-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.786-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A — Z Law Associates |
Address: | First Floor 108A Whitechapel Road London E1 1JE England |
Telephone: | 020 7377 8666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | az_law2004@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A & A Immigration |
Address: | Liberty House 30 Whitchurch Lane Edgware Greater London HA8 6LE England |
Telephone: | 074 7314 0100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ajyjamil@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A & B Immigration LTD |
Address: | Office on the Hill Suite 9a 37 Stanmore Hill Stanmore Greater London HA7 3DS England |
Telephone: | 078 3322 4522 |
Fax: | |
Email: | blerina.immigration@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A & J Law Limited |
Address: | Yew Tree House St. Nicholas Hill Leatherhead Surrey KT22 8NE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ajlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
A & J Law Limited |
Address: | 17 Hurlingham Studios Ranelagh Gardens London London SW6 3PA England |
Telephone: | 074 0018 4446 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ajlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ajlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A & Y Immigration Law Ltd |
Address: | 5 Chancery Lane London London WC2A 1LG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@ayilaw.com |
Website: | http://www.ayilaw.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A and I Consultants |
Address: | Suite 2000 16 Woodford Road Forest Gate London London E70HA |
Telephone: | 020 8597 8548 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jthomas@aandiconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A K Harriott Immigration Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | The Charter Building Charter Place Uxbridge Greater London UB8 1JG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.akharriott.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
A K Harriott Immigration Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | 30 Moorgate London London EC2R 6DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.akharriott.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A Z T Law |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.aztlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
A&B Lawyers & Accountants Limited |
Address: | Unit 76 Lincoln Green Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS9 7SU England |
Telephone: | 0113 345 2050 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ablawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ablawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A&S Immigration Services |
Address: | 1A Dalling Road London London W6 0JD England |
Telephone: | 020 8616 0278 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@as-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.as-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A.J. Immigration Services |
Address: | Unit 12a Brickfields Industrial Estate Finway Road Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7QA England |
Telephone: | 0333 322 3933 |
Fax: | |
Email: | angelica@ajimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ajimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A+ Learning & Immigration |
Address: | 346 Soho Road Birmingham West Midlands B21 9QL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | alearningimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A1 Immigration Services |
Address: | 372 Girlington Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 9PA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
A1 Immigration Services |
Address: | 23 Page Hall Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 8GS England |
Telephone: | 0114 261 6768 |
Fax: | |
Email: | a1_suhail@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AA Group — Legal Services |
Address: | Vista office Centre 50 Salisbury Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 6JQ England |
Telephone: | 079 7631 2618 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shahid.aagls@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AA Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | Spaces Park Royal 6th Floor, First Central 200 2 Lakeside Drive London London NW10 7FQ |
Telephone: | 020 3963 8303 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aaimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aaimmigration.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AAC Immigration |
Address: | 314 Moseley Road Birmingham West Midlands B12 0BS England |
Telephone: | 0121 440 3444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AAKWA Group Ltd |
Address: | AAKWA Group Ltd 134 Waterloo Street Burton-On-Trent Staffordshire DE14 2NF England |
Telephone: | 01283 530007 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aakwagroup.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aakwagroup.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AALEX Law Ltd |
Address: | ICU House 103 Abercorn Street Paisley Renfrew PA3 4AT Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aalexlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aalexlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
AALEX Law Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor 392 Dudley Road Birmingham West Midlands B18 4HH England |
Telephone: | 0121 555 8880 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aalexlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aalexlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aaraf Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | Gemma House 39 Lilestone Street London London NW8 8SS England |
Telephone: | 078 7783 1193 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aaraflawyers@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.aaraflaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ABC Above & Beyond |
Address: | Boscombe Link 3-5 Palmerston Road Bournemouth Dorset BH1 4HN England |
Telephone: | 077 0732 4416 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.abcabove@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.abcabove.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aberdeen Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 41 Union Street Aberdeen Aberdeen AB11 5BN Scotland |
Telephone: | 080 8800 9060 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Aberlour Scottish Guardianship Service |
Address: | Portland House 6th Floor 17 Renfield Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 5AH Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 445 8659 |
Fax: | |
Email: | catriona.macsween@aberlour.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.aberlour.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ABI Law Associates |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Abras-Associacao Brasileira No Reino Unido |
Address: | 59 Station Road London London NW10 4UX England |
Telephone: | 020 8961 3377 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@abras.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.abras.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ABS Legal Services |
Address: | 295a Heathway Dagenham Greater London RM9 5AQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8517 3159 |
Fax: | |
Email: | abslegal@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AC Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 27 Harrier Park Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 0QG England |
Telephone: | 075 7287 2088 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alacostiuc@ac-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Access Immigration Law |
Address: | 6 Friarside Crescent Rowlands Gill NE39 1DQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@accessimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.accessimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Access Immigration Law |
Address: | Collingwood Buildings 38 Collingwood Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 1JF England |
Telephone: | 0191 229 9730 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.accessimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 5 Chancery Lane London London WC2A 1LG England |
Telephone: | 074 3252 2969 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ecem@accessimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.accessimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Access Supporting Migrants in East Anglia |
Address: | 41 Old Hospital Mews Hospital Walk King’s Lynn Norfolk PE30 5RU England |
Telephone: | 01553 773905 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@accessimmigrantsupport.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.accessmigrantsupport.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Access To Globe Limited |
Address: | Suite Front A Second Floor 31-33 College Road Harrow Greater London HA1 1EJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8426 3944 |
Fax: | |
Email: | abhi@accesstoglobe.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.accesstoglobe.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Access UK Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 39 Abercromby Avenue High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3BB England |
Telephone: | 074 4392 2055 |
Fax: | |
Email: | faiza@accessukimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ACE Consultancy Services |
Address: | Unit 6 Churchill Court 58 Station Road Harrow Greater London HA2 7SA England |
Telephone: | 020 8863 1180 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aceuk.org |
Website: | http://www.acceuk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ACE Immigration Services |
Address: | Havelock Hub 14 Havelock Place Harrow Greater London HA1 1LJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3489 9838 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aceimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aceimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Acer Visa UK Limited |
Address: | 6th Floor International House 223 Regent Street London London W1B 2QD England |
Telephone: | 020 3838 8022 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@acervisauk.com |
Website: | http://www.acervisauk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ach.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging |
ACN Immigration Advisory Services Limited |
Address: | Tamil House Unit 2, Fountyne Business Centre Broad Lane London London N15 4AG England |
Telephone: | 077 6658 5868 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ajanalan@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ACP Legal Services |
Address: | 115 Bottleacre Lane Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 1JF England |
Telephone: | 01509 231302 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@acplegalservices.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ACS Visas |
Address: | 12 Littleton Road Harrow Greater London HA1 3SU England |
Telephone: | 079 4351 2638 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@acsvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.acsvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Action Foundation |
Address: | Broadacre House Market Street Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6HQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.actionfoundation.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Action Foundation |
Address: | City Church The Castlegate Melbourne Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 2JQ England |
Telephone: | 0191 231 3113 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@actionfoundation.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.actionfoundation.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Active Immigration Limited |
Address: | Gilmoora House 57-61 Mortimer Street London London W1W 8HS England |
Telephone: | 020 3367 1560 |
Fax: | |
Email: | peter@activeimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.activeimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Active Immigration Solutions Limited |
Address: | Po Box 233 Bexley Heath Greater London DA7 9BB England |
Telephone: | 020 3223 0100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | judith@entryin.com |
Website: | http://www.entryin.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Adams & Co Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 313 Mare Street London London E8 1EJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8986 2935 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@adamsandco.info |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ADBH Advisory Limited |
Address: | 24 St. Georges Avenue London Greater London NW9 0JU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.adbhadvisory.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Adelanta Consulting Limited |
Address: | Office 113 Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London London W1J 6BD England |
Telephone: | 020 3795 0380 |
Fax: | |
Email: | adelantauk@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.adelantauk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Adgbenfash Consulting Ltd |
Address: | 7 Allan Court Grangemouth Falkirk Stirling FK3 9AQ Scotland |
Telephone: | 079 8543 6979 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@adgbenfashconsulting.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.adgbenfashconsulting.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Adhikary Legal Consultancy |
Address: | Room 222, Island Business Centre 18-36 Wellington Street London London SE18 6PF England |
Telephone: | 020 8316 1511 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sunil_adhikary@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Adriana Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 109 Church Court Church Street Preston Lancashire PR1 3BS England |
Telephone: | 01772 561686 |
Fax: | |
Email: | adragusin@aisltd.co |
Website: | http://www.aisltd.co |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Advanced Legal Consultants Ltd |
Address: | 2 Universal Square Devonshire Street North Manchester Greater Manchester M12 6JH England |
Telephone: | 074 3228 9451 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asif@alconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Advice NI |
Address: | Suite D (4) First Floor Block 3 Forestview, Purdy’s Lane Belfast Antrim BT8 4AR |
Telephone: | 028 9064 5919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@adviceni.net |
Website: | http://www.adviceni.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Advice North West |
Address: | 5th Floor Embassy Building 3 Strand Road Derry Londonderry BT48 7BJ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 3003033650 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Advice North West |
Address: | 14-22 Spencer Road Derry Londonderry BT47 6QA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Advice North West |
Address: | 17 Dock Street Strabane Tyrone BT82 8EE Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Advice Xpres Limited |
Address: | Office K, 1 Tower Lane East Lane Business Park, Wembley Greater London HA9 7NB England |
Telephone: | 079 9057 8967 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aly1147@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 56 Maguire Drive Ham Richmond Greater London TW10 7XY England |
Telephone: | 074 2559 3344 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@adviselegal.com |
Website: | http://www.adviselegal.com |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Advocacy Now |
Address: | 2A Sidcup Hill Sidcup Greater London DA14 6HH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | laura@advocacynow.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Advocate Law Chambers |
Address: | First Floor 9 MacKenzie Street Slough Berkshire SL1 1XQ England |
Telephone: | 01753 902281 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiryalc@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Advocating International Ltd |
Address: | 112 Risborough Lane Folkestone Kent CT20 3LL England |
Telephone: | 01303 772977 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yours-alc@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AE Consultants Ltd |
Address: | 111 New Union Street Coventry West Midlands CV1 2NT England |
Telephone: | 078 6845 8359 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aeconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aequitas Immigration Law Firm Ltd |
Address: | C/O Grip Business 101 Lockhurst Lane Coventry West Midlands CV6 5SF England |
Telephone: | 079 2857 9705 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shobi@ailawfirm.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ailawfirm.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aequitas Immigration Law Firm Ltd |
Address: | 6 Wheelwrights Mews Neath Hill Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK14 6HU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | shobi@ailawfirm.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ailawfirm.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 24/25 The Shard 32 London Bridge Street London London SE1 9SG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.aet-partners.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 4-4a Bloomsbury Square London London WC1A 2RP England |
Telephone: | 077 1956 7002 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aet-partners.com |
Website: | http://www.aet-partners.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 144 Queens Avenue Watford Hertfordshire WD18 7NT England |
Telephone: | 079 2058 7590 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ammer@affinitylegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.affinitylegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Afghan Association of London |
Address: | Suite 103a-104 Signal House 16 Lyon Road Harrow Greater London HA1 2AG England |
Telephone: | 020 8861 6990 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aalharrow@aol.com |
Website: | http://www./afghanassociationlondon.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Afghan Paiwand Association |
Address: | Afghan Association Paiwand 11 high street Edgware Greater London HA8 7EE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | tokhi@paiwand.com |
Website: | http://www.paiwand.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | PO Box 70127 London London N12 2EJ |
Telephone: | 078 8264 8938 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@afshar.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AGB Legal Limited |
Address: | 9 Theobalds Close Kemsing Sevenoaks Kent TN15 6ST England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Agile Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | First Floor 26 Cowper Street London London EC2A 4AP England |
Telephone: | 020 3002 7888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | charlotte@agile-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.agile-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Agso International Lawyers (UK) Ltd |
Address: | 344-354 Gray’s Inn Road London London WC1X 8BP England |
Telephone: | 078 8943 7618 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukchina88.com |
Website: | http://www.ukchina88.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AI Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 5 Bayliss Avenue London London SE28 8NJ England |
Telephone: | 075 7501 1590 |
Fax: | |
Email: | inna@ai-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ai-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AIC Consultants Ltd |
Address: | Sorby House 42 Spital Hill Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 7LG England |
Telephone: | 0114 213 2620 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@aicconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aicconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aidmark Immigration Limited |
Address: | 7 Cliffestone Drive East Morton Keighley West Yorkshire BD20 5RR England |
Telephone: | 084 5500 0250 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tim@aidmark.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aidmark.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AIESEC (UK) Limited |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.aiesec.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | Second Floor Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London London W1J 6BD England |
Telephone: | +442032876013 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@aimcapitalpartners.com |
Website: | http://www.AIMCAPITALPARTNERS.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Airdrie Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 14 Anderson Street, Resource Centre Airdrie Lanarkshire ML6 0AA Scotland |
Telephone: | 01236 754109 |
Fax: | 01236 754376 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.airdriecab.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
AK Immigration Advisory Service |
Address: | 7 Goodhope Avenue Bucksburn Aberdeen City AB21 9NF |
Telephone: | 075 4743 5450 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@akias.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.akias.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 219 Kingsway Burnage Manchester Greater Manchester M19 2WB England |
Telephone: | 075 1713 3783 |
Fax: | |
Email: | atif_khan19@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Akal Swift Consultants |
Address: | 18 Manor Road Gravesend Kent DA12 1AA England |
Telephone: | 01474 392594 |
Fax: | |
Email: | akalswiftconsultants@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.swiftvisas.info |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Akbar Immigration Law Chambers |
Address: | Office 7 Sandel Village 17 Knocklynn Road Coleraine Londonderry BT52 1WW Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7051 1759 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sabia@akbarimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.akbarimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Akyel Immigration Law Practice |
Address: | 32 Bedford Row London London WC1R 4HE England |
Telephone: | 075 5316 9175 |
Fax: | |
Email: | iakyell@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alam Ahmed Immigration Advisors |
Address: | 147 Yorkshire Street Rochdale Greater Manchester OL12 0DR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Alam Ahmed Immigration Advisors |
Address: | 79 Featherstall Road North Oldham Greater Manchester OL9 6QB England |
Telephone: | 0161 626 1616 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alamahmedltd@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alcantara Consultancy Services Limited |
Address: | 52A Westside London NW4 4XB England |
Telephone: | 020 7625 7272 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alcantara.consultancy@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.alcantaraconsultancy.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alex Bell Immigration Law |
Address: | Alex Bell Immigration Law Collingwood Buildings 38 Collingwood Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 1JF England |
Telephone: | 0191 229 9692 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alexbell@blueyonder.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alexbellimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alex James Law Limited |
Address: | King Charles House Castle Hill Dudley West Midlands DY1 4PS England |
Telephone: | 0121 314 8768 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@alexjameslaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alexjameslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alexander Boyd |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukimmigrationadviser@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaimmigrationtouk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Alexander Boyd |
Address: | 93 High Street Merchant City Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 1NB Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 237 3137 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukimmigrationadviser@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaimmigrationtouk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alexander Boyd |
Address: | 17 Glen Douglas Drive Cumbernauld Glasgow Lanarkshire G68 0DW Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 237 3137 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukimmigrationadviser@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaimmigrationtouk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alexandra & Spencer |
Address: | Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square Mayfair London London W1J 6BE England |
Telephone: | 020 7867 4587 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@alexandraspencer.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alexandraspencer.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alexandra Kaleniuk Immigration Consulting |
Address: | 3 Brindley Place Landmark Birmingham West Midlands B1 2JB England |
Telephone: | 0121 231 7145 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alex@akic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.akic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
All Legal & More Limited |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 077 2677 8717 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@all-legal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.all-legal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
All Nations Legal Services |
Address: | Office 2 192 Shoreham Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 4SQ England |
Telephone: | 0114 273 8428 |
Fax: | |
Email: | annie@allnationsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.allnationsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
All Nations Legal Services |
Address: | All Nations Legal Services The Business Center Edward Street Redditch Worcestershire B97 6HA England |
Telephone: | 01527 910366 |
Fax: | 0121 270 4284 |
Email: | danyul@allnationsimmiration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.allnationsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
All Visas |
Address: | 67 Kingsway Court Queens Gardens Hove East Sussex BN3 2LQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.all-visas.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alliance Legal Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 139-141A Roman Road Second Floor Bethnal Green London London E2 0QN England |
Telephone: | 020 8981 3021 |
Fax: | |
Website: | http://www.alliancels.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alliance Visas Limited |
Address: | 86 Regal Way Harrow Greater London HA3 0RY England |
Telephone: | 020 3757 4656 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@alliancevisas.com |
Website: | http://www.alliancevisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Almeida General Services |
Address: | 21 Broad Row Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 1HT England |
Telephone: | 01493 543057 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.almeidageneralservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Almond Legals |
Address: | Apartment 210 Centenary Plaza 18 Holliday Street Birmingham West Midlands B1 1TS England |
Telephone: | 0121 537 9161 |
Fax: | |
Email: | almondlegals@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.almondlegals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alpha Business And Legal Consultants |
Address: | 71 Paxton Avenue Slough Berkshire SL1 2SX England |
Telephone: | 077 2056 6912 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legal@alpha-legal.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alpha Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 2 Moorefield Road London London N17 6PY England |
Telephone: | 079 4628 2460 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kenan@alphaimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alpha Legals Limited |
Address: | 5th Floor Forest House 16-20 Clements Road Ilford Greater London IG1 1BA England |
Telephone: | 020 3838 8800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ghias@alphalegals.com |
Website: | http://www.alphalegals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alpha Shindara Associates Limited |
Address: | Unit 8 Parkside Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5SF England |
Telephone: | 0113 277 0916 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@alphashindara.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alphashindara.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alpha&Omega Lawyers |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.alphaandomegalawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Alpha&Omega Lawyers |
Address: | Ludgate House 107-111 Fleet Street London City of London EC4A 2AB England |
Telephone: | 074 2490 8378 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@alphaandomegalawyers.com |
Website: | http://www.alphaandomegalawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Alrose Legal Limited |
Address: | 132 — 134 Lots Road London Greater London SW10 0RJ England |
Telephone: | 078 3117 0371 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@alroselegal.com |
Website: | http://www.alroselegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 40 Bank Street London London E14 5NR England |
Telephone: | 020 3923 9188 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lani@alstern.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.alstern.co.uk |
Fee Charging |
AM UK Law Limited |
Address: | 3rd Floor, Ferguson House 113 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PU England |
Telephone: | 020 3417 5590 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@amuklaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.amuklaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AMB Advocates and Accountants Limited |
Address: | 83 Campbell Avenue Ilford Greater London IG6 1EB England |
Telephone: | 020 8279 9512 |
Fax: | 020 7681 3632 |
Email: | info@ambadvocates.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AMB Advocates and Accountants Limited |
Address: | Olympic House 1st Floor 28 Clements Road Ilford Greater London IG1 1BA England |
Telephone: | 020 8227 0475 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ambadvocates.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AMK Global Group Limited |
Address: | 1st Floor, Building 3 Concorde Park, Concorde Road Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 4BY England |
Telephone: | 078 0965 0990 |
Fax: | |
Email: | san@amk.global |
Website: | http://www.amk.global |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Amvin Limited |
Address: | 22 Carmelite Road Harrow Greater London HA3 5LR England |
Telephone: | 078 5972 3331 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amvinlimited@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.amvinlimited.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
An Easy Visa Limited |
Address: | 20 Walter Road Swansea West Glamorgan SA1 5NQ Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | lindama@aneasyvisa.com |
Website: | http://www.aneasyvisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
An Easy Visa Limited |
Address: | Wework 125 Kingsway Holborn London London WC2B 6NH England |
Telephone: | 020 7193 1996 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@easy-visa.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aneasyvisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ancer Recruitment Ltd |
Address: | 68 Mansel Street Swansea West Glamorgan SA1 5TN Wales |
Telephone: | 01792 472666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alan@ancer.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ancer.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Andy D Legal and Immigration Associates |
Address: | Andy D Legal and Immigration Associates 44 Broadway London London E15 1XH England |
Telephone: | 020 3130 0751 |
Fax: | |
Email: | a.danso@andylegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.andydlegal-immigration.co.uk. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Anglia Immigration Law Ltd |
Address: | The Link, Unit 40 49 Effra Road London London SW2 1BZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8090 2992 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@angliaimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.angliaimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Anglia Immigration Law Ltd |
Address: | Sackville Place 44-48 Magdalen Street Norwich Norfolk NR3 1JU England |
Telephone: | 020 8090 2992 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@angliaimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.angliaimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Anglo European Immigration Services (aeis) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.imm4u.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Angus Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 19 Queen Street Forfar DD8 3AJ Scotland |
Telephone: | 01307 467096 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Angus Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 32 Castle Street Montrose DD10 8AG Scotland |
Telephone: | 01674 673263 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Angus Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 11 Millgate Arbroath Angus DD11 1NN Scotland |
Telephone: | 01241 870661 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Anison Limited |
Address: | Unit 14, Chinatown Mall, 42-66 New City Road, Glasgow Lanarkshire G4 9JT Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 331 1717 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jgao@anisons.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ansel Immigration Services |
Address: | First Floor 12 Melton Road Leicester Leicestershire LE4 5EA England |
Telephone: | 077 4111 2323 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anselimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ansong Associates |
Address: | Suite 108, Legacy Centre Hanworth Trading Estate Hampton Road West Feltham Greater London TW13 6DH England |
Telephone: | 020 8755 6885 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ansongassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.ansongassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Anthony And Co. Immigration And Welfare Legal Practice |
Address: | 250 Camberwell Road London London SE5 0DP England |
Telephone: | 020 7277 4334 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (ATLEU) |
Address: | St Saviours House 39-41 Union Street London London SE1 1SD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.atleu.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Antrim District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Farranshane House 1 Ballygore Road Antrim Co.Antrim BT41 2RN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9442 8176 |
Fax: | |
Email: | caanemailadvice@citizensadvice.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Anzan Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | 1 Victoria Square Birmingham West Midlands B1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 0121 769 1502 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@anzanimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.anzanimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 68 South Road Southall Greater London UB1 1RQ England |
Telephone: | 074 4884 5289 |
Fax: | |
Email: | apprimeservices@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Apex Consultancy |
Address: | The Pavilion 56 Rosslyn Crescent Harrow Middlesex Greater London HA1 2SZ England |
Telephone: | 020 3397 4716 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@apexconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.apexconsultancy.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Apex Legal Services |
Address: | Connaught House, Suite 5B 2nd Floor 15-17 Upper George Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2RD England |
Telephone: | 077 3481 2377 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@apex-lawyers.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Apex Legal Services |
Address: | 10 Midland Road Basement Office Luton Bedfordshire LU2 0HR England |
Telephone: | 077 3481 2377 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@apex-lawyers.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Apex UK Immigration |
Address: | Big Yellow Portsmouth 8/9 Rodney Road Southsea Hampshire PO4 8BF England |
Telephone: | 074 7704 0879 |
Fax: | |
Email: | apexukimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.apexukimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on: Phone — 07394021058 E-mail — Info@apexukimmigration.com |
Show Advisers |
Aqsa & Co. |
Address: | 9-10 Cross Street Preston Lancashire PR1 3LT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.aqsa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
A-R Law Chambers |
Address: | 118-120 London Road Mitcham Greater London CR4 3LB England |
Telephone: | 020 8687 1091 |
Fax: | |
Email: | arlawchambers@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AR Legal Consultancy |
Address: | 449 High Street North East Ham London London E12 6TJ England |
Telephone: | 078 9446 9436 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ar.immigration06@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.arlegalconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 203 — 205 Charminster Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 9QQ England |
Telephone: | 075 4885 6403 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@arukvisa.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.arukvisa.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Unit 3 6 Valette Road Bournemouth Dorset BH9 3JB England |
Telephone: | 075 4885 6403 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@arukvisa.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.arukvisa.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ARA Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 6 Charles Knott Gardens Southampton Hampshire SO15 2TF England |
Telephone: | 079 0305 1814 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.araiservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
ARA Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | Suite 73 151 High Street Southampton Hampshire SO14 2BT England |
Telephone: | 079 0305 1814 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.araiservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Arachne Greek Cypriot Women’s Group |
Address: | 13 — 15 Hercules Street London London N7 6AT England |
Telephone: | 020 7263 6261 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@arachne-group.org |
Website: | http://www.arachne-group.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to settlement Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Reg Charity Number :1075807 |
Show Advisers |
Arden Leigh LLP |
Address: | Churchill House 120 Bunns Lane London London NW7 2AS England |
Telephone: | 020 3086 9071 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ardenleigh.com |
Website: | http://www.ardenleigh.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ardoyne Association |
Address: | 111 Etna Drive Ardoyne Belfast Antrim BT14 7NN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890715165 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Ards Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 75 West Street Newtownards Down BT23 4EN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 9287 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Argyll And Bute Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Riverside Oban Road Lochgilphead PA31 8NG Scotland |
Telephone: | 01546 605550 |
Fax: | 01546 605559 |
Email: | info@abcab.casonline.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Aris International Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | Cell 5A KOPSHOP 6 Old London Road Kingston Upon Thames Greater London KT2 6QF England |
Telephone: | 020 3865 6219 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@arislawyers.com |
Website: | http://www.arislawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 6 The Green Hounslow Greater London TW5 0RL England |
Telephone: | 077 7530 001 |
Fax: | |
Email: | arkimmigrationlaw@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.arkimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ARK Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Unit 2a Denmark Street Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 7BN England |
Telephone: | 074 7243 9677 |
Fax: | |
Email: | arkimmigrationservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ark Law Limited |
Address: | 98 Rampling Court Commonwealth Drive Crawley West Sussex RH10 1AQ England |
Telephone: | 020 3633 6005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@arklawuk.com |
Website: | http://www.arklawuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Armagh District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 9 McCrums Court Armagh BT61 7RS Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 3233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Armazi Ltd |
Address: | 12 Springhead Road Erith Kent DA8 2BE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@armazi.net |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Army Families Federation |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.aff.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Article 1 Limited |
Address: | 51 Holland Street Kensington London London W8 7JB England |
Telephone: | 020 3743 1700 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@articleone.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Arun & Chichester Citizens Advice |
Address: | Town Hall Clarence Road Bognor Regis West Sussex West Sussex PO21 1LD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
AS & Co Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor 239 Kensington High Street London London W8 6SN |
Telephone: | 020 7316 3141 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@as-visaservices.com |
Website: | http://www.as-visaservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AS & Co Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | 13 Mary Street Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR1 3NH England |
Telephone: | 0191 567 4859 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@as-visaservices.com |
Website: | http://www.as-visaservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AS & Co Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | 2 Bentinck Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 6UT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.as-visaservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ascent Consulting |
Address: | 5 Edzell Crescent Westcroft Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK4 4EU England |
Telephone: | 01908 508364 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ascent.advice@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ASG Immigration Limited |
Address: | 91 Wimpole Street London London W1G OEF |
Telephone: | 020 7299 3330 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@asgvisa.com |
Website: | http://www.asgvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ash Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Ash Centre Ash Hill Road Ash Surrey GU12 5DP England |
Telephone: | 01252 315569 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://ashcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ash Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 212 Warwick Road Sparkhill Birmingham West Midlands B11 2NB England |
Telephone: | 0121 753 0999 |
Fax: | 0121 753 1999 |
Email: | info@ashlawgroup.com |
Website: | http://www.ashlaw.group.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ashford Borough Citizens Advice |
Address: | seabrooke house church rd ashford Kent TN23 1RD England |
Telephone: | 01233 626185 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ashiana Network |
Address: | Suite 204, 1st Floor Oceanair House 750-760 High Road Leytonstone Greater London E11 3AW England |
Telephone: | 020 8539 0427 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rapinder@ashiana.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.asiana.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ashraf Immigration Services |
Address: | Windsor House Battersea Road Stockport Greater Manchester SK4 3EA England |
Telephone: | 077 6544 1349 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Lesleyanne@ashrafis.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 0161 957 5110 |
Show Advisers |
Asian Community Advisory Service |
Address: | 460 Green Lane Second Avenue Small Heath Birmingham West Midlands B9 5QJ England |
Telephone: | 0121 753 2407 |
Fax: | 0121 753 2407 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asian Women’s Resource Centre |
Address: | 108 Craven Park Harlesden London London NW10 8QE England |
Telephone: | 020 8961 5701 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sarbjit@awrc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.asianwomencentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ASK Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.askimmigrationlawyers.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | Flat 3 Rowan Court 29 Dents Road London Greater London SW11 6JA England |
Telephone: | 075 8859 6380 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@asklawlegals.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Askonas Holt Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.askonasholt.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
ASM Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 9 Muntz Street Birmingham West Midlands B10 9SN England |
Telephone: | 0121 448 6680 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@asmimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.asmimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aspire Careers Limited |
Address: | 9 Nursery Close South Ockendon Essex RM15 6DD England |
Telephone: | 078 6912 2498 |
Fax: | |
Email: | vaibhav@aspirecareersuk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.aspirecareersuk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Aspire Immigration |
Address: | 53a Friargate Preston Lancashire PR1 2AT England |
Telephone: | 074 4996 8738 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aspireimmigrationpreston@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Association of Commonwealth Universities |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.acu.ac.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Assured Legal Services |
Address: | FFOF25B Ceme Innovation Centre Marsh Way Rainham Essex RM13 8EU England |
Telephone: | 020 3105 954 |
Fax: | |
Email: | assuredlegalservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Astor Visas |
Address: | 3F, 16 Upper Woburn Place London London WC1H 0BS |
Telephone: | 020 8123 9098 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@astorvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.astorvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Unit 1.20 BEC 50 Cambridge Road Barking Greater London IG11 8FG |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 3 Lawrence Hill Road Dartford Kent DA1 3AG England |
Telephone: | 078 2450 6996 |
Fax: | |
Email: | o.maiboroda7@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ASV Legal Adviser Ltd |
Address: | 15b Ripple Road Barking Greater London IG11 7NP England |
Telephone: | 020 3355 9957 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@asvlegaladviser.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.asvlegaladviser.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Aid |
Address: | Derry House 20 Penfold Street London London NW8 8HJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3903 4279 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aysheaazam@googlemail.com |
Website: | http://www.asylumaid.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Aid |
Address: | 15-20 Baynes Street Camden London London NW1 0TF England |
Telephone: | 020 7354 9631 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.asylumaid.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Justice |
Address: | Portland House 113-116 Bute Street Cardiff South Glamorgan CF10 5EQ Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2049 9421 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@asylumjustice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.asylumjustice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Link Merseyside |
Address: | St Anne’s Centre 7 Overbury Street Liverpool Merseyside L7 3HJ England |
Telephone: | 0151 709 1713 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@asylumlink.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.asylumlink.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Support And Immigration Resource Team (asirt) |
Address: | 129 Zellig Gibb Street Birmingham B9 4AT |
Telephone: | 0121 213 5893 |
Fax: | |
Email: | manager@asirt.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.asirt.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Asylum Welcome |
Address: | Unit 7 Newtec Place Magdalen Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1RE England |
Telephone: | 01865 722082 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@asylum-welcome.org |
Website: | http://www.asylum-welcome.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Atar Legal Services |
Address: | Suite 17 Wenta Business Centre 1 Electric Avenue Innova Park , Enfield Greater London EN3 7XU England |
Telephone: | 020 8801 8264 |
Fax: | |
Email: | huseyinatarr@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Attari Law |
Address: | Flexspace Lythgoe House Manchester Road Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 2NZ England |
Telephone: | 073 9318 4747 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Imran@attarilaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Atwal Law |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.atwallawfirm.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
AUS (UK) Immigration’s |
Address: | Unit 2 50 James Road Tyseley Birmingham West Midlands B11 2BA England |
Telephone: | 074 1171 6158 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ausuk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ausuk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
AZ Law Associates Ltd |
Address: | 675 Green Lane Dagenham Essex RM8 1UU England |
Telephone: | 020 3556 5712 |
Fax: | |
Email: | z_ali07@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.azlawassociates.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Azad Kashmir Welfare Association |
Address: | 68 Alum Rock Road Saltley Birmingham West Midlands B8 1JA England |
Telephone: | 0121 328 0995 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@akcentre.org |
Website: | http://www.akcentre.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
B A Chambers |
Address: | Unit 13 L St. Pauls Road Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 3DZ England |
Telephone: | 01274 505296 |
Fax: | |
Email: | samiyah@bachambers.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
B Assured Law |
Address: | Unit 3L Parkview Court St Pauls Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD18 3DZ England |
Telephone: | 01274 496555 |
Fax: | |
Email: | samiyah.ashraf@bassuredlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bassuredlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
B&F Services Ltd |
Address: | 3 More London Place London London SE1 2RE England |
Telephone: | 020 7723 9270 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@bfservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bfsc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 115 Radford Road Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 5DU England |
Telephone: | 075 2505 4879 |
Fax: | |
Email: | diana@bagci-legal.com |
Website: | http://www.bagci-legal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bail For Immigration Detainees |
Address: | 1B Finsbury Park Road London London N4 2LA England |
Telephone: | 020 7456 9750 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@biduk.org |
Website: | http://www.biduk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to nationality |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ballynafeigh Community Development Association |
Address: | 283 Ormeau Road Belfast Antrim BT7 3GG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890491161 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Ballysillan Community Forum Advice |
Address: | Willowgrove Centre 925-927 Crumlin Road Belfast Antrim BT14 8AB Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890391272 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Banbridge Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 77 Bridge Street 77 Bridge Street Banbridge Down BT32 3JL Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 3233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Banff And Buchan Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | Townhouse Broad Street Peterhead AB42 1BY Scotland |
Telephone: | 01779 471515 |
Fax: | 01779 478586 |
Email: | bureau@aberdeenshirecab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bangladesh Islamic Association Smethwick |
Address: | 10 — 13 Lewisham Industrial Estate Lewisham Road Smethwick Warley West Midlands B66 2BP England |
Telephone: | 0121 558 8204 |
Fax: | |
Email: | abdulsubhan@bicentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.bicentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bangladesh Youth Movement |
Address: | 21-23 Henriques Street London London E1 1NB England |
Telephone: | 020 7488 1831 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@bym.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.bym.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bangladeshi Community Association |
Address: | Shurma Building Kensington Street Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 1PW England |
Telephone: | 01535 604359 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mashuk@bca-keighley.org |
Website: | http://www.bca-keighley.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bangladeshi Women’s Association |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bwa-org.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | Barber House 164 Deepdale Road Preston Lancashire PR1 6PY England |
Telephone: | 01772 203520 |
Fax: | |
Email: | arif@barberconsultancy.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bari Law Associates |
Address: | 127 Barkerend Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD3 9AU England |
Telephone: | 074 6925 9470 |
Fax: | |
Email: | qaiserbari@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.barilawassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registration Number :11068151 |
Show Advisers |
Barking & Brighton Immigration Law |
Address: | Babs and Company Legal Practitioners Suite 112 Estuary House 196 Ballards Road Dagenham Essex RM10 9AB England |
Telephone: | 020 8595 4222 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@bbimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bbimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Barking & Dagenham Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 339 Heathway Dagenham Essex RM9 5AF England |
Telephone: | 020 8594 6715 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Barnardo’s NI |
Address: | Barnardos 542-544 Upper Newtownards Road Belfast Antrim BT4 3HE Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.barnardos.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Barnet Citizens Advice |
Address: | 40-44 Church End Hendon London NW4 4JT England |
Telephone: | 0300 456 8365 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hub@barnetcab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.barnetcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Barnsley Citizens Advice |
Address: | 1st Floor Wellington House 36 Wellington Street Barnsley S70 1WA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.barnsleycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Barrow-In-Furness Citizens Advice |
Address: | Ramsden Hall Abbey Road Barrow in Furness LA14 5QW England |
Telephone: | 01229 831715 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.barrowcitizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bashir Consultancy |
Address: | 37 Southfield Square Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 7SL England |
Telephone: | 01274 223604 |
Fax: | |
Email: | abu@bashirconsultancy.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Basingstoke Citizens Advice |
Address: | Discovery Centre 19-20 Westminster House Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 7LS England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1283 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.basingstokeandtadleycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bassetlaw Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Annexe Queens Building District of Bassetlaw WORKSOP Nottinghamshire S80 2AH England |
Telephone: | 084 4856 3411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Batesi Bagonenge Attorney’s Ltd |
Address: | 41 Sycamore Avenue Bletchley Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK2 2JL England |
Telephone: | 075 7800 0830 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mzondious@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bath and North East Somerset Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2 Edgar Buildings George St Bath Somerset BA1 2EE England |
Telephone: | 0344 848 7919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
BD Legal ltd |
Address: | 13 Hanover Square London London W1S 1HN England |
Telephone: | 0333 733 8018 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bondbond1205@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Beaumont Park Associates Ltd |
Address: | 11th Floor ,London Citypoint 1 Ropemaker Street London London EC2Y 9HT England |
Telephone: | 020 3633 8387 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@beaumontparkassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.beaumontparkassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Beder Harrison and Company |
Address: | 2nd Floor Lawford House Albert Place London London N3 1QA England |
Telephone: | 020 8346 3448 |
Fax: | |
Email: | brendan@bederlaw.com |
Website: | http://www.bederlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bedford & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 7a St Pauls Square Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 1SQ England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1290 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.bedfordcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bedfordshire Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support |
Address: | 27b Tavistock Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RB England |
Telephone: | 01234 211381 |
Fax: | |
Email: | brian@brass27b.org |
Website: | http://www.brassbedford.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bedi Law Partnership |
Address: | 25-27 Heath Street Hampstead London London NW3 6TR England |
Telephone: | 078 2522 2300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@bedilawpartnership.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | By appointment only |
Show Advisers |
Bedi Law Partnership |
Address: | Hampstead Old Town Hall Hampstead Town Hall Centre 213 Haverstock Hill London London NW3 4QP England |
Telephone: | 078 2522 2300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@bedilawpartnership.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | By appointment only |
Show Advisers |
Bedworth, Rugby and Nuneaton Citizens Advice |
Address: | 25 Congreve Walk Bedworth Warwickshire CV12 8LX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Befriending Refugees And Asylum Seekers |
Address: | The Lodge Green Lane Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 2HX England |
Telephone: | 01204 397152 |
Fax: | 0161 880 2574 |
Email: | malcolm@brass-bolton.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.brassbolton.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BEHAPPY 4Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Thames Innovation Centre 2 Veridion Way Veridon Park Erith Greater London DA18 4AL England |
Telephone: | 075 3930 3352 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@behappyandco.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre |
Address: | 4-6 Donegall Street Place Belfast Antrim BT1 2FN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890961111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Bellamy and Co |
Address: | 20 — 22 Whalley Road Accrington Lancashire BB5 1AA England |
Telephone: | 01254 388407 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@rafiqimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bellamyandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bellshill & District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 6 Hamilton Road Bellshill ML4 1AQ Scotland |
Telephone: | 01698 748615 |
Fax: | 01698 841876 |
Email: | manager@bellshillcab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Belong Nottingham |
Address: | Unit C Tennyson Hall Forest Road West Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 4EP England |
Telephone: | 0115 979 0015 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jeandidier@belongnottingham.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.belongnottingham.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bent Borders Project |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Berkshire Law Chamber |
Address: | Unit 8 Westpoint 328 Bath Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 7HW England |
Telephone: | 020 8577 7755 |
Fax: | |
Email: | berkshirelawchamber@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Best Solutions Consulting Ltd |
Address: | 128 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 074 2490 8001 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gulder@bsconsulting.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bestsolutionsconsultingltd.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bexley Borough Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd |
Address: | 42 Pier Road Erith DA8 1TA England |
Telephone: | 01322 357933 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Beyond Visas Ltd |
Address: | 10 Still Lane Southborough Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells Kent TN4 0FP |
Telephone: | 075 3960 2597 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amy@beyondvisas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.beyondvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bhullu & Co |
Address: | 70 Hill Top St James Chambers West Bromwich West Midlands B70 0PU England |
Telephone: | 0121 505 0233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bhulluuk@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.bhullu.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bidhi & Co Immigration ltd |
Address: | Clockhouse Community Centre Defiance Walk London London SE18 5QL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Biljana And Company |
Address: | Biljana And Co Avenue Business Centre 17 New Road Avenue Chatham Kent ME4 6BA England |
Telephone: | 077 3766 6728 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Birchtree Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 32 Bedford Row London London WC1R 4HE England |
Telephone: | 078 5542 2116 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@birchtreelaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Biz Immigration Associates Limited |
Address: | Flat 223 22 Notting Hill Gate London W11 3JE England |
Telephone: | 073 8396 6006 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bizimmigrationassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Biz Immigration Associates Limited |
Address: | 25 North Row London London W1K 6DJ England |
Telephone: | 073 8396 6006 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@bizimmigrationassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.bizimmigrationassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Black Panther Solutions Ltd |
Address: | Office 112 Pennine South 18 Hatfields London London SE1 8DJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8051 5000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bpsimmigration.om |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Black Rock Immigration |
Address: | Unit 71 Innovation Centre Highfield Drive St Leonards On Sea East Sussex TN38 9UH England |
Telephone: | 074 9709 5549 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@blackrockimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.blackrockimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Blackburn with Darwen Citizens Advice |
Address: | Unit 6 EnergyZone Newfield Drive Blackburn Lancashire BB2 3UA England |
Telephone: | 0344 488 9622 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Blackpool Citizens Advice |
Address: | 6 — 10 Whitegate Drive Devonshire Square BLACKPOOL Lancashire FY3 9AQ England |
Telephone: | 01253 308400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Blackstone Law Associates |
Address: | 29 High Street Wealdstone Harrow Greater London HA3 5BY England |
Telephone: | 020 7096 1515 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@blackstonelaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.blackstonelaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BM Consultings Limited |
Address: | 22 Roseheath Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 5HH England |
Telephone: | 020 8572 2436 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bala@bmconsultings.com |
Website: | http://www.hsmphelphere.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BNJ Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Unit 86 Cariocca East Manchester Business Park 2 Sawley Road, Miles Platting Manchester Greater Manchester M40 8BB England |
Telephone: | 078 4637 3915 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bnjimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.bnjimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bogdan Law Office Ltd |
Address: | 8 Madeira Grove Suite G12 Woodford Green Greater London IG8 7QH England |
Telephone: | 0121 296 6767 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gb-law.uk |
Website: | http://www.gb-law.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Bogdan Law Office Ltd |
Address: | 235A High Street Erdington Birmingham West Midlands B23 6SS England |
Telephone: | 0121 296 6767 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gb-law.uk |
Website: | http://www.gb-law.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bonheur Legal Consultancy Limited |
Address: | 136-144 New Kings Road London London SW6 4LZ England |
Telephone: | 020 7096 5075 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@bonheurlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.bonheurlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to entry clearance |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Border and Boundaries |
Address: | 19 Chiltern Court Uxbridge London London UB8 3BJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mindmatrixuk.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Borderless |
Address: | 28-30 Bridge Street Lisburn BT28 1XY Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 073 7761 2743 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Jason@visa-borderless.com |
Website: | http://www.visa-borderless.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Boss Consultancy London Ltd |
Address: | 20 -22 Wenlock road london London N1 7GU |
Telephone: | 075 1880 5184 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 20 Leeside Portishead Bristol Bristol BS20 6JN England |
Telephone: | 075 8393 7030 |
Fax: | |
Website: | http://www.BPAASSOCIATESLTD.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | THE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE 75a Jacobs Wells Road Bristol Bristol BS8 1DJ England |
Telephone: | 075 8393 7030 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.BPAASSOCIATESLTD.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BR Partners Limited |
Address: | Isha House 8 Wrotham Road Gravesend Kent DA11 0PA England |
Telephone: | 01474 357091 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@brpartners.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.brpartners.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bracknell Citizens Advice |
Address: | Columbia Centre Market Street Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1JG England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7914 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.caeb.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Braintree, Halstead & Witham Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | The Public Hall Collingwood Road Witham Essex CM8 2DY England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4719 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.bhwcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Brandon Consultancy — Immigration & Employment Uk |
Address: | 26-28 Hammersmith Grove London London W6 7BA England |
Telephone: | 079 5687 9399 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@brandonconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.brandonconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brent Indian Association |
Address: | Community Centre 116 Ealing Road Wembley Greater London HA0 4TH England |
Telephone: | 020 8903 3019 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@biauk.com |
Website: | http://www.biauk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brent Women’s Advisory Resource Centre |
Address: | 250 Kilburn High Road London London NW6 2BS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | s.njaka@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brentwood Citizens Advice |
Address: | 8 — 12 Crown Street Brentwood Essex CM14 4BA England |
Telephone: | 084 4477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Breytenbachs Immigration Consultants Limited |
Address: | Fleet House 8 — 12 New Bridge Street London London EC4V 6AL England |
Telephone: | 020 7442 2160 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bic-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.bic-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brian-Vincent Legal Outfit Ltd |
Address: | 35 Chapman Drive, Coventry West Midlands CV6 5HT |
Telephone: | 075 8883 9833 |
Fax: | |
Email: | B-Vlegaloutfit@gmx.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bridge Partners |
Address: | Office 18 Floor 3 Lansdowne House 57 Berkeley Square London London W1J 6ER England |
Telephone: | 020 3397 3897 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bridgepartnersuk.com |
Website: | http://www.bridgepartnersuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bridgend County Borough Citizens Advice |
Address: | 26 Dunraven Place Bridgend CF31 3ET Wales |
Telephone: | 01656 762800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bridgeton Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 35 Main Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G40 1QB Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 554 0336 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bridport and District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 45 South Street Bridport Dorset DT6 3NY England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://bridportca.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bright Legal Consultancy |
Address: | 58 Perran Avenue Fishermead Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK6 2LJ England |
Telephone: | 078 8298 6381 |
Fax: | |
Email: | blconsultmk@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.daddybright.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brighton and Hove Citizens Advice |
Address: | Tisbury Road Offices Hove Town Hall Tisbury Road Hove East Sussex BN3 3BQ England |
Telephone: | 01273 223951 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Brighton Housing Trust |
Address: | Brighton Housing Trust 144 London Road Brighton East Sussex BN1 4PH England |
Telephone: | 01273 645400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bht.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brightway Immigration & Asylum Practitioners Limited |
Address: | 341 High Road Leytonstone London London E11 4JT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.biaap.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Brightway Immigration & Asylum Practitioners Limited |
Address: | 115 Reidhaven Road Plumstead London London SE18 1BX England |
Telephone: | 078 8560 5072 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@biaap.com |
Website: | http://www.biaap.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bristol Law Centre |
Address: | 2 Hide Market West Street Bristol Bristol BS2 0BH England |
Telephone: | 0117 924 8662 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@bristollawcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.bristollawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bristol Refugee Rights |
Address: | Wellspring Settlement 43 Ducie Road Bristol Bristol BS5 0AX England |
Telephone: | 075 2635 2353 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bristolrefugeerights.org |
Website: | http://www.bristolrefugeerights.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Britannia Law Firm Ltd |
Address: | Southside Business Centre 249 Ladypool Road Birmingham West Midlands B12 8LF England |
Telephone: | 074 0555 2228 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@britannialawfirm.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.britannialawfirm.co.uk |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The office landline telephone number is 0121 326 7116. |
This organisation is not currently providing advice |
Britannia Management Service UK LTD |
Address: | Unit 6 Restwell House Coldhams Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3EW England |
Telephone: | 074 2123 7214 |
Fax: | |
Email: | britanniamanagementservice@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Britchance Limited |
Address: | 72 Woodcote Grove Road Coulsdon Surrey CR5 2AD England |
Telephone: | 020 3643 5844 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@britchance.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.britchance.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BritCits |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.britcits.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Gurkha Welfare Society |
Address: | 119 Wren Way Farnborough Hampshire Hampshire GU14 8TA England |
Telephone: | 01252 510794 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hulaksewa@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www. bgws.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Birmingham) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Bristol) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Glasgow Office) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Hampshire, IOW and Surrey) |
Address: | British Red Cross (Hampshire, IOW and Surrey) 338 Commercial Road Portsmouth Hampshire PO1 4BT England |
Telephone: | 023 9289 4215 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Hertfordshire) |
Address: | Bermuda Road Tilbury Essex RM18 7DA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Hertfordshire) |
Address: | 202 New London Road Chelmsford Essex CM2 9AB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Hertfordshire) |
Address: | Baker Street Hertford Hertfordshire SG13 7HT England |
Telephone: | 01582 589087 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Leeds) |
Address: | Unit 24 Jessops Riverside 800 Brightside Lane Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 2RX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | refugeesupportSY@redcross.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Leeds) |
Address: | 2 Armley Court Armley Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS12 2LB |
Telephone: | 0113 201 5267 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Refugeesupportwy@redcross.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Leicester) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (London Office) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to family reunion |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Manchester & Liverpool) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to family reunion |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Newport) |
Address: | Kings Chambers, 8 High Street Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP20 1FQ Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (North East & Cumbria) |
Address: | Victoria House Pearson Way Pearson Way Stockton-On-Tees Durham TS17 6PT England |
Telephone: | 01642 607230 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (North East & Cumbria) |
Address: | Croft House Western Avenue Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 8SR England |
Telephone: | 0191 273 7961 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Nottingham) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Peterborough) |
Address: | British Red Cross 11 Prince Of Wales Road Norwich Norfolk NR1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 01603 623041 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Peterborough) |
Address: | Suite B First Floor Crescent House 46 Priestgate Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 1LF England |
Telephone: | 01733 557472 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Plymouth) |
Address: | Plymouth Public Dispensary 18 Catherine Street Plymouth Devon PL1 2AD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | plymouthrefugeesupport@redcross.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Reading) |
Address: | Red Cross House Colwell Drive Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 1AU England |
Telephone: | 0300 333 5393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
British Red Cross (Reading) |
Address: | John Nike House 90 Eastern Avenue Reading Berkshire RG1 5SF England |
Telephone: | 0300 333 5393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Red Cross (Reading) |
Address: | Redcross House Unit 3, Joplin Court Crovon Hill Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK8 0JP England |
Telephone: | 0300 333 5393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | London Refugee Council P O Box 68614 Stratford London London E15 9DQ |
Telephone: | 020 7346 6700 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Christopher Wren Yard 115 High Street Croydon Greater London CR0 1QG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | children@refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | 15 New Bedford Road Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1SA England |
Telephone: | 020 7346 6700 |
Fax: | 01582 723750 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | St. George’s Community Hub Great Hampton Row Birmingham West Midlands B19 3JG England |
Telephone: | 075703461220 |
Fax: | 0121 440 2868 |
Email: | ranae.mann@refugecouncil.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Resettlement Team Exchange Brewery 2 Bridge Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 8NS England |
Telephone: | 020 7346 6700 |
Fax: | 0114 399 0801 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Resettlement Team 2nd Floor (intercom 20) Centre 88 Saner Street Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU3 2TR England |
Telephone: | 01482 421125 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Refugee Council Resettlement Team Hillside Enterprise Centre Beeston Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 8ND England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | c/0 British Red Cross Society (Kent Branch) Red Cross House 25 College Road Maidstone Kent ME15 6SX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | 020 3070 0228 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | 134-138 The Grove London London E15 1NS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | 020 3070 0228 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | 4th Floor Oak House 94 Park Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS3 1EL England |
Telephone: | 0113 244 9404 |
Fax: | 0113 246 5229 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Refugee Council Children’s Section Christopher Wren Yard 119 High Street Croydon Greater London CR0 1QG England |
Telephone: | 020 7346 1134 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | c/o Kent Immigration Unit Ex Freight Services Building Eastern Docks Dover Kent CT16 1JA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | 020 3070 0228 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Swingate House, Room 306 Danestrete Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 1XB England |
Telephone: | 020 3070 0228 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Refugee Council |
Address: | Christopher Wren Yard 115 High Street Croydon Greater London CR0 1QG England |
Telephone: | 075 7072 1346 |
Fax: | 020 3070 0660 |
Email: | una.barry@refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
British Visa Services |
Address: | 59 Shadsworth Road Blackburn Lancashire BB1 2AU England |
Telephone: | 01254 672093 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shamima.nadat@uk-visa-services.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uk-visa-services.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Britlaw Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 125 Deansgate Manchester Lancashire M3 2BY England |
Telephone: | 0161 240 6969 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@britlawchambers.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Britolia Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 28 Wricklemarsh Road London London SE3 0NF England |
Telephone: | 078 7994 2892 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@britolia.com |
Website: | http://www.britolia.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bromley Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd |
Address: | Community House South Street Bromley Kent BR1 1RH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Browan Legal Service Ltd |
Address: | The Royal Exchange Ltd 2 Royal Exchange Steps London London EC3V 3DG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | alucado_y@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Browan Legal Service Ltd |
Address: | 10 Oak Hill Grove Surbiton Greater London KT6 6DS England |
Telephone: | 079 7663 4406 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alucado_y@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Broxbourne (Cheshunt) Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Friary Eleanor Way Holdbrook North Waltham Cross Hertfordshire EN8 7RY England |
Telephone: | 0300 303 4417 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@citizensadvicebroxbourne.org |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvicebroxbourne.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Brushstrokes |
Address: | 253 High Street Smethwick Staffordshire B66 3NJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@brushstrokessandwell.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.brushstrokessandwell.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bruton Bond Immigration Limited |
Address: | Flat E 4 Elgin Avenue London London W9 3QP England |
Telephone: | 078 7200 0408 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@brutonbond.com |
Website: | http://www.brutonbond.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 95 MABGATE LEEDS West Yorkshire LS9 7DR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Brys Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 77 Haunch Lane Kings Heath Birmingham West Midlands B13 0NX England |
Telephone: | 079 7366 3302 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@brysimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.brysimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
BSC Multicultural Services |
Address: | Room 29, 37, 38 19 Tower Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3BE England |
Telephone: | 01473 400081 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bscmulticulturalservices.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.bscmulticulturalservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Buckingham Legal Associates |
Address: | 20 Simpson Road Fenny Stratford Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK2 2DD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.buckslegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Buckingham Legal Associates |
Address: | 20 Pauls Row High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 2HQ England |
Telephone: | 020 3006 2742 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@buckslegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.buckslegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Buckingham Legal Associates |
Address: | The Gatehouse Gatehouse Way Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP19 8DB England |
Telephone: | 020 3006 2742 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@buckslegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.buckslegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bulwark Reliance Ltd |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London City of London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bulwarkreliance.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Bulwark Reliance Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor Wellesley House 102 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4NH England |
Telephone: | 020 3740 1234 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bulwarkreliance.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.bulwarkreliance.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bureau For Migrant Advice And Policy (bmap) |
Address: | 410 Edgware Road London London W2 1ED England |
Telephone: | 020 7183 4594 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@bmap.eu |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Burnley and Pendle Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 61-63 Every Street Nelson Lancashire BB9 7LT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Bury & Bolton Citizens Advice |
Address: | 20-22 Bowkers Row Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 1JL England |
Telephone: | 01204 357116 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cabb.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging |
Bury & Bolton Citizens Advice |
Address: | 26-28 Mawdsley Street Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 1LF England |
Telephone: | 01204 357146 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mgilmore-wood@cabb.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.cabb.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bury Council |
Address: | Town Hall Knowsley Street Bury Lancashire BL9 0SW England |
Telephone: | 0161 253 6422 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Bury Council |
Address: | CLAS 89 Chesham Fold Road Bury Lancashire BL9 6JZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Bury District Citizens Advice |
Address: | St John’s House 155 -163 The Rock Bury BL9 0ND England |
Telephone: | 084 4826 9320 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
C C Global Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 2 Stone Buildings London London WC2A 3TH England |
Telephone: | 020 7691 4129 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
C C Global Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 48 Chancery Lane London London WC2A 1JF England |
Telephone: | 077 3333 3200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | christine@ccimm.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
C P Law Associates |
Address: | Parallel House 32 London Road Guildford Surrey GU1 2AB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cplawassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CAAND Hamilton Road Community Hub |
Address: | 39a Hamilton Road Bangor Gwynedd (preserved county) BT20 4LF Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 3233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
CAB Cylch Conwy District CAB |
Address: | Town Hall Llandudno LL30 2UP Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Caerphilly County Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 41b Hanbury Road Bargoed CF81 8QU Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Caithness Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 123 High Street Wick KW1 4LR Scotland |
Telephone: | 01955 605989 |
Fax: | 01955 606673 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Caithness Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 1a Beach Court Thurso Caithness KW14 8AD Scotland |
Telephone: | 01847 894243 |
Fax: | 01847 896837 |
Email: | bureau@caithnesscab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cambridge and District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 66 Devonshire Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2BL England |
Telephone: | 0344 848 7979 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.cambridgecab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum |
Address: | 16-18 Arbury Court Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2JQ England |
Telephone: | 01223 655241 |
Fax: | |
Email: | CecfEnquiries@cecf.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cecf.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Camden Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 88-91 Troutbeck Albany Street London NW1 4EJ England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7835 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.camdencabservice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cameroon Asylum Support Association Uk |
Address: | 90 Wyndham Road London London SE5 0UB England |
Telephone: | 020 7701 8008 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.casauk.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Canolfan Cynghori Ynys Mon Citizens Advice |
Address: | 44 Market Street Holyhead Ynys Mon LL65 1UN Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cardiff and Vale Citizens Advice |
Address: | 119 Broad Street Barry South Glamorgan CF62 7TZ Wales |
Telephone: | 080 0702 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicecardiffandvale.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cardiff Immigration Services |
Address: | First Floor 78 — 80 City Road Cardiff South Glamorgan CF24 3DD Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2048 4900 |
Fax: | |
Email: | saleem.akhtar@live.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cardiffimmigrationservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cardinal Hume Centre |
Address: | The Cardinal Hume Centre 3-7 Arneway Street London London SW1P 2BG England |
Telephone: | 020 7222 1602 |
Fax: | |
Email: | debbieadler@cardinalhumecentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.cardinalhumeCentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Carfax Educational Consultants |
Address: | 25 Beaumont Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 2NP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.carfax-education.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Carfax Educational Consultants |
Address: | 39 -42 Hythe Bridge Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 2EP England |
Telephone: | 020 7927 6200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@carfax-education.com |
Website: | http://www.carfax-education.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Caris Haringey |
Address: | St. Philip’s Church Philip Lane London London N15 4HJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8801 3004 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.carisharingey.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Carlisle and Eden Districts Citizens Advice |
Address: | 4th Floor Broadacre House 16-20 Lowther Street CARLISLE CA3 8DA England |
Telephone: | 01228 633909 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Carmarthenshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 4a Cowell Streer Llanelli SA15 1UU Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Carrickfergus District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Citizens Advice Bureau 63-65 North Street Carrickfergus BT38 7AE Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 3233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Carter Backer Winter LLP |
Address: | 66 Prescot Street London London E1 8NN England |
Telephone: | 020 7309 3800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Andreja.Okamgba@cbw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cbw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Carter Bedi McKay |
Address: | 83 Victoria Street London London SW1H 0HW England |
Telephone: | 020 3178 7894 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.carterbedimckay.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cartier Enterprises Ltd |
Address: | 13 Bodiam Court 8 Thornbury Way London London E17 5FU |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cartierenterprises.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Castle Point Citizens Advice |
Address: | White House r/o CPBC Office Kiln Road Thundersley Benfleet Essex SS7 1TF England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Castlehill Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 1 Castlehill Park West Belfast Antrim BT4 3GT Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9029 7477 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@castlehillimmigration.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Castlemilk Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 27 Dougrie Drive Glasgow Lanarkshire G45 9AD Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 634 0338 |
Fax: | 0141 634 0549 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Catel Contracts International |
Address: | Flat 18 Homefirs House Wembley Park Drive Wembley Greater London HA9 8HN England |
Telephone: | 079 5102 9804 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sudhir.dewan@live.com |
Website: | http://www.study-workabroad.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Caterham & Warlingham Citizens Advice |
Address: | First Floor Caterham Valley Library Stafford Road Caterham Surrey CR3 6JG England |
Telephone: | 01883 344777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Causeway Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 24 Lodge Road Coleraine Londonderry BT52 1NB Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7034 4817 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central & East Northamptonshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 7-8 Mercers Row Northampton NN1 2QL England |
Telephone: | 084 4855 2122 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central Africa’s Rights And Aids (cara) Society |
Address: | Flat 41, Tower Court Clapton Common London London E5 9AJ England |
Telephone: | 087 2115 8436 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cara-online.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central Africa’s Rights And Aids (cara) Society |
Address: | 80 Eastway London London E9 5JH England |
Telephone: | 020 8533 1975 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cara-online.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central Africa’s Rights And Aids (cara) Society |
Address: | CARA 18-22 Ashwin Street Dalston London London E8 3DL England |
Telephone: | 084 4478 0015 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cara-online.org |
Website: | http://www.cara-online.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Central Asylum Yorkshire |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.centralasylumyorkshire.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central Borders Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 111 High Street Galashiels Roxburgh and Selkirk TD1 1RZ Scotland |
Telephone: | 01896 753889 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Central England Law Centre Limited |
Address: | Oakwood House St Patricks Road Entrance Coventry West Midlands CV1 2HL England |
Telephone: | 024 7622 3053 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@centralenglandlc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.centralenglandlc.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Central England Law Centre Limited |
Address: | 744 — 746 Warwick Road Tyseley Birmingham West Midlands B11 2HG England |
Telephone: | 0121 227 6540 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bhamenquiries@centralenglandlc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.centralenglandlc.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Central Scotland Regional Equality Council |
Address: | Unit 8 Howgate Shopping Centre High Street Falkirk FK1 1HG Scotland |
Telephone: | 01324 610950 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@csrec.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.csrec.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Centre For Armenian Information And Advice |
Address: | Hayashen 105a Mill Hill Rd Acton Greater London W3 8JF England |
Telephone: | 020 8992 4621 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@caia.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.caia.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Centre For Armenian Information And Advice |
Address: | Hayashen, 105a Mill Hill Road London London W3 8JF England |
Telephone: | 020 8992 4621 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@caia.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.caia.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Centre for Human Development |
Address: | 447 Redford Close Feltham Greater London TW13 4TN England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 5667 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@centreforhumandevelopment.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.centreforhumandevelopment.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Centre for Social Inclusion |
Address: | Community House 311 Fore Street Edmonton London London N9 0PZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8373 6324 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kothai@trcuk.org |
Website: | http://www.www.trcuk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Centuro Legal |
Address: | Level 18 40 Bank Street London London E14 5NR England |
Telephone: | 020 7458 4600 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asma@centuroglobal.com |
Website: | http://www.centuroglobal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CF Global Services Ltd |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 075 0578 6532 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cfglobalservices.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chamber of Legal Advisers |
Address: | 5 Harvey Road Ilford Greater London IG1 2NJ England |
Telephone: | 020 7998 6864 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cla_immigration@consultant.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chamberlain Immigration Services |
Address: | 16 High Holborn London London WC1V 6BX England |
Telephone: | 075 0087 6194 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chamberlainimmigrationservice@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chancery Solutions Limited |
Address: | 5 Chancery Lane London London WC2A 1LG England |
Telephone: | 020 7406 1439 |
Fax: | |
Email: | abdo@chancerysolutions.com |
Website: | http://www.chancerysolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 0207 406 1439 |
Show Advisers |
Chandigarh Advice Centre |
Address: | 446 Dudley Road Wolverhampton Staffordshire WV2 3AQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chapeltown Citizens Advice |
Address: | Willow House Cross Francis Street Leeds LS7 4BZ England |
Telephone: | 0113 262 2281 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@chapeltowncab.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/chapeltown/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Charlton Global (UK) Limited |
Address: | 37th Floor 1 Canada Square London E14 5DY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | charltonglobal@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.charltonglobal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Charlton Global (UK) Limited |
Address: | 1 Melvinshaw Leatherhead KT22 8SX England |
Telephone: | 075 0867 8999 |
Fax: | |
Email: | charltonglobal@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.charltonglobal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Charnwood Citizens Advice |
Address: | Woodgate Chambers 70 Woodgate Loughborough LE11 2TZ England |
Telephone: | 084 4417 1025 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Chase Legal Services |
Address: | 799 Wandsworth Road London London SW8 3JH England |
Telephone: | 020 7622 9914 |
Fax: | |
Email: | martinclapham@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.chaselegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cheetham Hill Advice Centre |
Address: | 1 Morrowfield Ave Cheetham Hill Manchester Greater Manchester M8 9AR England |
Telephone: | 0161 740 8999 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@cheethamadvice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.chethamadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cheshire East Citizens Advice |
Address: | Ground Floor Delamere House Chester Street Crewe Cheshire CW1 2BE |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cheshire Halton & Warrington Race & Equality Centre |
Address: | The Unity Centre 17 Cuppin Street Chester Cheshire CH1 2BN England |
Telephone: | 01244 400730 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@chawrec.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.chawrec.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chesterfield Citizens Advice |
Address: | 6-8 Broad Pavement Chesterfield S40 1RP England |
Telephone: | 01246 209164 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.chesterfieldcab.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Chiltern Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd |
Address: | townsend house townsend road chesham bucks Buckinghamshire HP5 2AA England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1289 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.chilterncab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
China UK Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Ground Floor 4 Harbour Exchange Square London Greater London E14 9GE England |
Telephone: | 074 1052 1109 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chinaukimmigration@aol.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
China UK Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor 78 Shaftesbury Avenue London London W1D 6NE England |
Telephone: | 074 1052 1109 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chinaukimmigration@aol.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chinese Advice Centre |
Address: | 15 Wellington Avenue Larne Antrim BT40 1EH Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 2827 8422 |
Fax: | |
Email: | evalogan.cac@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Chinese Information & Advice Centre |
Address: | Basement 2 Gerrard Place London London W1D 5PB England |
Telephone: | 0300 201 1868 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ciac.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ciac.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 25 Wilton Road London Greater London SW1V 1LW England |
Telephone: | 020 7139 5000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@chineselegalcentre.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Church Communities UK |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citadel Immigration Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | Unit 16 Elite House 70 Warwick Street Birmingham West Midlands B12 0NL England |
Telephone: | 0121 772 2888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@citadellawyers.com |
Website: | http://www.citadellawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | First Floor Roebuck House Hainault Business Park London IG6 3UG England |
Telephone: | 020 7403 2317 |
Fax: | |
Email: | suresh.k@citeclondon.org |
Website: | http://www.citeclondon.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice 1066 |
Address: | The Magnet Centre Alfred Street St. Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex TN38 0HD England |
Telephone: | 01424 721420 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Allerdale |
Address: | Town Hall Oxford St. Workington CA14 2RS England |
Telephone: | 01900 604735 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | 10 — 12 Pentland Court, Saltire Centre Glenrothes KY6 2DA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | 15 Wemyssfield Kirkcaldy KY12 7PD Scotland |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | 322 High Street Cowdenbeath KY4 9NT Scotland |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | 4 Abbey Park Place Dunfermline KY12 7PD Scotland |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | Local County Buildings St Catherine’s Street Cupar KY15 4TA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | The Adam Smith College Victoria Road Leven KY8 4RN |
Telephone: | 0345 140 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice And Rights Fife Limited |
Address: | Q8 Flemington Road Glenrothes KY7 5QF Scotland |
Telephone: | 01592 764401 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Ashfield |
Address: | Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Centre Portland St Kirkby in Ashfield NG17 7AE England |
Telephone: | 084 4856 3411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Aylesbury Vale |
Address: | 2 Pebble Lane AYLESBURY Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire HP20 2JH England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Ballymena |
Address: | 28 Mount Street Ballymena Antrim BT43 6BW Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 2564 4398 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Belfast |
Address: | 58 Howard Street Belfast Antrim BT1 6PJ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0300 123 3233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Birmingham |
Address: | Gazette Buildings 168 Corporation Street Birmingham B4 6TF England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 1010 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole |
Address: | The West Wing Town Hall Bourne Avenue Bournemouth Dorset BH2 6DX England |
Telephone: | 084 4411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicebcp.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bradford & Airedale and Bradford Law Centre |
Address: | Bradford CAB Argus Chambers Hall Ings Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 1HZ |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bradfordcab.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bradford & Airedale and Bradford Law Centre |
Address: | Keighley CAB Central Hall Alice Street Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 3JD England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7828 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@bradfordcab.com |
Website: | http://www.bradfordcab.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bradford & Airedale and Bradford Law Centre |
Address: | 31 Manor Row Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 4PS England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7828 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@bradfordcab.com |
Website: | http://www.bradfordcab.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Brent |
Address: | 270-272 High Road Willesden London NW10 2EY England |
Telephone: | 084 5050 5250 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bristol |
Address: | 48 Fairfax St Bristol Bristol BS1 3BL England |
Telephone: | 0117 926 8801 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@citizensadvicebristol.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.bristolcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Bromsgrove & Redditch |
Address: | 50-52 Birmingham Rd Bromsgrove B61 0DD England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1303 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.cabr.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Broxtowe |
Address: | The Library and Information Centre Wellington Place Eastwood Nottinghamshire NG16 3GB England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4194 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Bureau West Lothian |
Address: | Almondbank Centre Sheil Walk Livingston West Lothian EH54 5EH Scotland |
Telephone: | 01506 432977 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent |
Address: | 1-2 Church Place Bargoed Caerphilly CF81 8RP Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Calderdale |
Address: | 37 Harrison Road Halifax HX1 2AF England |
Telephone: | 01422 842848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.calderdalecab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Canterbury District |
Address: | 185-187 High Street Herne Bay Kent CT6 5AF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.canterburycitizensadvice.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Canterbury District |
Address: | Citizens Advice 3 Westgate Hall Rd Canterbury Kent CT1 2BT England |
Telephone: | 01227 452762 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@canterburycab.cabnet.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.canterburycitizensadvice.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Cheadle |
Address: | Rear of Lulworth House 51 High Street Cheadle Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST10 1AR England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicecheadle.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Chelmsford |
Address: | burgess well house coval lane Chelmsford Essex CM1 1FW |
Telephone: | 084 4993 8667 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Cheshire North |
Address: | Sunderland House Sunderland St Macclesfield SK11 6JF England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicecheadle.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Cheshire West |
Address: | Meadow Court Meadow Street Northwich CW9 5FP England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Colchester |
Address: | Blackburn House Ground Floor 32 Crouch Street Colchester Essex CO3 3HH England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/colchester/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Cornwall |
Address: | Duchy House 21 Dean Street Liskeard Cornwall PL14 4AB England |
Telephone: | 0344 499 4188 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice County Durham |
Address: | Armstrong House Abbeywoods Business Park Pity Me Durham Durham DH1 5GH England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Craven and Harrogate Districts |
Address: | Audrey Burton House Harrogate HG1 5LX |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://cachd.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Dacorum |
Address: | The Forum Marlowes Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP1 1DN |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.dacorumcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Darlington |
Address: | The Core Church Row Darlington DL1 5QD England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Daventry and District |
Address: | The Abbey Market Square Daventry NN11 4XG England |
Telephone: | 084 4855 2122 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | citizensadvicedaventryanddistrict.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Denbighshire |
Address: | 23 High Street DENBIGH Denbighshire LL16 3HY Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Derbyshire Districts |
Address: | 26 Spring Gardens Buxton SK17 6DE England |
Telephone: | 084 4375 2712 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.ddcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Direct Limited |
Address: | 2nd Floor Brunswick House 51 Wilson Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 1UZ Scotland |
Telephone: | 080 8800 9060 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough |
Address: | 63 Hall Gate Doncaster DN1 3PB England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4137 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Dorchester, Sherborne & Districts & North Dorset |
Address: | The Courtyard Newbury Court Dorset SP8 4QX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | bureau@dorchester.cabnet.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice East Devon |
Address: | 48 New Street Honton Devon EX14 1BS England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice East Hampshire |
Address: | Forest Community Centre Pinehill Road Bordon Hampshire GU35 0BS England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7901 |
Fax: | |
Email: | digital@caeasthants.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/east-hampshire/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice East Hampshire |
Address: | 17 Market Square ALTON Hampshire GU34 1HD England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7901 |
Fax: | |
Email: | digital@caeasthants.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/east-hampshire/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice East Hampshire |
Address: | Petersfield Library 2nd Floor 27 The Square Petersfield Hamshire GU32 3HH England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7901 |
Fax: | |
Email: | digital@caeasthants.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/east-hampshire/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice East Herts |
Address: | 74 South Street Bishop’s Stortford Herts Hertfordshire CM23 3AZ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Elmbridge (West) |
Address: | The Community Hub 72 High Street Walton on Thames Surrey KT12 1BU England |
Telephone: | 01932 248660 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Esher & District |
Address: | Harry Fletcher House High Street Esher Surrey KT10 9RN England |
Telephone: | 01372 464770 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Fylde |
Address: | Moor street Kirkham PR4 2AU England |
Telephone: | 01772 682588 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Gateshead |
Address: | Davidson Building Swan Street Gateshead NE8 1BG |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Gosport |
Address: | Martin Snape House 96 Pavilion Way Gosport Hampshire PO12 1GE England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@gosport.cabnet.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Guildford |
Address: | 15-21 Haydon Place Guildford Surrey GU1 4LL England |
Telephone: | 01483 576699 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Halton |
Address: | Unit 3 Victoria Building Lugsdale Road Widnes WA8 6DJ England |
Telephone: | 0151 257 2449 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Hammersmith & Fulham |
Address: | Avonmore Library and Neighbourhood Centre 7 North End Crescent London W14 8TG England |
Telephone: | 020 7385 1322 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.cahf.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Harlow |
Address: | 13 — 15 East Gate Harlow Essex Essex CM20 1HP England |
Telephone: | 084 5120 3717 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Hart District Ltd |
Address: | Royal Oak Close Yateley Hampshire GU46 7UD England |
Telephone: | 01252 878410 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Havant |
Address: | Leigh Park Community Centre Dunsbury Way Havant Hampshire PO9 5BG England |
Telephone: | 023 9271 7707 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice High Wycombe |
Address: | Council Offices Queen Victoria Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP11 1BB England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1289 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Hillingdon |
Address: | Area Support Office Key House 106 High Street Yiewsley Middlesex UB7 7BQ England |
Telephone: | 084 4848 7903 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice in North & West Kent |
Address: | Citizens Advice Bureau Buckhurst Lane Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1HW England |
Telephone: | 080 0278 7810 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice in North & West Kent |
Address: | Citizens Advice Swanley 38 Swanley Centre London Road Swanley Kent BR8 7TQ England |
Telephone: | 080 0278 7810 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice in North & West Kent |
Address: | Citizens Advice Dartford 8 Copperfields Walk Dartford Kent DA1 2DE England |
Telephone: | 080 0278 7810 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice in North & West Kent |
Address: | Tonbridge Castle Castle Street Tonbridge Kent TN9 1BG England |
Telephone: | 01732 373827 |
Fax: | |
Email: | citizensadvice@nwkent.cab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North,South,East) |
Address: | Lower Tanbridge Way Horsham West Sussex RH12 1PJ England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 1171 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Leeds |
Address: | Oxford House Oxford Row Leeds LS1 3BE England |
Telephone: | 0113 223 4400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadviceleeds.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Leicestershire |
Address: | Head Office Clarence House Humberstone Gate Leicester Leicestershire LE1 3PJ England |
Telephone: | 0300 330 1025 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Leighton Linslade |
Address: | Bossard House West Street Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 1DA England |
Telephone: | 01525 373878 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Lincoln & District |
Address: | Beaumont Lodge Beaumont Fee Lincoln LN1 1UL England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Lindsey |
Address: | Guildhall Marshall’s Yard Gainsborough Lincolnshire Lincolnshire DN21 2NA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Liverpool |
Address: | 242 Picton Road Liverpool L15 4LP England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Maidenhead and Windsor |
Address: | 4 Marlow Road Maidenhead Berkshire Berkshire SL4 7YR |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7914 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.caeb.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Manchester |
Address: | 17 Bloom Street Manchester M1 3HZ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1222 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Medway |
Address: | Third Floor Kingsley House 37-39 Balmoral Road Gillingham Kent ME7 4PF England |
Telephone: | 01634 383760 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Merton & Lambeth |
Address: | 326 London Road Mitcham CR4 3ND England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.caml.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Mid Bedfordshire |
Address: | Century House Market Square Biggleswade Bedfordshire SG18 8UU England |
Telephone: | 01525 402742 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire |
Address: | CAML Money Yard Carre Street Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 7TW England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Mid Mercia |
Address: | 114 Church Street Church Gresley Swadlincote Derbyshire DE11 9NR England |
Telephone: | 01283 210109 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Mid-North Yorkshire |
Address: | 277 High Street Northallerton DL7 8DW England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Mole Valley |
Address: | Lyons Court Dorking Surrey RH4 1AB England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dorking@camv.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Newcastle |
Address: | 4th Floor City Library 33 New Bridge Street West Newcastle upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 8AX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North East Lincolnshire |
Address: | Melbourne House 16 Town Hall Street Grimsby DN31 1HZ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North Hertfordshire |
Address: | 49 Station Road Letchworth Garden City Herts Hertfordshire SG6 3BQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.northhertscab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North Lancashire |
Address: | Oban House 87-89 Queen Street Morecambe Lancashire LA4 5EN England |
Telephone: | 01524 400400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North Lincolnshire |
Address: | Scunthorpe Central Carlton Street Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 6TX England |
Telephone: | 01724 870941 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North Oxfordshire and South Northamptonshire |
Address: | 26 Cornhill Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 5NG England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice North Somerset |
Address: | 39 Oxford Street Weston-super-Mare Somerset BS23 1TN England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | Adult Learning Centre Lindisfarne Middle School Lindisfarne Road Alnwick Northumberland NE66 1AX England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | Post Office Chambers Ashington Northumberland NE63 8RH England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | 5 Tweed Street Berwick-Upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 1NG England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | Fourways Centre Bridge Street Amble Northumberland NE65 0DR England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | Unit 9/10 Sextant House Freehold Street Blyth Northumberland NE24 2BA England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | 1st Floor 13 Dudley Court Manor Walks Cramlington Northumberland NE23 6QW England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | The Community Centre Gilesgate Hexham Northumberland NE46 3NP England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | The Manors Adderlane Road Prudhoe Northumberland NE42 5ET England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Northumberland |
Address: | Northumberland County Blind Association Building Staithes Lane Morpeth Northumberland NE61 1TD England |
Telephone: | 01670 339985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenorthumberland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Nottingham & District |
Address: | 16-18 Maid Marian Way Nottingham NG1 6HS England |
Telephone: | 084 4848 7997 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South & Vale |
Address: | Abbey House Abbey Close Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 3JD England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Portsmouth |
Address: | Units 2 and 3 Ark Royal House Winston Churchill Avenue Portsmouth Hampshire PO1 2GF |
Telephone: | 023 9400 6600 |
Fax: | |
Email: | om@caportsmouth.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.caportsmouth.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Reading |
Address: | Minster Street Reading Berkshire RG1 2JB England |
Telephone: | 0118 952 3024 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@citizensadvicereading.org |
Website: | http://www.rcab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead Limited |
Address: | The Horseshoe Banstead Surrey SM7 2BQ England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7802 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead Limited |
Address: | 43 High Street Redhill RH1 1RX England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Rossendale and Hyndburn |
Address: | new era centre paradise street accrington BB5 1BP England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1286 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Rural Cambs |
Address: | Citizens Advice Rural Cambs 9 Church Mews Wisbech Cambridgeshire PE13 1HL England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1292 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Salford |
Address: | Langworthy Cornerstone 451 Liverpool Street Salford Greater Manchester M6 5QQ England |
Telephone: | 0300 330 9074 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sandwell and Walsall |
Address: | 370-372 High Street Smethwick Staffordshire B66 3PJ England |
Telephone: | 0121 558 2987 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesandwell-walsall.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sandwell and Walsall |
Address: | 22 Lombard St West Bromwich West Midlands B70 8RT England |
Telephone: | 0121 553 6431 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesandwell-walsall.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Scarborough & District |
Address: | 4 Elders Street Scarborough YO11 1DZ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sefton |
Address: | 297 Knowsley Road Bootle Merseyside L20 5DF England |
Telephone: | 084 4493 0012 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Services Corby & Kettering |
Address: | The Cube George Street Corby NN17 1QG England |
Telephone: | 01536 265501 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sheffield |
Address: | The Circle 33 Rockingham Lane Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 4FW England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7820 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@citizensadvicesheffield.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesheffield.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 01142536703 |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice Shepway |
Address: | Units 4 — 6 Princes Gate George Lane Folkestone Kent CT20 1RH England |
Telephone: | 01303 241 435 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sherwood & Newark |
Address: | 5 Forest Court New Ollerton Newark NG22 9PL England |
Telephone: | 084 4856 3411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Shropshire |
Address: | Fletcher House 15 College Hill Shrewsbury SY1 1LY England |
Telephone: | 0344 499 1100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Solihull Borough |
Address: | 176 Bosworth Drive Chelmsley Wood Birmingham B37 5DZ England |
Telephone: | 0121 779 6707 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South East Staffordshire |
Address: | 7 Wade House 7 Cannock Road Burntwood Staffordshire WS7 1JS England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Essex |
Address: | The Basildon Centre St Martins Square Basildon Essex SS14 1DL England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Gloucestershire |
Address: | Kennedy Way Yate Gloucestershire BS37 4DQ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Hams |
Address: | Citizens Advice Follaton House Plymouth Road Totnes Devon TQ9 5NE England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7948 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire |
Address: | Priory Road Spalding PE11 2XE England |
Telephone: | 084 4411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Somerset |
Address: | Petters House Petters Way Yeovil Somerset BA20 1SH England |
Telephone: | 01935 421167 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice South Warwickshire |
Address: | 10 Hamilton Terrace Leamington Spa CV32 4LY England |
Telephone: | 084 4855 2322 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Southend |
Address: | 1 Church Road Southend on Sea Essex SS1 2AL England |
Telephone: | 01702 456352 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rizwana.awan@citizensadvicesouthend.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvicesouthend.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Citizens Advice St Albans District |
Address: | Civic Centre St Peters Street St Albans Hertfordshire Hertfordshire AL1 3JE England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Staffordshire South West |
Address: | 17 Eastgare Street Stafford ST16 2LZ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Stevenage |
Address: | Daneshill House Danestrete Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 1HN England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.stevenagecab.org .uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Stroud & Cotswold Districts Limited |
Address: | Unit 8 Brunel Mall London Road Stroud Gloucestershire GL5 2BP England |
Telephone: | 080 8800 0510 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sunderland |
Address: | 5a Waterloo Place Sunderland SR1 3HT England |
Telephone: | 0191 416 6848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Surrey Heath |
Address: | Surrey Heath House Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3HD England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesurreyheath.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Sutton |
Address: | 68 Parkgate Road Wallington SM6 0AH England |
Telephone: | 020 4053 552 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicesutton.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Swale |
Address: | Swale House East Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3HT England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4124 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Swansea Neath Port Talbot Limited |
Address: | City Gates 50a Wind Street Swansea SA1 1EE Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Teignbridge |
Address: | 36-38 Market Walk Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2RX England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Thanet |
Address: | 2nd floor Mill House Margate Kent CT9 1LB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Torfaen |
Address: | 45 Gwent Square Cwmbran NP44 1PL Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Watford |
Address: | Watford Citizens Advice Bureau St Mary’s Churchyard High Street Watford Hertfordshire WD17 2BE England |
Telephone: | 084 4411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.cawatford.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Waverley |
Address: | 36 Bridge Street Godalming Surrey GU7 1HP England |
Telephone: | 0344 848 7969 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice West Oxfordshire (Witney) |
Address: | The Old Print House Marlborough Lane Witney Oxfordshire OX28 6DY England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice West Somerset |
Address: | Market House Lane Minehead Somerset TA24 5NW England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7842 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@citizensadvicewestsomerset.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesomerset.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice West Suffolk |
Address: | Risbygate Centre 90 Risbygate Street Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3AA England |
Telephone: | 01284 753675 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Westminster |
Address: | 21a Conduit Place Paddington London W2 1HS England |
Telephone: | 084 4477 1611 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Wigan Borough |
Address: | Suite 2.1 Magnum House 33 Lord St Leigh Lancs WN7 1BY England |
Telephone: | 084 4826 9713 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Winchester District |
Address: | City Offices Colebrook Street Winchester Hampshire SO23 9LJ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Wirral |
Address: | 237-243 Liscard Road Wallasey CH44 5TH England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Woking |
Address: | Provincial House 26 Commercial Way Woking Surrey GU21 6EN England |
Telephone: | 01483 541666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.wokingcab.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Wokingham |
Address: | Waterford House Erftstadt Court Wokingham Berkshire RG40 2YF England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4126 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicewokingham.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Advice Wolverhampton |
Address: | 26 Snow Hill Wolverhampton WV2 4AD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Citizens Rights Project |
Address: | Room G7, St. Margaret’s House. 151 London Road Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 6AE Scotland |
Telephone: | 075 1892 6137 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@citizensrightsproject.org |
Website: | http://www.citizensrightsproject.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Hearts |
Address: | PO Box 1434 Sunderland Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR5 9UB |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
City Hearts |
Address: | 1st Floor, Furnival House Furnival Gate Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 4QP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Hearts |
Address: | 503 Cotton Exchange Building Old Hall Street Bixteth Street Liverpool Merseyside L3 9LQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 9a Queens Head Road Handsworth Birmingham West Midlands B21 0QG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Unit 20 263-265 Soho Road Birmingham B21 9RY England |
Telephone: | 074 9281 4596 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.cis247@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Law Associates |
Address: | 112-116 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1JE England |
Telephone: | 079 5636 5725 |
Fax: | |
Email: | citylaw.afindi@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Law Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Regus, Edmund House, 12-22 Newhall Street Birmingham West Midlands B3 3AS |
Telephone: | 077 0103 7908 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sandia@city-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.city-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
City Law Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Regal Court Business Centre 42-44 High Street Slough Berkshire SL1 1EL England |
Telephone: | 077 0103 7908 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sandia@city-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.city-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Legal Services Limited |
Address: | 22 Peterborough Road Harrow Greater London HA1 2BQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8175 4000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@citylegalservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.citylegalservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Life Education And Action For Refugees |
Address: | 2 James Street Southampton Hampshire SO14 1PJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.clearproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City Life Education And Action For Refugees |
Address: | Townhill Park Community Centre Meggeson Avenue Southampton Hampshire SO18 2FH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.clearproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
City of Edinburgh Council: Immigration & Asylum Support |
Address: | Rm 6.27 City Chambers High Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH1 1YJ Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 529 2524 |
Fax: | |
Email: | resettlement@edinburgh.gov.uk |
Website: | http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CJ Legal Ltd |
Address: | 4, Burton House Business Center 83 Burton Road Derby Derbyshire DE1 1TJ England |
Telephone: | 01332 736940 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@cjlegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cjlegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CJ Liberty Ltd |
Address: | The Clubhouse Holborn Circus 20 St. Andrew Street London London EC4A 3AG England |
Telephone: | 020 3475 0476 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cjliberty.com |
Website: | http://www.cjliberty.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 47 Drysdale Street Alloa Clackmannan FK10 1JA Scotland |
Telephone: | 01259 723880 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Clearview Immigration LLP |
Address: | 1 Mill Court Mill Lane Newbury Berkshire RG14 5RE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@clearviewimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.clearviewimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cleveland Law Ltd |
Address: | 72-74 Brick Lane First Floor London London E1 6RL England |
Telephone: | 020 7377 8866 |
Fax: | |
Email: | clevelandlaw83@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cleverdale Legal |
Address: | ASHFIELDS SUITE, 3-4 Nisbett Walk Sidcup Greater London DA14 6BT England |
Telephone: | 020 3248 4000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cleverdale.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cleverdale.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Clifton Learning Partnership |
Address: | The Caretaker’s House St. Ann’s J& I School St. Leonards Road Rotherham South Yorkshire S65 1PA England |
Telephone: | 01709 829087 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.clifton-partnership.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Charity Number 1142675 |
Clifton Learning Partnership |
Address: | Zone 1 Erskine Road Eastwood Rotherham South Yorkshire S65 1RF England |
Telephone: | 01709 728069 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@clifton-partnership.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.clifton-partnership.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Charity Number 1142675 |
Show Advisers |
Clowes Bureaucracy Experts Ltd |
Address: | Broadhurst Bury Old Road Salford Greater Manchester M7 4QX England |
Telephone: | 0161 850 0317 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.clowesexperts.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Clyde Law Chambers |
Address: | Suite 1 171 Maxwell Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G41 1TG Scotland |
Telephone: | 074 0144 1662 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@clydelaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Clydesdale Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 41983 Wide Close Lanark Lanarkshire ML11 7LX Scotland |
Telephone: | 01555 664301 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Coatbridge Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Unit 10, Fountain Business Centre Ellis Street Coatbridge Lanarkshire ML5 3AA Scotland |
Telephone: | 01236 421447 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cockings And Sayer |
Address: | Savant House 63-65 Camden High Street London London NW1 7JL England |
Telephone: | 020 3621 3996 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Colindale Law Ltd |
Address: | 68 High Street Edgware Greater London HA8 7EJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8951 0066 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@colindalelaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Colindale Law Ltd |
Address: | 4 Colin Parade Colindale London London NW9 6SG England |
Telephone: | 020 8200 0963 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@colindalelaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Commonwealth Immigration Consultants Limited |
Address: | 17 Markby Close Duxford Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB22 4RS England |
Telephone: | 01223 830916 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tim@commonwealthimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.commonwealthimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (CARAS) |
Address: | 25 Blakenham Road London London SW17 8NE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www..caras.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Advice and Law Service |
Address: | First Floor Epic House Charles Street Leicester Leicestershire LE1 3SH England |
Telephone: | 0116 242 1120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@cals.uk.net |
Website: | http://www.cals.uk.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Community Advice Ards and North Down |
Address: | Hamilton Road Community Hub 39a Hamilton Road Bangor Gwynedd (preserved county) BT20 4LF Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 3001239287 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Ards and North Down |
Address: | 30 Frances Street Newtownards Down BT23 7DN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Ards and North Down |
Address: | Queens Leisure Complex Sullivan Road Holywood Down BT18 9JF Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Armagh |
Address: | 9 McCrum’s Court Armagh Armagh BT61 7RS Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2837524041 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Banbridge |
Address: | 77 Bridge Street Banbridge Down BT32 3JL Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2840622201 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Causeway |
Address: | 2nd Floor CRUN Building 1-5 Brook Street Coleraine Londonderry BT52 1PW Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2870344817 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Craigavon |
Address: | Lurgan Office Mount Zion House Edward Street Lurgan Armagh BT66 6BD Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2838361181 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Craigavon |
Address: | Portadown Healthand Care Centre Tavanagh Avenue Portadown Armagh BT62 3BU Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Fermanagh |
Address: | Fermanagh House Broadmeadow Place Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 7HR Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2866324334 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Lisburn and Castlereagh |
Address: | 50 Railway Street Lisburn Antrim BT28 1XP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2892662251 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Newry, Mourne and Down |
Address: | Ballybot House 28 Cornmarket Newry Down BT35 6BG |
Telephone: | 3003030306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Newry, Mourne and Down |
Address: | Ballymote Centre 40 Killough Road Downpatrick Down BT30 6PY Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Advice Works |
Address: | 49A Hatfield Close New Cross London London SE14 5DW England |
Telephone: | 079 2885 2299 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.communityadviceworkers.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Connect Foundation |
Address: | North Smethwick Resource Centre Cambridge Road Smethwick Staffordshire B66 2HR England |
Telephone: | 0121 565 3311 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ccfoundation.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ccfoundation.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Integration and Advocacy Centre (CIAC) |
Address: | c/o Open Doors Prince’s Avenue Methodist Church Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU5 3QP England |
Telephone: | 075 0662 8038 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ciachumber@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Integration and Advocacy Centre (CIAC) |
Address: | The Strand 75 Beverley Road Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU3 1XL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | CIACHumber@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Intercultural Programme |
Address: | 7 Foundry Street Portadown Craigavon Armagh BT63 5AB Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 3839 3372 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cipni.com |
Website: | http://www.cipni.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Language Support Services |
Address: | St. Melitus Church Tollington Park London London N4 3AG England |
Telephone: | 020 7281 3228 |
Fax: | |
Email: | communitylss@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.communitylss.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Law Service (Northampton & County) |
Address: | Information and Access Point One Stop Shop The Guidhall Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 1LG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.communitylawservice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Community Law Service (Northampton & County) |
Address: | 49-53 Hazelwood Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 1LG England |
Telephone: | 01604 621038 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@communitylawservice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.communitylawservice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Legal & Educational Services |
Address: | 39 Fournier Street London London E1 6QE England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 3711 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@clesuk.com |
Website: | http://www.clesuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Legal Centre (CLC) |
Address: | 9 Deptford Church Street Deptford Bridge London London SE8 4RX England |
Telephone: | 079 6072 6270 |
Fax: | |
Email: | housing-clc@actionforcd.org |
Website: | http://www.actionforcd.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Community Renewal Trust |
Address: | 343 Victoria Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 7SA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 483 8910 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Suzanne.Bell@communityrenewal.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.communityrenewal.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Renewal Trust |
Address: | 32-34 Albert Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 8DN Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.communityrenewal.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Community Renewal Trust |
Address: | Orkney Street Enterprise Centre 18 Orkney Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G51 2BX Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 237 4457 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Suzanne@communityrenewal.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.communityrenewal.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Compass Immigration Services |
Address: | Suite 4.5 111 Union Street, Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 3TA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 227 3942 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@cisimmigrationadvice.com |
Website: | http://www.cisimmigrationadvice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Comp-Less Systems and Legal Solutions Limited |
Address: | 115 Thackeray Avenue London London N17 9DU England |
Telephone: | 020 8885 0793 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ericfraikue@aol.com |
Website: | http://www.compless.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Comunison Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | 14a Mary Rose Mall London London E6 5LX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.comunison.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Comunison Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Flat 29 Sceptre House Malcolm Road London London E1 4HP England |
Telephone: | 020 8617 8655 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@comunison.org |
Website: | http://www.comunison.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Confederation of Bangladeshi Organisations |
Address: | Greets Green Resource Centre 1 Harwood Street West Bromwich West Midlands B70 9JF England |
Telephone: | 0121 500 5441 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shabud@cbo786.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cbo786.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Connexcel Ltd |
Address: | Merlin House Langstone Business Park Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP18 2HJ Wales |
Telephone: | 01633 386800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@connexcel.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.connexcel.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cooper Tuff Consultants |
Address: | Fleet House 8-12 New Bridge Street London London EC4V 6AL England |
Telephone: | 020 7831 3176 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.uk-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice limited to entry clearance |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Copeland District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Tangier Buildings Gregg’s Lane Whitehaven Cumbria CA28 7UH England |
Telephone: | 01946 693321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicecopeland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Copland Immigration Services |
Address: | 1/8 Park Lane House 47 Broad Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G40 2QW Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 423 6662 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@coplandservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.coplandservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Coram Children’s Legal Centre |
Address: | Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Coram Campus 41 Brunswick Square London London WC1N 1AZ England |
Telephone: | 020 7713 0089 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenslegalcentre.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Coram Children’s Legal Centre |
Address: | Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Wellington House, 4th Floor, 90-92 Butt Road Colchester Essex CO3 3DA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@coramclc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.childrenslegalcentre.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cornerstone Advisory Services |
Address: | 7 Queens Gardens Aberdeen Aberdeen AB15 4YD Scotland |
Telephone: | 01224 515552 |
Fax: | |
Email: | clientsupport@cornerstoneimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.cornerstoneimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cosmopolitan Production Services |
Address: | The Penthouse 15 Myddelton Road London London N8 7PY England |
Telephone: | 020 3302 4300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | victoria@cosmopolitanps.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cosmopolitanps.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Council Of British Pakistanis (Scotland) |
Address: | 79a Broughton Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH1 3RJ Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 557 9262 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@cbp-s.org |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Countrywide Law Associates Ltd |
Address: | 136 Hagley Road Birmingham West Midlands B16 9NX England |
Telephone: | 0121 794 1802 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cwla.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cwla.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Coventry Citizens Advice |
Address: | Kirby House Little Park Street Coventry CV1 2JZ England |
Telephone: | 024 7622 3284 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Coventry Refugee & Migrant Centre |
Address: | Norton House Bird Street Coventry West Midlands CV1 5FX England |
Telephone: | 024 7622 7254 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hazelk@covrefugee.org |
Website: | http://www.covrefugee.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cozma Consultants LTD |
Address: | 61 Bridge Street Kington Hertfordshire HR5 3DJ England |
Telephone: | +442036082575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukvisa@cozmaconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cozmaconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CP Immigration Advice |
Address: | Peckham Levels Unit 408 95a Rye Lane London London SE15 4ST England |
Telephone: | 079 4927 2078 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cpimmigrationadviser.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cpimmigrationadviser.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Craigavon District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Portadown Health and Care Centre Tavanagh Avenue Portadown Armagh BT62 3BU Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 3836 1181 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cristina Gulcii |
Address: | Flat 12 Ivy House Harrington Hill London London E5 9ES England |
Telephone: | 073 6524 8402 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cristina.gulcii@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cromwell Wilkes Ltd |
Address: | 1 Lyric Square London London W6 0NB England |
Telephone: | 020 3994 1120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | richard@cromwellwilkes.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.cromwellwilkes.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 02031782008 |
Show Advisers |
Croydon Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 48-50 Portland Road South Norwood Croydon SE25 4PQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8684 2236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
CSS and Company Legal Services Limited |
Address: | Suite 7, Hale House 290 — 296a Green Lanes Palmers Green London London N13 5TP England |
Telephone: | 020 8882 8175 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ahmetengin@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.csslegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
CTM — Immigration And Welfare Legal Centre |
Address: | CTM — Immigration And Welfare Legal Centre 107 Asylum Road London London SE15 2LB England |
Telephone: | 079 5643 1932 |
Fax: | |
Email: | momoboade@ctm-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Culturepot |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hall-woodhouse.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Cumbernauld And Kilsyth Citizen Advice Bureau |
Address: | 3rd Floor,2 Annan House Town Centre Cumbernauld G67 1DP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01236 723201 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Currington & Co Legal Services |
Address: | Currington & Co Legal Services 403 Harehills Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS9 6AP England |
Telephone: | 0113 240 3621 |
Fax: | 0113 240 8062 |
Email: | enquiriesccls@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationcls.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Cyngor Ar Bopeth Ceredigion Citizens Advice |
Address: | Napier St Cardigan SA43 1ED Wales |
Telephone: | 01239 621974 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.cabceredigion.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Cyngor ar Bopeth Gwynedd Citizens Advice |
Address: | Canolfan Lafan 2 Glanrafon Bangor Gwynedd LL57 1LH Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dalkeith And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 8 Buccleuch Street Dalkeith EH22 1HA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 660 1636 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Daniel And Samuel |
Address: | Imperial House, 2nd Floor 64 Willoughby Lane Tottenham London London N17 0SP England |
Telephone: | 020 8885 0180 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@danielandsamuel.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dapaah Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 39 Manby Road Manchester Greater Manchester M18 7RG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | dapaah@dapaah.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
DASH (Destitution Asylum Seekers Huddersfield) |
Address: | Quaker Meeting House Church Street Paddock Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 4TR England |
Telephone: | 074 7046 1229 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@huddsdash.org |
Website: | http://www.huddsdash.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
David A Grand |
Address: | 193 Praed Street Second Floor London London W2 1RH England |
Telephone: | 020 7487 5672 |
Fax: | |
Email: | 1davidgrand@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Day-Mer Turkish & Kurdish Community Centre |
Address: | Former Library Howard Road London London N16 8PU England |
Telephone: | 020 7275 8440 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@daymer.org |
Website: | http://www.daymer.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
De Brown’s Associates Limited |
Address: | De Brown’s Associates Limited Boundary House Boston Road London London W7 2QE England |
Telephone: | 075 8428 1538 |
Fax: | |
Email: | visas@debrowns.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.debrowns.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
De Prey Consulting |
Address: | Po Box 23964 Edinburgh Midlothian EH3 1BE Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 208 4646 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@depreyconsulting.com |
Website: | http://www.depreyconsulting.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
De Silva Limited |
Address: | 5 Northfield Road London London W13 9SY England |
Telephone: | 078 7202 2360 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kemalpoyraz@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
De Silva Limited |
Address: | Unit 2 8 Argall Avenue Leyton London London E10 7QE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dean Samuel Immigration Chambers |
Address: | 24-A Dudley Road Southall Greater London UB2 5AR England |
Telephone: | 075 1555 5154 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anwar@dsichambers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.dsichambers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Dean Samuel Immigration Chambers |
Address: | 1087 Stockport Road Manchester Greater Manchester M19 2RE England |
Telephone: | 075 1555 5154 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anwar@dsichambers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.dsichambers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Deane And Bolton |
Address: | 39 Chorley New Road Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 4QR England |
Telephone: | 01204 521002 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@deaneandbolton.com |
Website: | http://www.deaneandbolton.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Definite Immigration Solutions Ltd |
Address: | Citibase London 9-11 Gunnery Terrace Royal Arsenal, Woolwich London London SE18 6SW England |
Telephone: | 020 3925 4868 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@definiteimmigrations.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.definiteimmigrations.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Defne Kate Visa Ltd |
Address: | 584 Haringey Green Lanes London London N8 0RP England |
Telephone: | 020 8187 8080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sibel@defnekate.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dele Adedeji Associates Ltd |
Address: | Unit 322B Ability House 121 Brooker Road Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1JH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.daalted.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Dele Adedeji Associates Ltd |
Address: | Unit 322 B, Ability House 121 Brooker Road Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1JH England |
Telephone: | 079 3120 6112 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dele@daalted.com |
Website: | http://www.daalted.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | St George’s House 6 St George’s Way Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1QZ |
Telephone: | 0116 276 9965 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@denasslawyers.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Denny & Dunipace Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | 24 Duke Street Denny FK6 6DD Scotland |
Telephone: | 01324 823118 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Depaul UK |
Address: | Sherborne House 34 Decima Street London SE1 4QQ England |
Telephone: | 020 7939 1220 |
Fax: | |
Email: | depaul@depaulcharity.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.depauluk.org |
Not Fee Charging |
Depaul UK |
Address: | 80 Werneth Hall Road Oldham Greater Manchester OL8 4BD England |
Telephone: | 0161 622 0819 |
Fax: | |
Email: | daniel.dumoulin@depaulcharity.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.depauluk.org |
Not Fee Charging |
Derby Immigration Aid Consultants |
Address: | Unit 26 Fusion@Magna Business Centre Magna Way Rotherham South Yorkshire S60 1FE England |
Telephone: | 01709 789456 |
Fax: | |
Email: | stwan2001@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.derbyimmigrationaid.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Derbyshire Law Centre |
Address: | 1 Rose Hill East Chesterfield Derbyshire S40 1NU |
Telephone: | 01246 550674 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tony.mcilveen@derbyshirelawcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.derbyshirelawcentre.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
De-Smoothway Immigration Advice Centre |
Address: | Flat 23 Cropley Court Cropley Street London London N1 7PB England |
Telephone: | 078 6125 8978 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tititilayo@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.desmoothwayimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support |
Address: | DCRS Ground Floor 7 Whimple Street Plymouth PL1 2DH England |
Telephone: | 080 0456 1210 |
Fax: | |
Email: | finance@dcrs-plymouth.org |
Website: | http://www.dcra-plymouth.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dewa Legal Services |
Address: | The Old Town House 123-125 Green Lane Derby Derbyshire DE1 1RZ England |
Telephone: | 01332 482329 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.dewalegalservices.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dialogue for Diversity |
Address: | Unit F, Mayfair Business Park 199 -205 Garvaghy Road Portadown Craigavon Armagh BT62 1HA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 075 1969 8841 |
Fax: | |
Email: | migrantprocur@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.dialoguefordiversity.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — XT21612 |
Dialogue for Diversity |
Address: | Unit F Mayfair Business Centre Ltd 193-205 Garvaghy Road Portadown Craigavon Armagh BT62 1HA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 3898 8610 |
Fax: | |
Email: | migrantprocur@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.dialoguefordiversity.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — XT21612 |
Show Advisers |
Dialogue for Diversity |
Address: | The Community Centre Fao Brian Lennon Dobbin Street Armagh Armagh BT61 7QQ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.dialoguefordiversity.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — XT21612 |
Show Advisers |
Dinara McCormick |
Address: | 2nd Floor 21 Knightsbridge London SW1X 7LY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | dinara_mccormick@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Direct Immigration Solutions |
Address: | The Annex 15 Pimpernel Road Horsford Norwich Norfolk NR10 3SQ England |
Telephone: | 01603 710470 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@immigrationlegalhelp.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlegalhelp.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Diss, Thetford & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Shelfanger Road Diss Norfolk IP22 4EH England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Diversity Voice |
Address: | Victoria Park Community Centre Victoria Park Drive Bridgwater Somerset TA6 7AS England |
Telephone: | 0300 075 0105 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@diversityvoice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.diversityvoice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : 1162019 |
Show Advisers |
DKN Immigration Law |
Address: | Holloway Chambers Priory Street 27 Priory Street Dudley West Midlands DY1 1EJ England |
Telephone: | 077 0346 4944 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.dkn-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dolan & White Family Immigration Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.dolanandwhite.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Doncaster Conversation Club |
Address: | Quaker Meeting House Oxford Place Doncaster South Yorkshire DN1 3SL England |
Telephone: | 01302 611935 |
Fax: | |
Email: | janatdoncasterconversationclub@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dove House |
Address: | 32 Meenan Square Derry Londonderry BT48 9EX Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2871269327 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Dover, Deal & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 26 Victoria Road Deal Kent CT14 7BJ England |
Telephone: | 01304 374128 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Downpatrick District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 8-10 Irish Stree Downpatrick Co. Down BT30 3BP |
Telephone: | 028 4461 4110 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 63 Clapham Common South Side London London SW4 9DA England |
Telephone: | 074 8852 0952 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tuna@doyuklegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.doyuklegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Drake Personnel Ltd |
Address: | 429-433 Pinner Road Harrow Greater London HA1 4HN England |
Telephone: | 020 7484 0822 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lmiller@drakeintl.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.drakeintl.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dreamland Consultants (Immigration Law Services) |
Address: | 150a Green Street Forest Gate London London E7 8JQ England |
Telephone: | 020 3393 1736 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dreamland.consultants@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.dlconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | C/O Selig+Partners Ltd 7a Wellington Road Kensal Green London London NW10 5JL |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@drsi-global.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.drsi-global.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 195c Drumry Road East Glasgow Lanarkshire G15 8NS Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 944 2612 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dumfries And Galloway Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 3 St Andrew Street Castle Douglas DG7 1DE Scotland |
Telephone: | 0300 303 4321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dumfries And Galloway Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 19a Bank Street Annan DG12 6AA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0300 303 4321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dumfries And Galloway Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 23 Lewis Street Stranraer DG9 7AB Scotland |
Telephone: | 3003034321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dumfries And Galloway Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 81 — 85 Irish Street Dumfries DG1 2PQ Scotland |
Telephone: | 3003034321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dundee Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Central Library Level 4 Wellgate Centre Dundee Angus DD1 1DB Scotland |
Telephone: | 01382 307494 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dundee City Council |
Address: | Council Advice Services Floor 3 Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay House Dundee Angus DD1 1FA |
Telephone: | 073 8539 4754 |
Fax: | |
Email: | welfare.rights@dundeecity.gov.uk |
Website: | http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Dunstable and District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Dunstable Centre Court Drive Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4JD England |
Telephone: | 01582 670003 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Dynamic Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 189 Southwark Park Road London London SE16 3TX England |
Telephone: | 079 6236 8782 |
Fax: | |
Email: | samfunshow@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
E & S Consultancy |
Address: | Second Floor Berkeley Square House Berkeley Square London London W1J 6BD England |
Telephone: | 020 8947 0810 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@esconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.esconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
E.M. Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 8c Pelham Place Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 3QZ England |
Telephone: | 077 2454 2767 |
Fax: | |
Email: | emiloshova@outlook.com |
Website: | https://www.e-m-immigration-ltd.webnode.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ealing Law Centre |
Address: | Hanwell Community Library Cheriton Road London London W7 3HL England |
Telephone: | 020 8579 4598 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ealinglaw.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ealinglaw.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Earlsworth |
Address: | Ingleby House 11-14 Cannon Street Birmingham West Midlands B2 5EN England |
Telephone: | 0330 229 1213 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@earlsworth.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.earlsworth.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Ayrshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 77a Townhead Street Cumnock KA18 1LF Scotland |
Telephone: | 01290 429500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East Ayrshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 3 Dickie Street Kilmarnock Ayr KA1 1HW Scotland |
Telephone: | 01563 544744 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East Belfast Independent Advice Centre |
Address: | 55 Templemore Avenue Belfast Antrim BT5 4FP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890735690 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
East Dorset Citizens Advice |
Address: | Hanham Road Wimborne Dorset BH21 1AS England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 11 Alexandra Street Kirkintilloch G66 1HB Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 775 3220 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East End Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 32 Greatorex Street E1 5NP England |
Telephone: | 020 8525 6350 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East European Resource Centre |
Address: | Room 18 238-246 King Street London London W6 0RF England |
Telephone: | 020 8741 1288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@eerc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.eerc.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Kilbride Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | 9 Olympic Way East Kilbride Glasgow Lanarkshire G74 1JT Scotland |
Telephone: | 01355 263698 |
Fax: | 01355 270282 |
Email: | administration@eastkilbridecab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East Lindsey Citizens Advice |
Address: | Unit 2 Meridian House Eastgate Louth LN11 9NH England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East London Law Chambers |
Address: | 2nd Floor 273A Whitechapel Road London London E1 1BY England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 7117 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ELLC@gmx.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Midlands Immigration Services |
Address: | 15 Stonesby Vale West Bridgford Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG2 7UR England |
Telephone: | 077 8758 5269 |
Fax: | |
Email: | em.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.apimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Midlands Immigration Services |
Address: | 8 Newtown Court Stamford Lincolnshire PE9 2NL |
Telephone: | 077 8758 5269 |
Fax: | |
Email: | em.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.apimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Midlands Immigration Services |
Address: | 21 Burley Road Oakham Rutland LE15 6DH England |
Telephone: | 077 8758 5269 |
Fax: | |
Email: | em.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.apimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
East Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 216 Main Street Barrhead G78 1SN Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 881 2032 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Station Road Main Street Golspie KW10 6SN Scotland |
Telephone: | 01408 633000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
East West Law |
Address: | 590 Stockport Road Manchester Greater Manchester M13 0RQ England |
Telephone: | 0161 248 4071 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rislamn6037@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.eastwestlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eastbourne Citizens Advice |
Address: | Unit 6 Highlight House 8 St Leonards Road Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 3UH England |
Telephone: | 01323 417177 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.eastbournecab.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Easte LTD |
Address: | 27 Old Gloucester Street London London WC1N 3AX England |
Telephone: | 020 8144 8408 |
Fax: | |
Email: | atanas@chikov.com |
Website: | http://www.chikov.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Easterhouse Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 46 Shandwick Square Glasgow Lanarkshire G34 9DT Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 771 2328 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Eastleigh Citizens Advice |
Address: | 101 Leigh Road Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 9DR England |
Telephone: | 023 8061 6046 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadviceeastleigh.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ebiz Consulting Ltd |
Address: | Rear 1st Floor 114 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4LZ England |
Telephone: | 075 9004 4000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mian.ahsan@ebiz-consulting.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ebiz-consulting.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 020 7993 6808 |
Show Advisers |
ECA (Legal) Ltd |
Address: | 7 Ridgmount Street London London WC1E 7AE England |
Telephone: | 020 7255 0575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | services@ecalegal.com |
Website: | http://www.ecalegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ECA Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | Suite 65 Flexspace Burley Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS4 2PU England |
Telephone: | 0113 457 9835 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enoch@ecalawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ecalawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eden Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 2nd Floor, 4 Westmoreland House Scrubs Lane London London NW10 6RE England |
Telephone: | 020 8861 0772 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@edenimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eden Law |
Address: | 47 Birch Lane Manchester Greater Manchester M13 0NW England |
Telephone: | 0161 225 7122 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@edenlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.edenlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Edenbridge & Westerham Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Eden Centre Four Elms Road Edenbridge Kent TN8 6BY |
Telephone: | 01622 221470 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Edge Immigration |
Address: | Devonshire House 582 Honeypot Lane Stanmore Greater London HA7 1JS England |
Telephone: | 079 0473 7016 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@edgeimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Edgewater Legal |
Address: | Audley House 13 Palace Street London London SW1E 5HX England |
Telephone: | 020 8068 6968 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nicknason@edgewaterlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.edgewaterlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Edinburgh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 23 Dalmeny Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH6 8PG Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 554 8144 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadviceedinburgh.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Edinburgh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 8A — 8B Bath Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH15 1EY Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 669 7138 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadviceedinburgh.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Edinburgh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Fountainbridge Library 137 Dundee Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH11 1BG Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 510 5510 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadviceedinburgh.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Edinburgh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 58 Dundas Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH3 6QZ Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 510 5510 |
Fax: | 0131 510 7710 |
Email: | central@caed.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadviceedinburgh.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Edmans & Co |
Address: | 16 High Holborn London London WC1V 6BX England |
Telephone: | 020 7439 3000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@edmansco.uk |
Website: | http://www.edmansco.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 4 Ward Avenue Redding Falkirk Stirling FK2 9UL Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.educatnest.com/education-consultancy/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Telephone: | 078 2845 3880 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@edukraft.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.edukraft.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Edward Mynott Tribunal Advocate |
Address: | 25 Delaine Road Withington Manchester Greater Manchester M20 4QP England |
Telephone: | 0161 434 6171 |
Fax: | |
Email: | edmynott66@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Edwards Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Ground Floor 12/14 Albert Road Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS1 1QA England |
Telephone: | 01642 230337 |
Fax: | |
Email: | louise@edwardsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.edwards-immigration.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
eGlobus UK Ltd |
Address: | 192B Station Road Suite 8, 2nd Floor Edgware London London HA8 7AR England |
Telephone: | 020 3372 4849 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@residentvisa.uk |
Website: | http://www.residentvisa.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eid Law |
Address: | 440 High Road Wembley London London HA9 6AH England |
Telephone: | 075 0895 7171 |
Fax: | |
Email: | suada@eidlaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eikoku News Digest Ltd |
Address: | 85 Tottenham Court Road London Greater London W1T 4TQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | moid@news-digest.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.news-digest.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
EJR Legal Services |
Address: | Kings House 174 Hammersmith Road London Greater London W6 7JP England |
Telephone: | 075 2190 3003 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ejrlegalservices.com |
Website: | http://www.ejrlegalservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
E-K Advisors |
Address: | 130 Eton Road Ilford Greater London IG1 2UJ England |
Telephone: | 074 1298 4873 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ekadvisors4u@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Elite Immigration |
Address: | Vicarage Chambers 9 Park Square East Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 2LH England |
Telephone: | 0113 866 2868 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jennie@eliteimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.eliteimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Elite Migration Services |
Address: | 14 Broads Foundry Trumpers Way London London W7 2QP |
Telephone: | 078 9184 0997 |
Fax: | |
Email: | r.toopa.e@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.elitemigrationservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Elite PIC Ltd |
Address: | Unit 2 1204b Stratford Road Hall Green Birmingham West Midlands B28 8HN England |
Telephone: | 0121 778 2400 |
Fax: | 0121 336 1866 |
Email: | info@elitepic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.elitepic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Elm Rose Consultancy |
Address: | PO Box 1374 Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 0GF |
Telephone: | 020 7112 8528 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sohini@elm-rose.com |
Website: | http://www.elm-rose.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Elsg Ltd |
Address: | Queens House 200 Lower High Street Watford Hertfordshire WD17 2EH England |
Telephone: | 020 3034 0029 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukimmigration.law |
Website: | https://www.ukimmigration.law/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07825223389 |
Show Advisers |
Emergent Expertise Consultancy |
Address: | 11 Jesson Road Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL52 8PE England |
Telephone: | 01242 650637 |
Fax: | |
Email: | eafriyie@employmentsol.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.employmentsol.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Employster |
Address: | 2nd Floor 105 Farringdon Road London EC1R 3BU England |
Telephone: | 020 7566 0044 |
Fax: | |
Email: | simon@employster.com |
Website: | http://www.employster.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Enfield Citizens Advice |
Address: | Unit 3 2e Nags Head Road Ponders End London Greater London EN3 7FN England |
Telephone: | 020 8375 4170 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Enroly Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.enroly.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Entraide (Mutual Aid) |
Address: | Three Trees Community Centre Chelmsley Wood Baptist Church Centre Hedingham Grove Birmingham West Midlands B37 7TP England |
Telephone: | 0121 788 1087 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@entraideuk.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.entraideuk.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Entry Clearance Services Limited |
Address: | Regus 52 Grosvenor Gardens Belgravia London London SW1W 0AU England |
Telephone: | 020 8292 4724 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ddervin@ecs-global.com |
Website: | http://www.entryclearanceservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Envoy Global United Kingdom Limited |
Address: | 49 Greek Street London London W1D 4EG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.envoyglobal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Flat 1 29 Leinster Square London W2 4NQ England |
Telephone: | 074 0580 0505 |
Fax: | |
Email: | infoepislaw@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.epislaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Epping Forest District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 50a Hemnall Street Epping Essex CM16 4LS England |
Telephone: | 084 4257 1909 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Epsom & Ewell Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Old Town Hall The Parade Epsom Surrey KT18 5AG England |
Telephone: | 01372 237000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Equality Action |
Address: | 66 Nottingham Road Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 1EU England |
Telephone: | 01509 261651 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@equalityaction.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.equalityaction.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Equality Immigration Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | Unit 23 Forbes Building 311-321 Linthorpe Road Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS1 4AW England |
Telephone: | 079 6167 5760 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@equalitylawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.equalitylawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Equ-All Ltd |
Address: | Regus, Oxford Point 19 Oxford Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 8GS |
Telephone: | 077 6248 3084 |
Fax: | |
Email: | y.fuentes@equ-all.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.equ-all.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Errington Immigration Services |
Address: | Third Floor 17 Cavendish Square London Greater London W1G 0PH England |
Telephone: | 020 3709 3245 |
Fax: | |
Email: | john@erringtonimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.erringtonimmigration.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ES Immigration |
Address: | ES Immigration 915 High Street London London N12 8QJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3741 8102 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@esimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ESI Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Direct Visa UK Limited 26 Elmfield Road Bromley Bromley Greater London BR1 1WA England |
Telephone: | 077 9121 1905 |
Fax: | |
Email: | beizatzivelek@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.esiimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ESI Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 84 Hayes Lane Bromley Greater London BR2 9EE England |
Telephone: | 020 8460 0606 |
Fax: | |
Email: | beizatzivelek@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.esiimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ETS Enterprise |
Address: | ETS Enterprise Rahim Business Complex First Floor 124 Whitechapel Road London E1 1JE England |
Telephone: | 079 3259 7126 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ahsan-hoque@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ahsanhoque.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
EU UK Law Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor Front 36 Gerrard Street London London W1D 5QA England |
Telephone: | 020 7287 2688 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@euuklaw.com |
Website: | http://www.euuklaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eurasia Legal Services |
Address: | 180a Lozells Road Birmingham West Midlands B19 1PA England |
Telephone: | 0121 523 9907 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@eurasialegalservices.com |
Website: | https://www.eurasialegalservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Euro Legal Consulting |
Address: | Unit 5 Wyvern Industrial Estate Beverley Way New Malden Greater London KT3 4PH England |
Telephone: | 020 8942 9629 |
Fax: | |
Email: | eurolegal1@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Europia |
Address: | St. Thomas Centre Ardwick Green North Manchester Greater Manchester M12 6FZ England |
Telephone: | 0333 305 8570 |
Fax: | |
Email: | support@europia.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.europia.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Eurostudies (Bournemouth) Ltd |
Address: | 97 Commercial Road Bournemouth Dorset BH2 5RT England |
Telephone: | 01202 774100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@eurostudies.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.eurostudies.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
EuroWin Solutions Ltd |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 3086 9209 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@eurowinsolutions.com |
Website: | http://www.eurowinsolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Evelyn Oldfield Unit |
Address: | Resource for London 356 Holloway Road London London N7 6PA England |
Telephone: | 020 7697 4101 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.evelynoldfield.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Evolent Law |
Address: | 278A Chase Road London London N14 6HA England |
Telephone: | 020 7190 9618 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@evolentlaw.com |
Website: | http://www.evolentlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The office can also be contacted on the following mobile phone number: 07877655275 |
Show Advisers |
Exeter Citizens Advice |
Address: | Citizens Advice Exeter Dix’s Field Exeter Devon EX1 1QA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Expat Ltd |
Address: | Unit 3 68 Old Brompton Road London Greater London SW7 3LQ England |
Telephone: | 020 7225 3288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | irina@expatsuk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.expatinuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Expatriate Management Services |
Address: | 1st Floor East 3 St James Court Whitefriars Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RJ |
Telephone: | 020 3890 6047 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@global-ems.com |
Website: | http://www.global-ems.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Express Visas Services limited |
Address: | Flat 1, 91 Northover Road Bristol Bristol BS9 3LQ England |
Telephone: | +447496938787 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ostovar.siavash@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fadina And Associates, Immigration Juris-Consultants |
Address: | 5 Grove Road Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 5DU England |
Telephone: | 020 8207 0739 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dayofadina@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fairhill Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | 48 Oak Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3PD England |
Telephone: | 020 3878 3181 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fairhilllawyers.com |
Website: | http://www.fairhilllawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fairmont Lawyers Limited |
Address: | 1 Canada Square London London E14 5AA England |
Telephone: | 020 3744 7437 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fairmontlawyers.com |
Website: | http://www.fairmontlawyers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Falcon Legal & Immigration |
Address: | Unit 9 Hillside Beeston Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 8ND England |
Telephone: | 0113 387 6464 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@falconlegalandimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.falconlegalandimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Falkirk Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | 28 — 29 Vicar Street Falkirk Stirling FK1 1LL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01324 626070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Falkland Road Legal Advice Service |
Address: | Kosmos Centre 2c Falkland Road London London NW5 2PT England |
Telephone: | 020 7383 2067 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legal@ccwo.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ccwo.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Falls Community Centre |
Address: | 275-277 Falls Road Belfast Antrim BT12 6FD Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890202030 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Families Kinnected Ltd |
Address: | 17 Melbourne Street Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0AR England |
Telephone: | 079 1341 7643 |
Fax: | |
Email: | families.kinnected@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fareham Citizens Advice |
Address: | Citizens Advice Fareham 1st Floor County Library Building Osborn Road Fareham Hampshire PO16 7EN England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1304 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://sites.google.com/citafareham.org/public |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Farley And Associates Limited |
Address: | 5th Floor 80 Borough High Street London London SE1 1LL England |
Telephone: | 020 7981 9778 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@farleyandassociates.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.farleyandassociates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fast Track Global Consultants Ltd |
Address: | Fairgate House S30 205 Kings Road Birmingham B11 2AA England |
Telephone: | 079 2809 1188 |
Fax: | |
Email: | inamraziq@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.theftglobal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fast Track Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 61a East Street Barking Greater London IG11 8EJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8185 6007 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fast Visas Ltd |
Address: | Suite 383, Unit B 63-66 Hatton Garden London London EC1N 8LE England |
Telephone: | 079 1265 0190 |
Fax: | |
Email: | saira@fastvisas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.fastvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fawad Law Associates |
Address: | 116-118 Cheetham Hill Road Manchester Greater Manchester M4 4FG England |
Telephone: | 0161 660 3277 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukfla.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
FD Immigration |
Address: | 16 Saberton Close Redbourn St. Albans Hertfordshire AL3 7DS England |
Telephone: | 074 2811 4665 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fdca.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.fdca.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
FDS Law Immigration Specialist |
Address: | FDS Immigration Specialist Oxford House 12-20 Oxford Street Newbury Berkshire RG14 1JB England |
Telephone: | 01635 46818 |
Fax: | |
Email: | frieda5@btinternet.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
FDS Law Immigration Specialist |
Address: | 41 The Maltings West Mills Newbury Berkshire RG14 5HZ England |
Telephone: | 01635 46818 |
Fax: | |
Email: | freidadesouza1@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
FE Visa and Immigration Experts |
Address: | 209 Hunters Square Dagenham Essex RM10 8BQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8220 9653 |
Fax: | |
Email: | law@fevisaimmigration.com |
Website: | https://www.fevisaimmigration.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on: 07932665793 |
Show Advisers |
Felippetto & Associates |
Address: | Alpha House 100 Borough High Street London SE1 1LB England |
Telephone: | 020 7863 3095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@felippettoassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.felippettoassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Felixstowe Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2 — 6 Orwell Road Felixstowe Suffolk IP11 7HD England |
Telephone: | 01394 275958 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Feltham Consultancy Services (UK) Ltd |
Address: | 34 Wyndham Crescent Hounslow Greater London TW4 5HZ England |
Telephone: | 078 8190 5304 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nat.r@fcsukltd.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.fcsukltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Feniks. Counselling, Personal Development and Support Services |
Address: | 151 London Road St Margarets House Edinburgh Midlothian EH7 6AE Scotland |
Telephone: | 075 1012 2425 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@feniks.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.feniks.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fermanagh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Fermanagh House Broadmeadow Place Enniskillen Fermanagh BT74 7HR Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 6632 4334 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 81 New Park Avenue London Greater London N13 5NA England |
Telephone: | 075 3460 2824 |
Fax: | |
Website: | http://www.FESLEGAL.CO.UK |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
FG Immigration Ltd |
Address: | The Trust Centre Conduit Street Gloucester Gloucestershire GL1 4XH England |
Telephone: | 01452 345113 |
Fax: | |
Email: | fgimmigrationltd@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fife Migrants Forum |
Address: | 16 East Fergus Place Kirkcaldy Fife KY1 1XT Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fifemigrantsforum.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.fifeinternational.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number: SC043053 |
Fife Migrants Forum |
Address: | Premier House 29a Randolph Place Randolph Industrial Estate Kirkcaldy Fife KY1 2YX Scotland |
Telephone: | 01592 642927 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fifeinternational.uk |
Website: | http://www.fifeinternational.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number: SC043053 |
Show Advisers |
First Migration Limited |
Address: | 83 Victoria Street London London SW1H 0HW England |
Telephone: | 020 3178 2048 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.firstmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
First Precedent & Visa Services |
Address: | Interchange House 81-85 Station Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2RD England |
Telephone: | 020 8769 1750 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@firstprecedent.com |
Website: | http://www.firstprecedent.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Firvale Community Hub |
Address: | 127 Page Hall Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 8GU England |
Telephone: | 0114 261 9130 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pacfirvale@aol.com |
Website: | http://www.firvalecommunityhub.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Five Star (International) Ltd |
Address: | 1294 Argyle Street Glasgow Scotland Glasgow City G3 8AB Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.fivestarinternational.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Five Star (International) Ltd |
Address: | 1st Floor 299 West George Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 4LF Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.fivestarinternational.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Flintshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | Terrig House Chester Street Mold Flintshire CH7 1EG Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Flyover International Ltd |
Address: | Flat 43 Lyndwood Court Stoughton Road Leicester Leicestershire LE2 2EJ England |
Telephone: | 078 0923 9591 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amd@flyoverinternational.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Forte Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 2 Beverley Court 26 Elmtree Road Teddington Greater London TW11 8ST England |
Telephone: | 078 7041 8364 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@forte-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.forte-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fortis Capital Limited |
Address: | 48 Warwick Street London London W1B 5AW |
Telephone: | 079 6670 0484 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.fortis-capital.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Forward Legal Services |
Address: | Third Floor Manor House 224-236 Walworth Road London London SE17 1JE England |
Telephone: | +4402079013382 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fls-uk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.fls-uk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Free To Move Immigration Services |
Address: | C/O RAPAR 6 Mount Street Friends Meeting House Manchester Greater Manchester M2 5NS England |
Telephone: | 079 0279 7025 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@freetomove.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.freetomove.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Freedom from Torture |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.freedomfromtorture.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Freitas Consultancy |
Address: | 81 Seaton Gardens Ruislip Greater London HA4 0BD England |
Telephone: | 01895 313325 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@freitasconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.freitasconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Friends Without Borders — Access to Justice Project |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.friendswithoutborders.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
FT Professional Immigration Advisers Ltd |
Address: | Office 122 321-323 High Road Chadwell Heath Romford Greater London RM6 6AX England |
Telephone: | 020 3432 4497 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ftprofessionals.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ftprofessionals.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Fusco Browne Immigration |
Address: | 6 Nursery Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 8GG England |
Telephone: | 0114 303 2011 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fuscobrowne.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.fuscobrowne.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Fusco Browne Immigration |
Address: | 343 Wellington Road North Heaton Chapel Stockport Greater Manchester SK4 4QG England |
Telephone: | 0161 850 5577 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@fuscobrowne.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.fuscobrowne.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Galaxy Legal Services Limited |
Address: | 3A Priory Hill Dartford Kent DA1 2BD England |
Telephone: | 020 3633 5456 |
Fax: | |
Email: | aupoo_s@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 02034440482 |
Show Advisers |
Gallagher Global Migration Ltd. |
Address: | 6 Birch Grove Derrylin Enniskillen Fermanagh BT92 9QT Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 075 9392 2010 |
Fax: | |
Email: | liam.gallagher@gg-migration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gg-migration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ganga Immigration Services |
Address: | 31 Birkbeck Road Ilford Greater London IG2 7LP England |
Telephone: | 074 0329 1695 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ganga.imse@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GB Visa Solutions |
Address: | 10 Kidbrooke Park Road Blackheath London London SE3 0LW England |
Telephone: | 020 3858 5595 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gbvisasolutions.com |
Website: | http://www.gbvisasolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GBS UK Immigration |
Address: | D Mill Dean Clough Halifax West Yorkshire HX3 5AX England |
Telephone: | 079 4053 3334 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gbsimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.gbsimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GBS UK Immigration |
Address: | GBS UK Immigration Portsmouth Technopole Kingston Crescent Portsmouth Hampshire PO2 8FA England |
Telephone: | 023 9265 8262 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gbsimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.gbsimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GCH Gloucester City Homes |
Address: | Railway House Bruton Way Gloucester Gloucestershire GL1 1DG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.gch.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GDB Legal Solutions |
Address: | 15 Queen Square Leeds West Yorkshire LS2 8AJ England |
Telephone: | 077 9000 6823 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gdblegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gdblegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Old Court House Grays Essex RM17 5DD England |
Telephone: | 020 7501 3774 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gina@gdsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gdsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | Orwell House 16-18 Berners Street London London W1T 3LN England |
Telephone: | 020 7501 3774 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gina@gdsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gdsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Genesis Advantage CIC |
Address: | St. Judes Community Centre St Georges Road, Colnbrook Street London London SE1 6EZ England |
Telephone: | 020 7620 3753 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@genesis-advantage.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gerald UK Immigration & Legal Services Ltd |
Address: | The Landsdowne Building 2 Landsdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR9 2ER England |
Telephone: | 020 3665 2036 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gsbritimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.brit-immigration.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Get UK Visa Ltd |
Address: | 82 High Road Willesden London London NW10 2PR England |
Telephone: | 020 3137 9290 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@getukvisa.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.getukvisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ghadir Shanaa — Legal Services |
Address: | 62 Cranleigh Gardens Luton Bedfordshire LU3 1LT England |
Telephone: | 077 0345 7450 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ghadirahmed@icloud.com |
Website: | http://www.gshanaa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ghafoors Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | Netherwood Chambers 1a Manor Row Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 4PB England |
Telephone: | 01274 081058 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@ghafoorslegal.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gill Immigration Law Consultants Limited |
Address: | 98 Woodgreen Road Leicester Leicestershire LE4 9UE England |
Telephone: | 0116 210 7749 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gill8@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gill Law Chambers |
Address: | 254 Ashton Road Oldham Greater Manchester OL8 1QN England |
Telephone: | 0161 652 9570 |
Fax: | 0161 626 4272 |
Email: | khalid@gilllawchambers.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gills Immigration Law |
Address: | Equity Chambers 5 Hortus Road Southall Greater London UB2 4AJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8574 3632 |
Fax: | |
Email: | harjinder.gill@gillslaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Girlington Advice and Training Centre |
Address: | Girlington Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 9NN England |
Telephone: | 01274 547118 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gatcinfo@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.girlingtonadvicecentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gladstone District Community Association |
Address: | 316 -318 Gladstone Street Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2BX England |
Telephone: | 01733 566343 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gladca.org |
Website: | http://www.gladca.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Glasgow (Central) Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Mitchell Library 3rd Floor 201 North Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G3 7DN Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Glasgow (Central) Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 1169 Royston Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G33 1EY Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 770 7869 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Glasgow (Central) Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 88 (1st Floor) Bell Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 1LQ Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 552 5556 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Glass Door Homeless Charity |
Address: | Argon Mews Fulham Broadway London City of London SW6 1BJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.glassdoor.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number :- 1083203 |
Show Advisers |
Glenshane Community Development Initiative |
Address: | Glenshane House 112-114 Main Street Dungiven Londonderry BT47 4LG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2877742494 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Glenshane Community Development Limited |
Address: | Glenshane Community Development Limited Glenshane House 112-114 Main Street Dungiven BT47 4LG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7774 2494 |
Fax: | |
Email: | glenshane@btconnect.com |
Website: | http://www.facebook.com/GlenshaneCommunityDevelopmentLimited/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global 4 Immigration Limited |
Address: | 94 David Newberry Drive Lee-On-The-Solent Hampshire PO13 8FR England |
Telephone: | 01903 641690 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiry@global4immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.global4immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Connections Visas and Immigration |
Address: | 226b Portobello High Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH15 2AU Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | gcvisas.enquiry@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.gcvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Immigration Law Ltd |
Address: | Suite 58 Grove Business Centre 560-568 High Road Tottenham London London N17 9TA England |
Telephone: | 020 8017 6398 |
Fax: | |
Email: | emel@global-immigrationlaw.com |
Website: | http://www.global-immigrationlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 804 Little Horton Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD5 9DG England |
Telephone: | 01274 577644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jb@globalimmigration.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.globalimmigration.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Immigration Management |
Address: | 251 Staines Road Hounslow Greater London TW3 3JJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8569 4400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.gim-visas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Immigration Services |
Address: | 169 Haslucks Green Road Shirley Solihull West Midlands B90 2LG England |
Telephone: | 079 1470 0960 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@globalvisa.ae |
Website: | http://www.globalvisa.ae |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Immigration Solutions Limited |
Address: | Unit F-2 89-93 Fonthill Road London London N4 3JH England |
Telephone: | 084 4804 4128 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@globalimmigrationsolutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.globalimmigrationsolutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Law |
Address: | Berkeley Suite, 35 Berkeley Square Mayfair London London W1J 5BF England |
Telephone: | 020 7504 1306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tomas@global-law.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.global-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Law Associates Limited |
Address: | Office 1904 321-323 High Road Chadwell Heath Romford RM6 6AX England |
Telephone: | 01277 415098 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@globallawassociates.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.globallawassociates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Legal Centre |
Address: | 209 Upper Dale Road Derby Derbyshire DE23 8BS England |
Telephone: | 01332 988120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | glc.derby@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Link |
Address: | Ymca Fleet Square New Road Lancaster Lancashire LA1 1EZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.globallink.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Migration Limited |
Address: | Global Migration Limited Suite 101, Pentax House South Hill Avenue Harrow Greater London HA2 0DU England |
Telephone: | 020 8938 4701 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@globalmig.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global Migration Solutions (UK) Limited |
Address: | Global Migration Soultions 1 Victoria Square Birmingham West Midlands B1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 074 1407 0207 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@globalmigrationsolutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.globalmigrationsolutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Global-Migrate |
Address: | 7 Skyline Village London London E14 9TS England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 4762 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.global-migrate.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Globe Immigration Services |
Address: | 20-22 Wenlock Road London London N1 7GU |
Telephone: | 020 8033 5289 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@globeimmigrationservice.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.globeimmigrationservice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Globevisa Service (UK) Ltd |
Address: | Room 606 Tower 42 Old Broad Street London Greater London EC2N 1HN England |
Telephone: | 020 7877 0095 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wangxiwh@globevisa.com |
Website: | http://www.globevisagroup.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Glotee Limited |
Address: | Queen Court 9-17 Eastern Road Romford Greater London RM1 3NG England |
Telephone: | 01708 388275 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gloteelimited.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gloteelimited.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gloucestershire Action For Refugees And Asylum Seekers |
Address: | The Trust Centre Falkner Street Gloucester Gloucestershire GL1 4SQ England |
Telephone: | 01452 550528 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@garas.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.garas.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 37 Lodge Lane Romford Greater London RM5 2LJ England |
Telephone: | 074 4933 7070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.gnimmigration@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Go-Global Immigration Law |
Address: | 162 Plashet Road London London E13 0QT England |
Telephone: | 078 4349 9031 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asad_waqar@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.go-global.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gok Immigration Service Ltd |
Address: | The Business Xchange Hub Marco Polo House 3-5 Lansdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2BX England |
Telephone: | 020 3355 6293 |
Fax: | |
Email: | deniz@gokis.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gokis.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Goldcrest Law |
Address: | 162 — 164 High Street Deritend Birmingham West Midlands B12 0LD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@goldcrestlaw.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.goldcrestlaw.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Goldrush Visas |
Address: | Barking Enterprise Centre 50 Cambridge Road Barking Greater London IG11 8FG |
Telephone: | 020 3633 6277 |
Fax: | |
Email: | goldrushvisas@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Goldstar Chefs / Blackgold International |
Address: | Tay House 2nd Floor Bath Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 4JR Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 353 3838 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hans@goldstarchefs.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.goldstarchefs.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Office 1.02 Sky Gardens 153 Wandsworth Road London London SW8 2GB |
Telephone: | 020 7720 2156 |
Fax: | |
Email: | atef@goodadviceuk.com |
Website: | http://www.goodadviceuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Govan Community Project |
Address: | Govan Community Project, Pearce Institute, 840-860 Govan Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G51 3UU Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 445 3718 |
Fax: | |
Email: | home@govancommunityproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.govancommunityproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Grangemouth And Bo’ness Bureau |
Address: | 1 Kerse Road Grangemouth FK3 8HW Scotland |
Telephone: | 01324 483467 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Great Migrants |
Address: | Office No .007 250 York Road Battersea London London SW11 3SJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3538 5252 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@greatmigrants.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit |
Address: | Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit 1 Delaunays Road Manchester Greater Manchester M8 4QS England |
Telephone: | 0161 740 7722 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gmiau.org |
Website: | http://www.gmiau.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Greater Pollok Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 27 Cowglen Road Pollock Civic Realm Glasgow Lanarkshire G53 6EW Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 876 4401 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Green Vision Immigration Limited |
Address: | 241A Whitechapel Road 3rd Floor, Unit 2 London London E1 1DB England |
Telephone: | 020 3648 5561 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.gvec.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Greenwich District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Old Town Hall Polytechnic Street Woolwich London Greater London SE18 6PN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Greystones Legal Services |
Address: | 183A Angel Place Fore Street London London N18 2UD England |
Telephone: | 020 3397 2575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | haydarsal@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Gribkowski Migration |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | 078 0258 8286 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gribkowskimigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.gribkowskimigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Grimsby, Cleethorpes And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 4 Town Hall Street Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN31 1HN England |
Telephone: | 01472 252500 |
Fax: | 01472 252519 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenel.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Grimsby, Cleethorpes And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Melbourne House 16 Town Hall Street Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN31 1HN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicenel.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Grovelands Immigration Limited |
Address: | 29 The Green London London N21 1HS England |
Telephone: | 0333 577 8366 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@grovelands-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.grovelands-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
GSN Immigration Ltd |
Address: | New Broad Street House 35 New Broad Street London London EC2M 1NH England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 6981 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.gsnimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
GSN Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 79 College Road Harrow Greater London HA1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 020 8150 6709 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gsnimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.gsnimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Guardian Immigration Consultants Ltd |
Address: | 3 Devonshire House 582 Honeypot Lane Stanmore Greater London HA7 1JS England |
Telephone: | 074 5003 5500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yusof@guardianimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.guardianimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Guernsey Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 18b Tudor Way London London N14 6PS England |
Telephone: | 077 1600 2500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ali@gurlerlegal.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 43 North Quay Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 1JE England |
Telephone: | 01493 745260 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@gyros.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.gyros.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
H B Immigration |
Address: | HB Immigration Churchill House 120 Bunns Lane , Mill Hill London London NW7 2AS England |
Telephone: | 020 8202 3699 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hazel@hbimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.hbimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
H&P Associates Limited |
Address: | 52 Grosvenor Gardens London London SW1W 0AU England |
Telephone: | 020 7654 3797 |
Fax: | |
Email: | katy@hpassociates.uk.com |
Website: | http://www.hpassociates.uk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HA Law |
Address: | 78 York Street London London W1H 1DP England |
Telephone: | 075 9354 6792 |
Fax: | |
Email: | halawpractice@outlook.com |
Website: | http://www.halawpractice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hackney Marsh Partnership |
Address: | 8 Kingsmead Way Hackney London London E9 5QG England |
Telephone: | 020 8525 6961 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gburgess@hmp.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.hmp.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hackney Migrant Centre |
Address: | The Old Fire Station 61 Leswin Road London Greater London N16 7NX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hackneymigrantcentre.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Haddington Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 46 Court Street Haddington EH41 3NP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01620 824471 |
Fax: | 01620 822390 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Haleema Immigration Chambers Ltd |
Address: | The Powerhouse 21 Woodthorpe Road Ashford Middlesex TW15 2RP England |
Telephone: | 074 2959 1778 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anam@haleemachambers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.haleemachambers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hamilton Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 68 Almada Street Hamilton Lanarkshire ML3 0HP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01698 283477 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Hammersmith And Fulham Community Law Centre |
Address: | 1st Floor, Hammersmith Library Shepherds Bush Road London London W6 7AT England |
Telephone: | 020 8148 5275 |
Fax: | 020 8741 1450 |
Email: | farah.palekar@hflaw.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Handy Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | Suite 308 Crown House N Circular London NW10 7PN England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 5011 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@handyimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.handyimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hansbury Lawyers LTD |
Address: | 320A Romford Road London London E7 8BD England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 5005 |
Fax: | |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hanseatic Union |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Hanson Law |
Address: | Lonsdale House 52 Blucher Street Birmingham West Midlands B1 1QU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | d.hanson@hansonlaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Harbour Hr Limited |
Address: | Connaught House 255 High Street Guildford Surrey GU1 3BS England |
Telephone: | 075 9527 9030 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Sandra.toppin@k2corporatemobility.com |
Website: | http://www.harbourhr.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Haringey District Citizens Advice Bureaux |
Address: | 20e Waltheof Gardens London N17 7DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registry Charity Number 1069301 |
Show Advisers |
Haringey Law Centre |
Address: | 7 Holcombe Road Tottenham London London N17 9AA England |
Telephone: | 020 8808 5354 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@haringeylawcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.haringeylawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Haringey Migrant Support Centre |
Address: | St. John’s Vianney Church Hall 386 West Green Road London London N15 3QL England |
Telephone: | 075 4407 8322 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@haringeymsc.org |
Website: | http://www.haringeymsc.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 58 Tavistock Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Harrow Citizens Advice |
Address: | Civic 9 Station Road Harrow Greater London HA1 2XH England |
Telephone: | 020 8427 9477 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Harrow Law Centre |
Address: | The Lodge 64 Pinner Road Harrow Greater London HA1 4HZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8863 4355 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@harrowlawcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.harrowlawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Harsher Gujral Limited |
Address: | 54 Leamington Crescent Harrow Greater London HA2 9HQ England |
Telephone: | 079 4963 6360 |
Fax: | |
Email: | harshergujral@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hartlepool Citizens Advice |
Address: | 87 Park Road Hartlepool TS26 9HP England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.hartlepool-cab.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Hashmi Immigration Law |
Address: | 11 Clayton Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 2LT England |
Telephone: | 01274 962000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hashmi.wasim111@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.hashmiimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hastings Borough Council |
Address: | Muriel Matters House Breeds Place Hastings East Sussex TN34 3UY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.Hastings.gov.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Havering Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | First Floor Romford Library St Edwards Way Romford Essex RM1 3AR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 649 High Road Greater London N17 8AA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hawflein.com. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HC Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 52 Shepherds Green Road Birmingham West Midlands B24 8EU England |
Telephone: | 078 1792 0317 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hcimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hcimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HC395 Ltd |
Address: | Eastside 1st Floor Kingscross Station London London N1C 4AX England |
Telephone: | 078 6659 0125 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Paris@hc395.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HDY Immigration LTD |
Address: | 59 George Road Chingford London E4 8NF England |
Telephone: | 079 1933 2854 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hamzah@hdyimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hedgley Immigration Limited |
Address: | Flat 7 Englefield Woodlands Road Bromley Greater London BR1 2AH England |
Telephone: | 073 7674 1799 |
Fax: | |
Email: | seanhedgley123@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Henleaze Law |
Address: | Henleaze Law Park House Business Center 10 Park Street Bristol Bristol BS1 5HX England |
Telephone: | 0117 908 4607 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@henleazelaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.henleazelaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Alpha Centre 7-11 Minerva Road London London NW10 6HJ England |
Telephone: | 079 5869 4501 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kcafo@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Herefordshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 8 St Owen Street Hereford HR1 2PJ England |
Telephone: | 084 4826 9685 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Hermes Legal |
Address: | 6 Glenfield Lane Kirby Muxloe Leicester Leicestershire LE9 2AH England |
Telephone: | 0116 332 4811 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asim@jrays.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hertsmere Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 2 Allum Lane Elstree Herts Hertfordshire WD6 3PJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8327 0006 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Hibiscus Initiatives |
Address: | The Resource Centre 356 Holloway Road London London N7 6PA England |
Telephone: | 020 7697 4120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hazel@hibiscus.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.hibiscusinitiatives.org,uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hillcrest Immigration Law Associates |
Address: | Indian Community Centre Association 243 Cross Road Coventry West Midlands CV6 5GP England |
Telephone: | 024 7666 5364 |
Fax: | 024 7610 1477 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hillingdon Law Centre |
Address: | 12 Harold Avenue Hayes Greater London UB3 4QW England |
Telephone: | 020 8106 5878 |
Fax: | |
Email: | snersisyan@hillingdonlawcentre.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hillingdonlaw.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hilton Immigration Legal Services Limited |
Address: | 101 Sourthern Road Ward End Birmingham West Midlands B8 2EE England |
Telephone: | 078 9900 0087 |
Fax: | |
Email: | noorsafe@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HKC Refugee Rights Hub |
Address: | Sheffield Hallam University Heart of the Campus Building 42 Collegiate Crescent Sheffield South Yorkshire S10 2BQ England |
Telephone: | 074 3205 6548 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.shu.ac.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HKM Visa Consultants |
Address: | 4 Corrin Road Bolton Greater Manchester BL2 1LY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hkmvisaconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Holmes & Partners Ltd |
Address: | 27 Castlefields Lane Bingley West Yorkshire BD16 2AB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.holmes-partners.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Colworth Park Sharnbrook Bedford Bedfordshire MK44 1LQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukstudywork.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 14 Weston Court Eaton Ford St. Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 7JX England |
Telephone: | 020 8144 7406 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukstudywork.com |
Website: | http://www.ukstudywork.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hope Housing |
Address: | Millside House 131 Grattan Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2HS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hope Projects (West Midlands) Ltd |
Address: | Jericho Building 196-198 Edward Road Balsall Heath Birmingham West Midlands B12 9LX England |
Telephone: | 077 4819 3864 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Admin@hope-projects.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.hope-projects.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HoPEC (House of Polish and European Community) |
Address: | Mercury Mall Unit 34 Mercury Gardens Romford RM1 3EE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hopec.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
HoPEC (House of Polish and European Community) |
Address: | Wood Green Central Library 187 — 197A High Road Wood Green London London N22 6XD England |
Telephone: | 073 0823 0008 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hopec.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Horizon Care And Welfare Association |
Address: | 79 Park Lane Croydon Greater London CR0 1JG England |
Telephone: | 020 8405 1644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@horizoncare.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.horizoncare.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Horizon Immigration Services |
Address: | Third Floor Gainsborough House 109 Portland Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 6DN England |
Telephone: | 0161 948 2888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.his888.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hounslow District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | The Centre Feltham High Street TW13 4GU England |
Telephone: | 020 8572 1082 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Hounslow Legal Services |
Address: | Hounslow Legal Services Holdsworth House 65-73 Staines Road Hounslow Greater London TW3 3HW England |
Telephone: | 020 8572 3137 |
Fax: | |
Email: | h.behar@hounslowlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.hounslowlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
House of Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 36 Northampton Avenue Slough Berkshire SL1 3BN England |
Telephone: | 079 9956 3519 |
Fax: | |
Email: | suky@houseofimmigrationltd.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Housing Justice |
Address: | THE FOUNDRY UNIT 2.11 17 OVAL WAY London SE11 5RR England |
Telephone: | 078 5296 6644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | e.gosling@housingjustice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.housingjustice.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Housing Rights |
Address: | The Skainos Centre 239 Newtownards Road Belfast Antrim BT4 1AF Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | una@housingrights.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.housingrights.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HS Immigration Consultants |
Address: | HS Immigration Consultants Apex House 3 Calthorpe Road Birmingham West Midlands B15 1TR England |
Telephone: | 0121 698 2187 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hsic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hsic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HS Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 47 St. Georges Terrace Jesmond Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE2 2SX England |
Telephone: | 0191 447 2760 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hsic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hsic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
HSMP Immigration Services UK Limited |
Address: | 107 Ashmore Grove Welling Greater London DA16 2RZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8319 8166 |
Fax: | |
Email: | support@hsmp-services.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hsmp-services.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
HSMP Immigration Services UK Limited |
Address: | Office Suite 27a 23 Wharf Street Greenwich London London SE8 3GG |
Telephone: | 020 3637 4111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | support@hsmp-services.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hsmp-services.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hudson Legal |
Address: | Hudson Legal Suite 21 45 St. Mary’s Road Ealing Greater London W5 5RG England |
Telephone: | 020 8566 5522 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@hudsonlegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.hudsonlegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hull and East Riding Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | First Floor The Wilson Centre Alfred Gelder ST Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU2 1AG |
Telephone: | 080 0144 8848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hullandeastridingcab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Humber Community Advice Services Limited |
Address: | Centre 88 Saner Street Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU3 2TR England |
Telephone: | 073 4215 3452 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.hcas@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.h-cas.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hunter Stone Law |
Address: | 518 Roman Road London London E3 5ES England |
Telephone: | 020 3137 9097 |
Fax: | |
Email: | maqboolkhan@hunterstonelaw.com |
Website: | http://www.hunterstonelaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hurlingham Law |
Address: | 71-75 Shelton Street London London WC2H 9JQ England |
Telephone: | 020 4509 1135 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hurlinghamlaw.com |
Website: | http://www.hurlinghamlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hussain Immigration Law Limited |
Address: | 170 Carlisle Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 8DG England |
Telephone: | 01274 484707 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tbhussain@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.hussainimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hussain Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 6 Cambridge Road Ilford Greater London IG3 8LU England |
Telephone: | 079 4439 2188 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hussainimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.hussainimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Hyson Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 77 Lewisham High Street London London SE13 5JX England |
Telephone: | 020 8852 4448 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hysonimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
iAdvice Global Immigration Services |
Address: | 32 Coniston Road Leamington Spa Warwickshire CV32 6PG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iadviceglobal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IAM (Immigration and Migration) |
Address: | Level 18 40 Bank Street (HQ3) London E14 5NR England |
Telephone: | 0333 006 4506 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigrationandmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationandmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Iconsult Immigration |
Address: | 26 Murtwell Drive Chigwell Essex IG7 5ED England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.icimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Iconsult Immigration |
Address: | 59 Francis Road London London E10 6PN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.icimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Iconsult Immigration |
Address: | 18 Greenham Crescent Chingford London London E4 8YG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.icimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Iconsult Immigration |
Address: | Patman House 23-27 George Lane South Woodford London London E18 2LS England |
Telephone: | 079 3131 7643 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.icimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ICS Legal Immigration Specialists Ltd |
Address: | Unit 11 City Business Centre, Lower Road London London SE16 2XB England |
Telephone: | 020 7237 3388 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@icslegal.com |
Website: | http://www.icslegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IEC Services |
Address: | 282 High Road Willesden London London NW10 2EY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iec-services.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.iec-services.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Suite 1A Cranbrook House 61 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ifedeis.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 69 Bertrand Way London London SE28 8LN England |
Telephone: | 075 4818 3108 |
Fax: | |
Email: | olu@ifedeis.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ifedeis.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IKWRO-Women’s Rights Organisation |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ikwro.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
ILA Visa Ltd |
Address: | Unit 4 Vale Enterprise Centre Hayes Road Sully Penarth South Glamorgan CF64 5SY Wales |
Telephone: | 077 1351 6877 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ilavisauk@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
ILA Visa Ltd |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 077 1351 6877 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ilavisauk@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | University of Wolverhampton Science Park PA103 Technology Centre Glaisher Drive Wolverhampton Staffordshire WV10 9RU England |
Telephone: | 074 9291 1112 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ilsglobal.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IMIN Consulting |
Address: | Office 3 37 Marsh Parade Newcastle under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 1BT England |
Telephone: | 074 3571 6330 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@iminconsulting.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.iminconsulting.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IMIN4U Ltd |
Address: | 46/50 Coombe Road New Malden Greater London KT3 4QF England |
Telephone: | 020 3371 1033 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Helen.jeon@imin4u.com |
Website: | http://www.imin4u.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IMK Advisors Limited |
Address: | 32B Belgrave Road Ilford Greater London IG1 3AW England |
Telephone: | 077 6423 7770 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wilma.co.advisors@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IMMIGRA LEX Legal Consortium |
Address: | First Floor 110 Station Road North Chingford London London E4 6AB England |
Telephone: | 079 0656 3718 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigralex.com |
Website: | http://www.immigralex.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration 2 UK Limited |
Address: | 107 Whalebone Lane South Dagenham Greater London RM8 1AJ England |
Telephone: | 078 1443 9525 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shah@5gvisa.com |
Website: | http://www.5gvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07814439525 |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Bureau |
Address: | Cavendish House 19a The Green Southall Greater London UB2 4AH England |
Telephone: | 020 8571 6680 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iabl.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Centre Ltd |
Address: | Immigration Advice Centre Limited 65 Albert Road Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS1 1NG England |
Telephone: | 01642 219222 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sarah@immigrationadvicecentre.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationadvicecentre.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 01642203826 |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 6th Floor City Gate East Tollhouse Hill Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 5FS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.muflic.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | 12 Blackfriars Street Salford Greater Manchester M3 5BQ England |
Telephone: | 0161 826 8769 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | 83 Princess Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH2 2ER Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 516 2694 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Forsyth House Cromac Square Belfast Antrim BT2 BLA |
Telephone: | 028 9099 5189 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Ashwood House Ellen Street Oldham Greater Manchester OL9 6QR England |
Telephone: | 0161 660 5686 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Alpha House 100 Borough High Street London London SE1 1LB England |
Telephone: | 020 3411 1966 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Regus Building 450 Bath Road Longford West Drayton UB7 0EB England |
Telephone: | 020 3432 4699 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Beetham House 59 — 61 Tithebarn Street Liverpool Merseyside L2 2SB England |
Telephone: | 0151 909 4740 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Regus, Room 269, Davidson House Forby Square Reading Berkshire RG1 3EU England |
Telephone: | 0118 391 4859 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Regus 1st Floor, Interchange House 81 — 85 Stattion Road Croydon CR0 2RD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Spaces Centre,No 5083 1 Marischal Square Broad Street Aberbeen AB10 1BL |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Offices 3 and 4 SYAC Centre 120 Wicker Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 8JD England |
Telephone: | 0114 299 6820 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Regus Bristol Temple Quay 1 Friary Bristol Bristol BS1 6EA England |
Telephone: | 0117 911 9673 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | No1 Leeds 26 Whitehall Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS12 1BE England |
Telephone: | 0113 834 7682 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Office 16 Riverside Chambers Full Street Derby Derbyshire DE1 3AF England |
Telephone: | 0333 307 5779 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Collingwood Buildings 38 Collingwood Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 1JF England |
Telephone: | 0191 640 4661 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Room 22 , 6th Floor 7 Buchanan Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 3HL Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 530 3486 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | GN House 119 Holloway Head Birmingham West Midlands B1 1QP England |
Telephone: | 0121 667 4807 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | Cleveland Business Centre Watson Street Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS1 2RQ England |
Telephone: | 01642 918815 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | St George’s House 6 St George’s Way Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1QZ |
Telephone: | 0116 298 5744 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iasuk.org |
Website: | http://www.iasservices.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advisory Centre |
Address: | Suite F28B Waterfront Studios 1 Dock Road London London E16 1AH England |
Telephone: | 020 7511 9544 |
Fax: | |
Email: | i.a.c@btconnect.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationadvisorycentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Advisory Services (uk) Limited |
Address: | 195 Normanton Road Derby Derbyshire DE23 6US England |
Telephone: | 01332 735976 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ias_uk@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.iasukltd.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Aid |
Address: | 29 King Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 2DW England |
Telephone: | 01582 480544 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@immigrationaid.net |
Website: | http://www.immigrationaid.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Aid |
Address: | 2nd Floor, Unit 2 LMC Business Wing 38-44 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1JX England |
Telephone: | 079 3916 5674 |
Fax: | |
Email: | monjur@immigrationaid.net |
Website: | http://www.immigrationaid.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration And Work Permits Consultancy |
Address: | Suite 42, Beacontree Court Gillette Way Reading Berkshire RG2 0BS England |
Telephone: | 0118 986 1021 |
Fax: | |
Email: | iwpc@sky.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Asylum Specialist Lawyers Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | Fairgate House 205 Kings Road Birmingham West Midlands B11 2AA England |
Telephone: | 077 2999 9989 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iaslawyersltd.com |
Website: | http://www.iaslawyersltd.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Bureau LTD |
Address: | 9 Northumberland Place Richmond Greater London TW10 6TS England |
Telephone: | 075 9363 8927 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.ibureau@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationbureau.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Connection Limited |
Address: | Spaces 70 White Lion Street London London N1 9PP England |
Telephone: | 020 3135 0340 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigrationconnection.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationconnection.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Consultancy And Training Bureau |
Address: | 52 Harehills Avenue Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 4EU England |
Telephone: | 0113 288 3032 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ictb52@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Immigration Consultancy And Training Bureau |
Address: | Suite 21, Evans Business Centre Burley Hill Burley Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS4 2PU England |
Telephone: | 073 0744 9844 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Express |
Address: | 32B Luxor Street London London SE5 9QN England |
Telephone: | 078 3840 6757 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigrationxpress.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationxpress.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Express UK |
Address: | 56 Morris Road Isleworth Middlesex TW7 6JE England |
Telephone: | 078 0463 6047 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationexpress@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Home And Away |
Address: | 3 Whitfield Buildings Park Vale Road Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS4 2JD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Hub |
Address: | Aldow Enterprise Park Business Centre, Manchester Greater Manchester M12 6EJ England |
Telephone: | 0161 513 8328 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rpotts@immigrationhub.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Inn |
Address: | 171C Dunstable Road Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1BT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.immigrationinn.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Immigration Inn |
Address: | 93 Ford End Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 4JT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.immigrationinn.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Joss |
Address: | 680 Mansfield Road Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG5 2GE England |
Telephone: | 0330 118 0393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | joss@immigrationjoss.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationjoss.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Law Clinic |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ll |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Immigration Law Ltd |
Address: | 1 Grace House Harrovian Business Village Bessborough Road Harrow Greater London HA1 3EX England |
Telephone: | 020 8004 5611 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@immigrationlaw.global |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlaw.global |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Law Practice |
Address: | 159b Princess Road Moss Side Manchester Greater Manchester M14 4RE England |
Telephone: | 0161 226 8951 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Law Practice Limited |
Address: | 114-116 Plumstead High Street London London SE18 1SJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8855 5922 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigration-practice.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigration-practice.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Law Specialists |
Address: | The Winning Box 27-37 Station Road Hayes Greater London UB3 4DX England |
Telephone: | 075 0609 0199 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration.law@outlook.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlawspecialists.weebly.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Law Specialists Associates Ltd |
Address: | City Gate House 4th Floor 246-250 Romford Road London London E7 9HZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8522 7603 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationlawspecialists@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlawspecialists.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Legal Advice Centre |
Address: | 5th Floor 2 Wellington Place Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 4AP England |
Telephone: | 0113 366 2097 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ilac.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ilac.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Legal Services (UK) Ltd |
Address: | 65 St Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3EW England |
Telephone: | 01473 229820 |
Fax: | |
Email: | angela.cole@immigrationlegalservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationlegalservices.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Link Ltd |
Address: | 79C Cauldon Road Shelton Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire ST4 2EB England |
Telephone: | 01782 417714 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immilink.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Made Easy Limited |
Address: | 37 Emerson Avenue Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS5 7QP England |
Telephone: | 079 8965 1974 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tariq@ime4u.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Matters Limited |
Address: | 63 The Grove Ealing Greater London W5 5LL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.immigrationmatters.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Nationality Education Employment Cons (INEECS) |
Address: | Cardogan House 32 Billing Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 5DQ England |
Telephone: | 01536 412217 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ineecs.info@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Secure Limited |
Address: | 14 Portland Close Worcester Park Greater London KT4 8DJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8337 7090 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigrationsecure.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationsecure.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Service Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | 37 Shustoke Road Birmingham West Midlands B34 7BB England |
Telephone: | 074 5606 4100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | isl.lawyers612@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Services Provider (ISP) |
Address: | Aura Business Centre 412 Stretford Road Manchester Greater Manchester M15 4AE England |
Telephone: | 0161 505 1860 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@immigrationsp.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationsp.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Street Legal |
Address: | 1 Allison Street Guisborough Cleveland TS14 6NX England |
Telephone: | 075 9640 8273 |
Fax: | 075 9640 8273 |
Email: | alexmorley@immigrationstreetlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.immigrationstreetlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration UK Services Ltd |
Address: | St George’s House 6 St George’s Way Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1QZ |
Telephone: | 079 8554 3509 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ASH@IUKS.CO.UK |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Visa Services — UK |
Address: | 5 Hawbridge Close Shirley Solihull West Midlands B90 4SU England |
Telephone: | 0121 246 1101 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ivs@ivs-uk.com |
Website: | https://www.ivs-uk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Immigration Welfare Consultancy |
Address: | 69 Steward Street Birmingham West Midlands B18 7AF England |
Telephone: | 0121 456 0716 |
Fax: | |
Email: | maxine@iwconsultancy.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.iwconsultancy.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Impace Limited |
Address: | Barclays Eagle Lab 1 Preston Road Brighton East Sussex BN1 4QE England |
Telephone: | 01273 044284 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@impacegroup.com |
Website: | http://www.impacelaw.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Imperial & Legal Limited |
Address: | Palliser House Palliser Road London Greater London W14 9EB England |
Telephone: | 020 3490 4121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@imperiallegal.com |
Website: | http://www.imperiallegal.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Imperial Advisory Limited |
Address: | Office F4 44 Broadway Stratford London London E15 1XH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.imperialadvisory.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Imperial Loving Arms CIC |
Address: | Empire Way Wembley Greater London HA9 0RJ England |
Telephone: | 074 6088 1305 |
Fax: | |
Email: | antoinette.johnson@mail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Imperial Visas Dot Com Limited |
Address: | A M P House 6th Floor Dingwall Road Croydon Surrey CR0 2LX England |
Telephone: | 020 3627 4777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@imperialvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.imperialvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Imperium Group Limited |
Address: | 2 Kings Yard 19 High Street Uxbridge Greater London UB8 1JN England |
Telephone: | 01895 271136 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@imperium-group.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.imperium-group.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Imtiaz Immigration Associates |
Address: | 19 Forth Street Pollockshields Glasgow Lanarkshire G41 2SP Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 258 9191 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iiassociates.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.iiassociates.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 4th Floor 26-28 Hammersmith Grove London London W6 7BA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.incauk.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 124 Canonbury Road London London N1 2UT England |
Telephone: | 020 7359 3701 |
Fax: | |
Email: | regnounito@inca.it |
Website: | http://www.incauk.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 2nd Floor Albion Wharf 19 Albion Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 5LN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.incauk.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation |
Address: | Unit 8, Warwick House Overton Road London London SW9 7JP England |
Telephone: | 020 7733 9977 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@irmo.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.irmo.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
In-House Law Limited |
Address: | Kemp House 160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 7846 0198 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@in-houselaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.in-houselaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Inlair Law Firm Limited |
Address: | 128 Webber Street London Greater London SE1 0QL England |
Telephone: | 020 3987 5688 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@inlairlaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Integration Support Services |
Address: | Office 37, Latton Bush Centre Southern Way Harlow Essex CM18 7BL England |
Telephone: | 01279 639442 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iss.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.iss.org.uk |
Fee Charging |
Inter Ethnic Forum (Mid and East Antrim) |
Address: | 20 William Street Ballymena Antrim BT43 6AW Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 2564 3605 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.interethnicforum.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Intercede Associates UK Ltd |
Address: | Suite 19 Devonshire Business Centre Works Road Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire SG6 1GJ England |
Telephone: | 01462 681874 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chris.sampson@intercedelaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Intergreat Education Group Ltd t/a ‘UKuni’ and ‘London Private Office’ |
Address: | 29 Threadneedle Street London London EC2R 8AY England |
Telephone: | 020 3856 8180 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hi@intergreat.com |
Website: | http://www.intergreat.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
International Care Network |
Address: | 200 Holdenhurst Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 8AS England |
Telephone: | 01202 589395 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@icn.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.icn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
International Immigration Limited |
Address: | 79 College Road Harrow Harrow Greater London HA1 1BD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
International Lighthouse CIC (please tick) |
Address: | Cadogan House 32 Billing Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 5DQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.internationallighthousecic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
International Organization for Migration |
Address: | International Organisation For Migration Room 3506/Terminal Three Heathrow Airport Hounslow Greater London TW6 1AU England |
Telephone: | 020 8990 9994 |
Fax: | |
Email: | londontransit@iom.int |
Website: | http://www.unitedkingdom.iom.int |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
International Visa and Relocation Services |
Address: | Manor House 38 High Street South Stewkley Leighton Buzzard Bedfordshire LU7 0HR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.i-vars.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
International Visa and Relocation Services |
Address: | 314 Midsummer Court Midsummer Boulevard Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK9 2UB England |
Telephone: | 01908 470859 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chris.mills@i-vars.com |
Website: | http://www.i-vars.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Inverness Badenoch And Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 2 Inverewe, Grampian Road Aviemore PH22 1RH Scotland |
Telephone: | 01479 810919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Inverness Badenoch And Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 29-31 Union Street Inverness Inverness IV1 1QA Scotland |
Telephone: | 01463 237664 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
IPM Global Mobility Limited |
Address: | Rutland House Minerva Business Park Lynch Wood Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE2 6FT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | alan.bentley@ipmglobalmobility.com |
Website: | http://www.ipmglobalmobility.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IPM Global Mobility Limited |
Address: | IPM Global Mobility PO Box 1516 Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 9YP |
Telephone: | 01733 364040 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alan.bentley@ipmglobalmobility.com |
Website: | http://www.ipmglobalmobility.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ipswich & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 19 Tower Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3BE England |
Telephone: | 01473 219777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
IQA Immigration Specialists Ltd |
Address: | 126 West Regent Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 2RQ Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iqaimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
IQA Immigration Specialists Ltd |
Address: | 20 Osprey Road Fowlis Dundee Angus DD2 5GA Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iqaimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
IQA Immigration Specialists Ltd |
Address: | 21 Young Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH2 4HU Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 344 4641 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iqaimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.iqaimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Iqbal Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 73a Tavistock Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Mobile number — 0783 035 9713 |
Iqbal Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 58 Tavistock Street Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2RD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Mobile number — 0783 035 9713 |
Iqbal Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 62a Cromwell Road Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2EG England |
Telephone: | 01733 687184 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amjad@iqlc.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Mobile number — 0783 035 9713 |
Show Advisers |
IR Immigration Law |
Address: | 22 Hills Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1JP England |
Telephone: | 01223 971019 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@irimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.irimmigrationlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Iraqi Community Association |
Address: | Unit 1 Cavell House 233 Wood Lane London London W12 0HL England |
Telephone: | 020 7023 2650 |
Fax: | 020 3513 0098 |
Email: | iraqicommunity@btclick.com |
Website: | http://www.iraqiassociation.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Westminster Office 85 York Street London London W1H 4QA England |
Telephone: | 020 7723 3338 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.iraqiwelfare.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 4 Freetrade House Lowther Road Queensbury HA7 1EP England |
Telephone: | 020 7723 3338 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@iraqiwelfare.org |
Website: | http://www.iraqiwelfare.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IRARA Services Ltd |
Address: | Albyn Works Burton Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S3 8BZ England |
Telephone: | 01433 627247 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lynda.ollivent@irara.org |
Website: | http://www.irara.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IRAS and Company |
Address: | Canopi 7-14 Great Dover Street London Greater London SE1 4YR England |
Telephone: | 020 7250 8208 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@iras.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.irasandco.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Isaac Water Legal Services |
Address: | Regus House Fairbourne Drive Atterbury Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK10 9RG England |
Telephone: | 01908 478500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | isaacwater92@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Islamic Human Rights Commission Ltd |
Address: | 202 Preston Road Wembley Greater London HA9 8PA England |
Telephone: | 020 8904 4222 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legal@ihrc.org |
Website: | http://www.ihrclegal.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.islingtoncentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Islington Law Centre |
Address: | 38 Devonia Road London London N1 8JH England |
Telephone: | 020 7288 7630 |
Fax: | |
Email: | euniceb@islingtonlaw.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.islingtonlaworg.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IVA Service Limited |
Address: | Flat 1 114 Palmerston Road London London N22 8RD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ivavisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IVA Service Limited |
Address: | 18 Soho Square London London W1D 3QL England |
Telephone: | 020 7372 7551 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ivavisa.com |
Website: | http://www.ivavisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IVS Immigration & Visa Services |
Address: | Unit 2, 122-126 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 3HL England |
Telephone: | 020 8191 7196 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gurleen@ivservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ivsservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
IVS Immigration & Visa Services |
Address: | 31, Swallow Street, Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 0ER England |
Telephone: | 020 8191 7196 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gurleen@ivservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ivsservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
J & S Law Firm Ltd |
Address: | 1 Burwood Place London Greater London W2 2UT England |
Telephone: | 020 3916 5807 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jiaqi@jslawfirm.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.jslawfirm.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
J Saimon Law LTD |
Address: | Office 8, 1st Floor Broadway Chambers 1 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4DU England |
Telephone: | 020 7856 0166 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@jsaimonlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.JSAIMONLAW.CO.UK |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
J.K.Hastings Law Associates |
Address: | Marco Polo House 3-5 Lansdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2BX England |
Telephone: | 020 8064 0721 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@jkhastings.com |
Website: | http://www.jkhastings.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Jalalabad Law Associates |
Address: | 241a Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DB England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 8070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jalalabad-law@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
James Dunlop And Company |
Address: | Compton Lodge Kings Road off 140 Upper Richmond Road West London London SW14 8DS England |
Telephone: | 078 7948 0755 |
Fax: | |
Email: | james.dunlop@jdunlop.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Janjua and Associates Limited |
Address: | 1st Floor 1-9 Venture House Silver Street Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 1HS England |
Telephone: | 01422 320485 |
Fax: | 01422 322657 |
Email: | email@ukimmigrationhelp.com |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationhelp.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JB Legal Consultancy International Ltd |
Address: | 44 Gresham Road London Greater London E6 6DS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JB Links International Limited |
Address: | Immigration Hub 68 Wellington Road Dudley West Midlands DY1 1RE England |
Telephone: | 01384 256786 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jblinksinternational@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JCT- Joining Communities Together |
Address: | 7 Lamb Street Coventry West Midlands CV1 4AE England |
Telephone: | 078 7372 2025 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@jct.charity |
Website: | http://www.jct.carity |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JCT- Joining Communities Together |
Address: | 83 Margaret Street London London W1W 8TB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.jct.carity |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JD Immigration Services |
Address: | Granville Centre 140 Carlton Vale London London NW6 5HE England |
Telephone: | 074 3575 3179 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@jdimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.jdimmigrationservices.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 89 Grove Road Houghton Regis Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 5PD England |
Telephone: | 078 7708 8526 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gjkumar@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.JDSUKVIASAS.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Jerry Conlan Immigration Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Jersey Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Jesuit Refugee Service UK |
Address: | The Hurtado Jesuit Centre 2 Chandler Street London London E1W 2QT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.jrsuk.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JK & Co Legal Consult Ltd |
Address: | 146 Solander Gardens London London E1 0DE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@jkandco.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.jkandco.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JK Immigration Legal Services |
Address: | Barking Enterprise Centre BEC2 50 Wakering Road Barking and Dagenham Foyer, Barking Greater London IG11 8GN England |
Telephone: | 079 8099 7569 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
J’Leon And Owen |
Address: | 42 Reculver Road London London SE16 2RS England |
Telephone: | 020 7692 0679 |
Fax: | 020 7692 0682 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
J’Leon And Owen |
Address: | J Leon & Owen Legal Practitioner Island Business C 18-36 Wellington Street London London SE18 6PF England |
Telephone: | 020 8855 2000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JMGB Legal Ltd |
Address: | 13 Farm Avenue Harrow Greater London HA2 7LP England |
Telephone: | 020 3915 1010 |
Fax: | |
Email: | JMGBcompany@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.jmgblegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JMS Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | Upper Flat 36 Ilbert Street London London W10 4QJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3731 1951 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jmsimmigration@aol.com |
Website: | http://www.jmsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Job Connections (UK) Limited |
Address: | 1st Floor Constitutional Buildings High Street East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 3AW England |
Telephone: | 01342 314411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chili@jobconnections.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.jobconnections.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Johnson Law Associates Ltd |
Address: | 14 Hanover Square London London W1S 1HN England |
Telephone: | 020 3600 0868 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.johnsonlaws.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Johnson MacKenzie Immigration Ltd. |
Address: | Suite 2, TSB House 238a Ayr Road Newton Mearns Glasgow G77 6AA Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 429 1200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigration.scot |
Website: | https://www.immigration.scot/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Johnson Winch Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.johnsonwinch.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Jonah Law |
Address: | Suite 102, Miller House 47-49 Market Street Bolton Greater Manchester BL4 7FU |
Telephone: | 0161 270 2862 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tapiwa@jonahlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.jonahlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Joseph Business Solutions Ltd |
Address: | The Knowledge Dock 4-6 University Way Royal Docks London London E16 2RD England |
Telephone: | 077 6648 6933 |
Fax: | |
Email: | joseph@josephsolutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.josephsolutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Joseph Cole & Associates LLP |
Address: | KD 118, Knowledge Dock 4-6 University Way, Royal Docks, London London E16 2RD England |
Telephone: | 020 8187 5335 |
Fax: | |
Email: | queries.coleandassociatesllp@outlook.com |
Website: | http://www.josephcoleassociates.squarespace.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Joy Legal Services |
Address: | Unit 18 Bridge Park Leisure Centre Harrow Road Brentfield London London NW10 0RG England |
Telephone: | 020 8963 9990 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gifty86@googlemail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JPS Immigration Limited |
Address: | 5A Grace Road Broadfield Crawley West Sussex RH11 9SB England |
Telephone: | 01293 522275 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.jpsimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 190 Monica Road Birmingham West Midlands B10 9BL England |
Telephone: | 073 4197 4093 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jaheerrahman123@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
JT Education Ltd |
Address: | 85-87 Bayham Street London London NW1 0AG England |
Telephone: | 020 7424 7952 |
Fax: | |
Email: | uk@jteducation.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Judicium UK Work Permits Limited |
Address: | 3rd Floor 1 Ashley Road Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2DT England |
Telephone: | 084 5226 4030 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@uk-wp.com |
Website: | http://www.uk-wp.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Junchai & Co Ltd |
Address: | 184 Shepherds Bush Road London W6 7NL England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 5619 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@junchai.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Just Advising Ltd |
Address: | 24 Nene Road Flitwick Bedford Bedfordshire MK45 1SE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Just for Kids Law |
Address: | Unit 2 Crystal Wharf 36 Graham Street London London N1 8GJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3174 2279 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Contact@justforkidslaw.org. |
Website: | http://www.justforkidslaw.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Just Legal (Leicester) Limited |
Address: | Just Legal (Leicester) Limited 220 Loughborough Road Leicester Leicestershire LE4 5LG England |
Telephone: | 0116 266 4680 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@justlegalgroup.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.justlegalgroup.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Justice and Care |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.justiceandcare.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Justice and Rights Law Firm (Ltd) |
Address: | 71 — 75 Uxbridge Road Ealing London London W5 5SL England |
Telephone: | 020 3927 0314 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@justiceandrights.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Justice First |
Address: | 133 Norton Road Stockton-On-Tees Durham TS18 2BG England |
Telephone: | 01642 929451 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@justicefirst.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.justicefirst.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 01642929451 |
Show Advisers |
K R Immigration and Advice Services |
Address: | 1st Floor Culver Works Hopwood Lane Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 5ER England |
Telephone: | 01422 382828 |
Fax: | |
Email: | krimmigration@consultant.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 204 Francis Road London London E10 6PR England |
Telephone: | 020 8257 7070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kberberi.law@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.kberberi-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
K2 Corporate Mobility Ltd |
Address: | Connaught House 255 High Street Guildford Surrey GU1 3BS England |
Telephone: | 01932 849500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sandra.toppin@k2corporatemobility.com |
Website: | http://www.k2corporatemobility.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
K2 Corporate Mobility Ltd |
Address: | 1 Royal Exchange Avenue London London EC3V 3LT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.k2corporatemobility.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 560 Coventry Road Small Heath Birmingham West Midlands B10 0UN England |
Telephone: | 0121 771 4500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kabirimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.kabirimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kadmos Consultants |
Address: | 166 College Road Harrow Greater London HA1 1BH England |
Telephone: | 020 8930 9503 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kadmos.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.kadmosimmigration.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kalayaan Justice For Migrant Domestic Workers |
Address: | St Francis Centre 13 Hippodrome Place London London W11 4SF England |
Telephone: | 020 7243 2942 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kalayaan.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.kalayaan.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kamaly Consultancy Limited |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.kamalyconsultancy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Kanatu Group Immigration & Nationality Law |
Address: | Rex House Regus 4th Floor 4 -12 Regent Street London London SW1Y 4PE England |
Telephone: | 075 9043 0504 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kanatugroup@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaexpressuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Karmand Community Centre |
Address: | Barkerend Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD3 9EP England |
Telephone: | 01274 669593 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rashid@karmand.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.karamand.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 2 Standon Drive Sheffield South Yorkshire S9 1PL England |
Telephone: | 075 0620 9684 |
Fax: | |
Website: | http://www.kashlegalservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kashmiri Arts & Heritage Foundation |
Address: | FFS, 393 Coventry Road Birmingham West Midlands B10 0SP England |
Telephone: | 077 9177 6147 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kashmiriartsheritage@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kate Fursdon Immigration Service Limited |
Address: | 57 Greenhaze Lane Great Cambourne Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 5EF England |
Telephone: | 020 7101 4762 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kate@katefursdon-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.katefursdon-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | First Floor 85 Great Portland Street London London W1W 7LT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.kayalegal.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | Flat 36 88 Wood Lane London London W12 0FD |
Telephone: | 075 2263 7474 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kayalegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.kayalegal.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kayi Consultants |
Address: | Suite 9, Business First Centurion Park Davyfield Road Blackburn Lancashire BB1 2QY England |
Telephone: | 01772 842102 |
Fax: | |
Email: | farheen.adam@kayiconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.kayiconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
KB Immigration |
Address: | Suite 3C Cranbrook House 61 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PG England |
Telephone: | 079 1934 6279 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kbimmigration@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kensington & Chelsea Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Citizens Advice Chelsea Old Town Hall Kings Road London Greater London SW3 5EE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Kent Immigration and Visa Advice Ltd |
Address: | 5a Castle Hill Road Dover Kent CT16 1QG England |
Telephone: | 01304 213003 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kentimmigrationadvice.com |
Website: | http://www.kentimmigrationadvice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kent Refugee Help |
Address: | PoBox 192 Whitstable Kent CT5 1WA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.kentrefugeehelp.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Khan Associates (Glasgow) LLP |
Address: | First Floor 4 — 10 Darnley Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G41 2SE Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 429 2390 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@khanassociates.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.khanassociates.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Khans Immigration Advisors |
Address: | 1192 Stockport Road Manchester Greater Manchester M19 2RA England |
Telephone: | 074 3861 1880 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kia4018@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Khazan and Co Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | 55-57 Garstang Road Preston Lancashire PR1 1LB England |
Telephone: | 01772 437108 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@khazanlawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.khazanlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Khrystyna Ovsinska Immigration Advisor |
Address: | 35 Tugela Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2HB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Khurshed Law Chamber (UK) |
Address: | First Floor Rear 37 New Road London London E1 1HE England |
Telephone: | 078 2869 4424 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@khurshedlawchamberuk.com |
Website: | http://www.khurshedlawchamberuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kincardine And Mearns Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 9 Cameron Street Stonehaven AB39 2BL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01569 766578 |
Fax: | 01569 765675 |
Email: | bureau@kamcab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
King’s Arms Project |
Address: | King’s House 245 Ampthill Road Bedfordshire MK42 9AZ |
Telephone: | 01234 350900 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.kingsarmsproject.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kingston Borough Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Neville House 55 Eden Street Kingston upon Thames KT1 1BW England |
Telephone: | 020 3166 0953 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Kiran Support Services |
Address: | PO BOX 899 Leytonstone London London E11 1AA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.kiranss.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Kiran Support Services |
Address: | Waltham Forest Hub (Central) 1 Russell Road Leyton London London E10 7ES England |
Telephone: | 020 8558 1986 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amtal@kiranss.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.kiranss.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre |
Address: | 1 and 3 Brook Street Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD1 1EB England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7896 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Kirklees Citizens Advice and Law Centre |
Address: | Units 11-12 Empire House Dewsbury West Yorkshire WF12 8DJ England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7896 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kirkpatrick Whyte Limited |
Address: | The Lansdowne Building 2 Lansdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR9 2ER England |
Telephone: | 020 3917 3280 |
Fax: | |
Email: | helen@kirkpatrickwhyte.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.kirkpatrickwhyte.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
KKS Legal Services |
Address: | 14 Oaks Lane Newbury Park Ilford Greater London IG2 7PL England |
Telephone: | 079 4071 6558 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kkslegal@mail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 85 Great Portland Street London London W1W 7LT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kmplegalservices.com |
Website: | http://www.kmplegalservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Knowsley District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 142 Cherryfield Drive Kirkby Merseyside L20 8RX |
Telephone: | 084 5122 1300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Kongolese Centre For Information And Advice |
Address: | Kongolese Centre for Information & Advice Bangladesh Centre 19 Samford Street London London NW8 8ER England |
Telephone: | 020 7724 9746 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kongolesecentre@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.kcia.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kradh Harlington |
Address: | 60 St Martins Lane Covent Garden London WC2N 4JS England |
Telephone: | 020 3884 0292 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kradhharlington.com |
Website: | http://www.kradhharlington.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kristal Law |
Address: | Unit 37 The I O Centre Armstrong Road London London SE18 6RS England |
Telephone: | 020 8316 7727 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kristallaw@gmx.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kulendran Immigration Law Chambers |
Address: | Unit C220c 89 Bickersteth Road London London SW17 9SH England |
Telephone: | 020 8542 8222 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kilc_work@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Kurl Legal Services |
Address: | 6th Floor City Gate East Tollhouse Hill Nottingham West Midlands NG1 5FS England |
Telephone: | 0115 990 2552 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@kurllegalservices.com |
Website: | http://www.KURLLEGALSERVICES.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
L&V legal consultancy ltd |
Address: | 20 Bishops Avenue Westgate Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 5NJ England |
Telephone: | 074 5021 2317 |
Fax: | |
Email: | consultant_serviceuk@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lamaa Partners |
Address: | 3rd floor 86-90 Paul Street London Greater London EC2A 4NE England |
Telephone: | 074 4411 4020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nicol@lamaapartners.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lampton Services Ltd |
Address: | Unit 9 Red Lion Court Alexandra Road Hounslow Greater London TW3 1JS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lancashire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 35-39 Market Street Chorley Lancashire PR7 2SW England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1294 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Lancaster University Law Clinic |
Address: | Law School Lancaster University Lancaster Lancashire LA1 4YN England |
Telephone: | 01524 594756 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/law/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Lannex Immigration and Legal Advice Services |
Address: | Room 200 Equitable House 7 General Gordon Square London London SE18 6AB England |
Telephone: | 020 3302 9450 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lannex.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Larne Citizens AdviceBureau |
Address: | Park Lodge 49 Victoria Road Larne Antrim BT40 1RT Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 2826 0379 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Latin America House |
Address: | 10 Kingsgate Place London London NW6 4TA England |
Telephone: | 020 7372 8653 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@casalatina.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.casalatina.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 1127253 Charity Number |
Show Advisers |
Latin American Disabled Peoples Project |
Address: | 102 Harper Road London Greater London SE1 6AQ England |
Telephone: | 020 7793 8399 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ladpp@ladpp.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ladpp.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | The Print House 18 Ashwin Street London Greater London E8 3DL England |
Telephone: | 020 7275 0321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lawadv.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawadv.org.uk/en/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Latta International Limited |
Address: | 2nd floor 137 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 3EW Scotland |
Telephone: | +4401412123355 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cz@lattainternational.com |
Website: | http://www.lattainternational.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Law Centre NI |
Address: | Westgate House 2-4 Queen Street Belfast Antrim BT1 6ED Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9024 4401 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@lawcentreni.org |
Website: | http://www.lawcentreni.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Law Eagles Ltd |
Address: | 93 High Street Thornton Heath Greater London CR7 8RY England |
Telephone: | 020 8684 9909 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@laweagles.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.laweagles.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07961084146 |
Show Advisers |
Law Firm Limited |
Address: | 2nd Floor, Queens House 180-182 Tottenham Court Road London London W1T 7PD England |
Telephone: | 020 7907 1460 |
Fax: | 020 7907 1463 |
Email: | i.shevlyakova@lawfirmltd.com |
Website: | http://www.lawfirmltd.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Law Office Diane Gelon |
Address: | Lower Ground 8 Coldbath Square London London EC1R 5HL England |
Telephone: | 020 7833 3121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Law Park |
Address: | LAW PARK 601 Britannia House 1-11 Glenthorne Road London London W6 0LH England |
Telephone: | 020 3290 7304 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lawpark.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawpark.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lawrose |
Address: | 3 The Shires Old Bedford Road Luton Bedfordshire LU2 7QA England |
Telephone: | 074 2411 4588 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lawrose.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawrose.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | A T D Fourth World 48 Addington Square London London SE5 7LB England |
Telephone: | 020 7336 0888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lawrs@lawrs.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawrs.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | Tindlemanor 52-54 Featherstone Street London London EC1Y 8RT England |
Telephone: | 020 7336 0888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lawrs@lawrs.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawrs.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lawson Hunte Immigration Services |
Address: | Eco Innovation Centre Peterscourt, City Road Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 1SA England |
Telephone: | 01733 294537 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@lawsonhunte.com |
Website: | http://www.lawsonhunte.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lawton Immigration |
Address: | 2nd floor Regent House 95a Princess Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 4HT England |
Telephone: | 0161 222 8585 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lawtonimmigration.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lawyer London Ltd |
Address: | Peel House 3rd Floor, Suite 308 34-44 London Road Morden Greater London SM4 5BT England |
Telephone: | 078 0285 1571 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lawyerlondonuk.com |
Website: | http://www.lawyerlondonuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Layne & Co Immigration Advisory Services |
Address: | 23 Dawson Road Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 5PH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | lciaservices@outlook.com |
Website: | http://www.Layneandcoimmigrationadvisoryservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 400 Pavilion Drive Brackmills Northampton NN4 7PA England |
Telephone: | 075 7215 7200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ldmpartners.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ldmpartners.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lead NRI Services Ltd |
Address: | 13A Lakedale Road London SE18 1PP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leading Immigration |
Address: | Flat 1 Leamington House 23 Stonegrove Edgware Greater London HA8 7TN England |
Telephone: | 074 3244 4424 |
Fax: | |
Email: | leadingimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.leadimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
League For Human Rights |
Address: | Unit 106 Camberwell Business Centre 99-103 Lomond Grove London London SE5 7HN England |
Telephone: | 020 7277 1445 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lhr1445@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice limited to entry clearance |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Learn for Life Enterprise |
Address: | 241-243 London Road Sheffield South Yorkshire S2 4NF England |
Telephone: | 0114 255 9080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@learnforlifeenterprise.com |
Website: | http://www.learnforlifeenterprise.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leeds Immigration Advice Centre |
Address: | Leeds Immigration Advice Centre Princes Exchange 2 Princes Square Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 4HY England |
Telephone: | 078 4884 0596 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com |
Website: | http://www. leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leek Citizens Advice |
Address: | Morrlands House Stockwell Street Leek Staffordshire ST13 6HQ England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Legal Acumen |
Address: | The CIBA Building 146 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham West Midlands B16 9NX England |
Telephone: | 0121 452 5037 |
Fax: | |
Email: | amreen@legalacumen.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.legalacumen.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal Advice Centre (University House) |
Address: | Oxford House Derbyshire Street London London E2 6HG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Legal Advice Centre (University House) |
Address: | 104 Roman Road London London E2 0RN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal and Professional Consultants Ltd |
Address: | 380 Stratford Road Sparkhill Birmingham West Midlands B11 4AB England |
Telephone: | 078 7880 7921 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legalhelps@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal And Support Services Limited |
Address: | Legal and Support Services Limited 70 Fawcett Road Southsea Hampshire PO4 0DN England |
Telephone: | 078 2391 0666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legalandsupportservices@live.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal Centre |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.legalcentre.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Legal Logic |
Address: | Olympic House 28-42 Clements Road Ilford Greater London Greater London IG1 1BA England |
Telephone: | 079 4613 8739 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationvisaconsultants@protonmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal Logic |
Address: | 18 Falconer Road Ilford Greater London IG6 3ST England |
Telephone: | 074 3247 7979 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@immigration-visa.net |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legal Practitioners And Company |
Address: | 407-601 Britannia House, 1-11 Glenthorne Road London London W6 0LH England |
Telephone: | 075 9028 3779 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LegalEye Consultancy LTD |
Address: | Station House 34 St. Enoch Square Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 4DF Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.legaleyeco.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LegalNetic Ltd |
Address: | 93 Gloucester Place, London Greater London W1U 6JQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legato |
Address: | 1 Tiberius Close Roman Park Basingstoke Hampshire RG23 8HX England |
Telephone: | 01256 468018 |
Fax: | |
Email: | agata@legato-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.legato-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Legist Law Services |
Address: | Suite 112, Olympic House 28-42 Clements road Ilford Greater London IG1 1BA England |
Telephone: | 020 3371 7323 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thelegistlaw.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leicester Roma Community Services («LRCS») |
Address: | 84 High Street Leicester Leicestershire LE1 5YP England |
Telephone: | 078 8209 2276 |
Fax: | |
Email: | communityserviceleicester@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leiston, Saxmundham & District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 14 Colonial House Station Road Leiston Suffolk IP16 4JD England |
Telephone: | 01728 832193 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Leo Visa Service |
Address: | Room 21 Roehampton Court Queens Ride London London SW13 0HU England |
Telephone: | 020 8050 3918 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Leovisasolution@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.leovisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Leone Consultancy |
Address: | 163 Southampton Way Camberwell London SE5 7EJ England |
Telephone: | 020 7703 1333 |
Fax: | |
Email: | akconteh@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Levetron Limited |
Address: | 43 St Edwards Chase Fulwood Preston PR2 3BF |
Telephone: | 077 1103 2959 |
Fax: | |
Email: | director@levetron.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.levetron.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lewes District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 15 — 19 Chapel Street Newhaven East Sussex BN9 9PN England |
Telephone: | 01273 473082 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.lewesdistrictcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Lewisham Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Bonfield Road Lewisham SE13 5EU England |
Telephone: | 084 4826 9691 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network |
Address: | The Sayes Court 341 Evelyn Street London SE8 5QX England |
Telephone: | 020 8694 0323 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lrmn.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.lrmn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lexlegal Limited |
Address: | Meridien House 42 Upper Berkeley Street London London W1H 5PW |
Telephone: | 020 3988 0575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lexlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.lexlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lexman Law Limited |
Address: | Ground Floor, 55 Oxford Road South London London W4 3DD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lexmanlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LH Global Group (UK) Limited |
Address: | Level 30 The Leadenhall Building 122 Leadenhall Street London London EC3V 4AB |
Telephone: | 020 3753 5345 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.tedimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Liberty Immigration Advice Services LTD |
Address: | 7 Junction Road Bromsgrove Worcestershire B61 8PG England |
Telephone: | 074 7012 7173 |
Fax: | |
Email: | libertyimmigrationas@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Liberty Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Biz Hub, Office 405S Castle Mill Burnt Tree Tipton West Midlands DY4 7UF England |
Telephone: | 075 0077 0066 |
Fax: | |
Email: | libertyimmigration01@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Liberty Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 4 De Montfort Street Leicester Leicestershire LE1 7GA England |
Telephone: | 0116 431 5091 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@libertyimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.libertyimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Liberty Legal Ltd |
Address: | 30 Burrows Drive Sheffield South Yorkshire S5 7JQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lifeline Options Community Interest Company |
Address: | Suite 421 51 Pinfold Street Birmingham West Midlands B2 4AY England |
Telephone: | 0121 359 5435 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lifelineoptions@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.lifelineoptions.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LightMega Ltd |
Address: | 35 Oxford Way Tipton Sandwell West Midlands DY4 8AL England |
Telephone: | 079 8686 3279 |
Fax: | |
Email: | toyin@lmimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ligoniel Improvement Association |
Address: | Wolfhill Centre 148 Ligoniel Road Belfast Antrim BT14 8DT Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890391225 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Like U CIO |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.Likeu.org.uk |
Not Fee Charging |
Limavady Community Development Initiative |
Address: | Roe Valley Hospital 24D Benevenagh Drive Limavady Londonderry BT49 OAQ |
Telephone: | 2877765438 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Limehouse Project |
Address: | St Anne — Unit 2 789-791 Commercial Road London London E14 7HG England |
Telephone: | 020 3069 7458 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@limehouseproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.limehouseproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to nationality and entry clearance |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lingua Legal Ltd |
Address: | 135 Green Lanes London London N16 9DA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lingualegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Linleite Law Limited |
Address: | 22 Rocks Lane London London SW13 0DB England |
Telephone: | 078 0748 3884 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@linleitelaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.linleitelaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lisburn Citizens Advice bureau |
Address: | Bridge Community Centre 50 Railway Street Lisburn BT28 1XP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 0289266 2251 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Liverpool Law Clinic |
Address: | School of Law and Social Justice Building Chatham Street Liverpool Merseyside L69 7ZR England |
Telephone: | 0151 794 5782 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/law/liverpool-law-clinic/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Liyon Legal Limited |
Address: | 40 Orsett Road Unit 40 (A) Grays Essex RM17 5EB England |
Telephone: | 020 8594 1224 |
Fax: | |
Email: | liyonlegal@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.liyonlegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LK Immigration Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
LM Immigration Services |
Address: | 161 Rutland Street Derby Derbyshire DE23 8PS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lmimmigrations.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Localyze (UK) LTD |
Address: | 2 Marylebone Road London London NW1 4DF England |
Telephone: | +4917643209114 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@localyzeapp.com |
Website: | http://www.localyzeapp.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Localyze (UK) LTD |
Address: | WeWork New Kings Beam House 22 Upper Ground London London SE1 9PD England |
Telephone: | +4917643209114 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@localyzeapp.com |
Website: | http://www.localyzeapp.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lochaber Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Dudley Road Fort William Inverness PH33 6JB Scotland |
Telephone: | 01397 705311 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
London Bridge Language Centre |
Address: | St. Johns Centre 64 Larcom Street London London SE17 1NQ England |
Telephone: | 079 3166 7223 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lblc.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.lblc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Certifa Immigration Services |
Address: | 137 Gospatrick Road London London N17 7JD England |
Telephone: | 077 4001 3788 |
Fax: | |
Email: | londoncertifa@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Imperial Immigration Services |
Address: | 81a The Broadway Southall Greater London UB1 1LA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@liiservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.liiservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
London Imperial Immigration Services |
Address: | 10 Mount Pleasant Wembley Greater London HA0 4LP England |
Telephone: | 020 8795 3780 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@liiservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.liiservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Investment Immigration Education Limited |
Address: | 38 Keith Road Hayes Greater London UB3 4HP England |
Telephone: | 020 8582 8713 |
Fax: | |
Email: | uk@liie.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.liie.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Law Centre Ltd |
Address: | East London Works Unit 137 75 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DU England |
Telephone: | 078 5033 3324 |
Fax: | |
Email: | r_ibn_harith@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Law Consultants |
Address: | 8 Hillcrest Avenue West Thurrock Grays Essex RM20 3DA England |
Telephone: | +447438561510 |
Fax: | |
Email: | londonlawconsultants@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.londonlawconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
London Pioneer College |
Address: | Suite 2 Roding House 2 Cambridge Road Barking Greater London IG11 8NL England |
Telephone: | 020 8594 0036 |
Fax: | |
Email: | s.rahman@londonpioneer.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.londonpioneer.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Londonderry Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Citizens Advice Bureau Spencer House 14-22 Spencer Road Londonderry Londonderry BT47 6QA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7136 2444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Londonderry Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Embassy Court 5th Floor 3 Strand Road Derry/Londonderry BT48 6BH |
Telephone: | 028 7136 2444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Londonhelp4u Consultancy Limited |
Address: | 28a Queensway London London W2 3RX England |
Telephone: | 020 7636 8500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@londonhelp4u.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.londonhelp4u.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Looked After Children |
Address: | London Borough of Hounslow Hounslow House 7 Bath Road Hounslow Greater London TW3 3EB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.hounslow.gov.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lotus Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 25 Cabot Square London London E14 4QZ England |
Telephone: | 078 5186 1011 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lotusimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.lotusimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Loyal Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Suite 6A 61 Cranbrook Road Cranbrook House Ilford IG1 4PG England |
Telephone: | 020 3500 0902 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@loyalimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.loyalimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LP Legal Services Global Ltd |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | 020 8970 2160 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lplegalservices.com |
Website: | http://www.lplegalservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LS Immigration Advice |
Address: | 09 Farm Close Shavington Crewe Cheshire CW2 5UU |
Telephone: | 01270 691848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | leiddystanley@lsimmigrationadvice.com |
Website: | http://www.lsImmigrationadvice.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LSS Legal Ltd |
Address: | 21 Carmania Circle Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK10 7HU |
Telephone: | 01908 046668 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lsslegal.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.lsslegal.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
LSVP Ltd |
Address: | Enterprise House 12 Southey Close Fulwood Preston Lancashire PR2 9FJ England |
Telephone: | 075 0042 0603 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@londonshanghaivp.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Luana Martiniano |
Address: | Flat A 5 Abbott House Nightingale Lane London London SW12 8NW England |
Telephone: | 020 8123 8401 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ldlawservicesuk@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.luanamartiniano.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lucien Legal |
Address: | Marco Polo House Business Xchange Hub 3-5 Lansdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2BX England |
Telephone: | 020 3355 6166 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lucienlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.lucienlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lunivha Consultants Ltd |
Address: | Suite1.34 9-11 Gunnery Terrace Royal Arsenal London London SE18 6SW England |
Telephone: | 020 3411 8672 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@lunivhaconsultants.com |
Website: | http://www.lunivhaconsultants.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Luton Citizens Advice |
Address: | Community House 15 New Bedford Rd Luton Beds Bedfordshire LU1 1SA England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1285 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citizensadviceluton.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Luton Law Centre |
Address: | 15 New Bedford Road Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1SA England |
Telephone: | 01582 481000 |
Fax: | 01582 482581 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lutonlawcentre.orguk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
L-X Consulting |
Address: | L-X Consulting The Silver Fin Building Union Street Aberdeen Aberdeen AB11 6DB Scotland |
Telephone: | 077 0368 5088 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@l-xconsulting.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.l-xconsulting.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Lyle Immigration Services |
Address: | 14 Chadwick Street Little Lever Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 1ND England |
Telephone: | 075 6871 9970 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lyleimmigrationservices@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M & M Immigration Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | 4 Linley Drive Purbeck Village Warwick Warwickshire CV34 8AT |
Telephone: | 01926 962535 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mandmimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mandmimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M B Law Practice |
Address: | Unit 2H3 Park Business Centre Hastingwood Industrial Park Wood Lane Birmingham West Midlands B24 9QR England |
Telephone: | 0333 772 1740 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@mblawpractice.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mblawpractice.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M. A LAW |
Address: | 553a High Road Tottenham London London N17 6SB England |
Telephone: | 078 6915 5590 |
Fax: | |
Email: | migleap777@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M.A. Consultants (Blackburn) |
Address: | 7-8 Richmond Terrace Blackburn Lancashire BB1 7BD England |
Telephone: | 01254 672075 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@maconsultants.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M.J. Immigration |
Address: | 1st Floor 337 Lincoln Road Millfield Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2PF England |
Telephone: | 01733 511111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mjimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 26 Buxton Drive New Malden Greater London KT3 3UZ England |
Telephone: | 079 8285 9625 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mayserajab@mradvocates.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mradvocates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
M2H Chambers LTD |
Address: | 63 Alexandra Road Shipley West Yorkshire BD18 3ER England |
Telephone: | 079 1530 0198 |
Fax: | |
Email: | umar.malik@m2hchambers.com |
Website: | http://www.m2hchambers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MA Consultants |
Address: | 3rd Floor 245 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DB England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 3176 |
Fax: | |
Email: | maconsultants245@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.maconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MA Consultants Birmingham |
Address: | 1st Floor 145 Alum Rock Road Birmingham West Midlands B8 1NH England |
Telephone: | 0121 679 4161 |
Fax: | |
Email: | maconsultantsbham@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mac And Company Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | 27 Cypress Avenue Whitton Twickenham Greater London TW2 7JY England |
Telephone: | 077 9397 6666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MacDonald Low Solutions Limited |
Address: | 31 Chambres Road Southport Merseyside PR8 6JG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@maclow.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Maidstone Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2 Bower Terrace Tonbridge road Maidstone Kent ME16 8RY England |
Telephone: | 01622 752420 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Maiwand Habib |
Address: | 131 Sellincourt Road London London SW17 9RZ England |
Telephone: | 074 2469 6324 |
Fax: | |
Email: | maiwand.habib@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Major Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 27 Langley Broom Slough Berkshire SL3 8NB England |
Telephone: | 078 6222 9882 |
Fax: | |
Email: | major-immigrationservices@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Maldon Citizens Advice |
Address: | Council Offices Princes Road Maldon Essex CM9 5DL England |
Telephone: | 01621 841195 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/maldon-district |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Maliha Law |
Address: | 102 High Road Leyton London London E15 2BX England |
Telephone: | 020 4549 0550 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@malihalaw.com |
Website: | http://www.malihalaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Malik’s Immigration Office |
Address: | Flat 1 101 Waterhouse Street Hemel Hempstead HP1 1ED England |
Telephone: | 073 0632 7786 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@maliksimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Manchester Associates Legal Services |
Address: | 412 Barton Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M32 9RW England |
Telephone: | 0161 865 0177 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@mcrlegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mcrlegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Manchester Law Associates |
Address: | 315 Dickenson Road Manchester Greater Manchester M13 0NR England |
Telephone: | 0161 465 2611 |
Fax: | |
Email: | imranmla@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.manchesterlawassociates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Manchester Refugee Support Network |
Address: | Technology House Lissadel Street Salford Greater Manchester M6 6AP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mrsn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Manchester Refugee Support Network |
Address: | 129 Princess Road Moss Side Manchester Greater Manchester M14 4RB England |
Telephone: | 0161 868 0777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mrsn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mandeville & Associates (UK) Ltd. |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mandeville.com.hk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Manjit Pabla Immigration |
Address: | 1st Floor 45 Belgrave Road Leicester Leicestershire LE4 6AR England |
Telephone: | 077 7288 5400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mpi45@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Manningham Project |
Address: | 203 Lumb Lane Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 7SG England |
Telephone: | 01274 544687 |
Fax: | |
Email: | azhar@manninghamproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.manproj.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mann’s Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 57 Berkeley Square London London W1J 6ER England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 6346 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@manns-solutions.com |
Website: | http://www.manns-solutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mansfield Citizens Advice |
Address: | 16 regent street mansfield nottinghamshire ng18 1ss England |
Telephone: | 084 4856 3411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Manuel Bravo Project |
Address: | Unity Business Centre 26 roundhay Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 1AB England |
Telephone: | 0113 350 8609 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@manuelbravo.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.manuelbravo.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Maryhill And Possilpark Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 160-162 Saracen Street Possilpark Glasgow Lanarkshire G22 5AS Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 336 3405 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Maryhill And Possilpark Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 25 Avenuepark Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G20 8TS Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 946 6373 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Master Legal Services Ltd |
Address: | Master Legal Services Ltd 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | 020 8935 5205 |
Fax: | |
Email: | a.s@master-legal-services.com |
Website: | http://www.master-legal-services.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Maternity Action |
Address: | 2nd Floor 3-4 Wells Terrace London London N4 3JU England |
Telephone: | 020 7253 2288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@maternityaction.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.maternityaction.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mayfair Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 118 Cow Lane Bramcote Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG9 3BB England |
Telephone: | 073 9344 6867 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@mayfairukimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mazars LLP |
Address: | 30 Old Bailey London City of London EC4M 7AU |
Telephone: | 020 7063 3400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mazars.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MCC Law Ltd |
Address: | Unit C Ground Floor 108 Mile End Road London London E1 4UN England |
Telephone: | 020 3916 5695 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Mcclaw247@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MCCT Immigration Services |
Address: | Sahu Gardens, Little Treaddow St. Owens Cross Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8LQ England |
Telephone: | 01989 730254 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mcctimmigrationservices@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
McGowan Immigration Law Specialists |
Address: | 6 Castlehill View Ballymoney BT53 6RZ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
McKenzie, Beute and Pope Limited |
Address: | Woodlawns Centre 16 Leigham Court Road London London SW16 2PJ England |
Telephone: | 079 6114 8568 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mckenziebeuteanpope.com |
Website: | http://www.mckenziebeuteandpope.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
McKenzie, Beute and Pope Limited |
Address: | 11 Sternhold Avenue London London SW2 4PA England |
Telephone: | 020 8671 7989 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mckenziebeuteandpope.com |
Website: | http://www.mckenziebeuteandpope.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MDKODM Consulting |
Address: | 32 Lenthall Road Rose Hill Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 4UX England |
Telephone: | 078 2500 5313 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mdkodmconsulting@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Medivisas UK LLP |
Address: | 25 Wilton Road Victoria London London SW1V 1LW England |
Telephone: | 020 3998 0070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@medivisas.com |
Website: | http://www.medivisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Melvyn Everson And Company |
Address: | 14-16 Tiller Road London London E14 8PX England |
Telephone: | 020 7345 5256 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@melvyneverson.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.melvyneverson.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mendip Citizens Advice |
Address: | Highfield House Shape Mendip Hub Cannards Grave Road Shepton Mallet Somerset BA4 5BT England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Mepco UK Limited |
Address: | 33 Park Road Hayes Greater London UB4 8JN England |
Telephone: | 020 8569 1986 |
Fax: | |
Email: | moohi@mepco.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.mepco.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Meralis Immigration Services (MIS) |
Address: | Scottish Provident House 76-80 College Road Harrow Greater London HA1 1BQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8861 3040 |
Fax: | |
Email: | munir@meralis.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Merc Education UK Limited |
Address: | Unit 307 E1 Studio 7 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DU England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 8201 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mercuk.com |
Website: | http://www.mercuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mercy Bell & Co Ltd |
Address: | Office one 1 Coldbath Square London London EC1R 5HL England |
Telephone: | 020 4529 2613 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pbello@sky.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 1st Floor 35-37 Bold Street Liverpool Merseyside L1 4DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Merthyr Tydfil Citizens Advice |
Address: | Post Office Lane Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8BE Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Metin UK Visa Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 12 Nursery Rise Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 3FB |
Telephone: | 079 9900 7686 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mete@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.metinukvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Metro Immigration Specialists |
Address: | The Atrium 1 Harefield Road Uxbridge Greater London UB8 1EX England |
Telephone: | 020 3633 0525 |
Fax: | |
Email: | metroimmigration@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on the following numbers: 07894390089 and 07939699162 |
Show Advisers |
Mexborough & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Adwick Road Mexborough S64 0DB England |
Telephone: | 01709 572400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
MG Immigration Services |
Address: | 7 Underwood Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 6YD England |
Telephone: | 075 8124 1155 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mgimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mgimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MGBe Legal |
Address: | 107 Cheapside London London EC2V 6DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | egabryx@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.mgbelegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MHA MacIntyre Hudson |
Address: | 2 London Wall Place Barbican London EC2Y 5AU |
Telephone: | 020 7429 4100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hrsolutions@mhllp.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.macintyrehudson.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MI Immigration Services |
Address: | 37 Devon Road Bristol Bristol BS5 9AY England |
Telephone: | 078 8867 1101 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mislamch@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.miimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Michellebelle Immigration Solutions |
Address: | Thurrock Centre for Business The Old Courthouse Orsett Road Grays Essex RM17 5DD England |
Telephone: | 020 8124 1215 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mbimmigrationsolutions.com |
Website: | http://www.mbimmigrationsolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Micro Rainbow CIC |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.microrainbow.org |
Not Fee Charging |
Mid East Antrim Community Advice Services |
Address: | 4 Wellington Court Ballymena Antrim BT43 6EQ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2896001333 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Mid East Antrim Community Advice Services |
Address: | 11 Antrim Street Carrickfergus Antrim BT38 7DG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Mid East Antrim Community Advice Services |
Address: | 2 Station Road The Market Yard Larne Antrim BT40 3AA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Mid Suffolk Citizens Advice |
Address: | 5 Milton road South Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 1EZ England |
Telephone: | 01449 676060 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Middlesbrough Citizens Advice |
Address: | 3 Bolckow Street Middlesbrough TS1 1TH England |
Telephone: | 0344 499 4110 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Midlands Migrant Support Centre |
Address: | 9 Edgar Street Worcester West Midlands WR1 2LR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | tom@mmsc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.mmsc.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migra and Company |
Address: | 119 Marylebone Road London London NW1 5PU England |
Telephone: | 020 3384 3075 |
Fax: | |
Email: | monika@migraco.com |
Website: | http://www.migraco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Centre NI |
Address: | C/O BCDA 283 Ormeau Road Belfast Antrim BT7 3GG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.migrantcentreni.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Migrant Centre NI |
Address: | Unit 3 Cido Business Complex Charles Street Craigavon Armagh BT66 6HG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7141 4848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | management@migrantcentreni.org |
Website: | http://www.migrantcentreni.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Help |
Address: | Park Mews Office Suite Ramada by Wyndham Penns Lane Sutton Coldfield West Midlands B76 1LH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Jemal.Dragoshi@migranthelpuk.org |
Website: | http://www.migrantukhelp.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Migrant Help |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | peoplehr@migranthelpuk.org |
Website: | http://www.migrantukhelp.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Legal Action |
Address: | 53 Addington Square London London SE5 7LB England |
Telephone: | 020 7701 0141 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@migrantlegalaction.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.migrantlegalaction.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Legal Project |
Address: | 20 Churchill Way Cardiff South Glamorgan CF10 2DY Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2000 3050 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@migrantlegalproject.com |
Website: | http://www.migrantlegalproject.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Legal Project |
Address: | 237 Union Street Stonehouse Plymouth Devon PL1 3HQ England |
Telephone: | 01752 547134 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@migrantlegalproject.com |
Website: | http://www.migrantlegalproject.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrant Legal Project |
Address: | The Old Co-Op 38-42 Chelsea Road Chelsea Road Bristol Bristol BS5 6AF England |
Telephone: | 0117 911 3393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@migrantlegalproject.com |
Website: | http://www.migrantlegalproject.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrants Organise |
Address: | 2 Thorpe Close London London W10 5XL |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.migrantsorganise.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrate |
Address: | 28 Sweyn Road Cliftonville Margate Kent CT9 2DH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Website: | http://www.migrate.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migrate UK |
Address: | Migrate UK 99 Milton Park Milton Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4RY England |
Telephone: | 01235 841568 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@migrate-uk.com |
Website: | http://www.migrate-uk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Migration Expert Limited |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.migrationexpert.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Miica Services |
Address: | Xenon House 52 Milkstone Road Rochdale Greater Manchester OL11 1EB England |
Telephone: | 079 7624 5888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mainwayins@sky.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Milana Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Unit 3 Carlisle Business Centre Carlisle Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 8BD England |
Telephone: | 078 9147 4273 |
Fax: | |
Email: | milana-immigration@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.milanaimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Milton Keynes District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 361 Midsummer Boulevard Central Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK9 3HP England |
Telephone: | 01908 604475 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Min Quan Legal Centre Community Interest Company |
Address: | 2 Langley Lane London London SW8 1GB England |
Telephone: | 075 9953 4654 |
Fax: | |
Email: | minquanlc@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Minority Development & Advocacy MDA |
Address: | 17 Hanover Square London Greater London W1S 1BN |
Telephone: | 020 3691 9029 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mda.eu.com |
Website: | http://www.mda.eu.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MJ Languages-Polish Community Centre CIC |
Address: | Thompsons House 8a Thompsons Yard Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 2TP England |
Telephone: | 01924 365644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mjlanguages.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mjlanguages.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MK Lawyers Associates |
Address: | 1a Mount Place London London W3 9DH England |
Telephone: | 020 8896 9796 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MK Lawyers Associates |
Address: | 31a North Crescent London London N3 3LL England |
Telephone: | 020 3441 6942 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mklawyers_a@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MK Suri And Company |
Address: | Queens Court 9-17 Eastern Road Romford Greater London RM1 3NH England |
Telephone: | 020 8227 0791 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mksuri.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mksuri.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 020 8227 0791 |
Show Advisers |
MKR Immigration Advice |
Address: | Shine Harehills Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 5HS England |
Telephone: | 0113 418 2755 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mkrimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mkrimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MLC Immigration Lawyers Ltd. |
Address: | City View House 5 Union Street Manchester Greater Manchester M12 4JD England |
Telephone: | 0161 224 4224 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@mlcimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.mlcimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MNH Immigration Advisors Ltd |
Address: | Unit 11 Cariocca Business Park Hellidon Close Manchester Greater Manchester M12 4AH England |
Telephone: | 075 3383 3381 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mnhadvisors@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mojatu Foundation |
Address: | The Marcus Garvey Centre The Howitt Wing Offices Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 2BY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.mojatufoundation.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Money Advice And Community Support |
Address: | Second FLoor 182-184 Terminus Road Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 3BB England |
Telephone: | 01323 635999 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@moneyadviceplus.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.moneyadviceplus.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Monica C Tax & Immigration Services |
Address: | 198 Eden Way Beckenham Greater London BR3 3DT England |
Telephone: | 020 8289 1372 |
Fax: | |
Email: | monikaservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.taxandimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Monmouthshire County Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Gatehouse High Street Chepstow NP16 5LH Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Monte Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | Spaces Moorgate 30 Moorgate London London EC2R 6DN England |
Telephone: | 074 6033 7391 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@monteconsultancy.com |
Website: | http://www.monteconsultancy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Morales Advisory Services |
Address: | Flat 3 Fellow House 12 Maurice Browne Avenue London London NW7 1SP |
Telephone: | 020 8969 8994 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@morales.uk |
Website: | http://www.morales.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Moray Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 6 Moss Street Elgin Moray IV30 1LU Scotland |
Telephone: | 01343 550088 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Morchid & Co Ltd |
Address: | The Town House 123-125 Green Lane Derby Derbyshire DE1 1RZ England |
Telephone: | 079 7715 9159 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@morchidandco.com |
Website: | http://www.morchidandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Morgan Smith Immigration |
Address: | Interchange Building 1st Floor 81-85 Station Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2RD England |
Telephone: | 020 3959 3335 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@morgansmithimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.morgansmithimmigration.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MOS Legal |
Address: | 39 Birkdale Road London London SE2 9HU England |
Telephone: | 075 3818 5476 |
Fax: | |
Email: | moslegalservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Motherline Legal Services |
Address: | 56-58 Beckett Road Doncaster South Yorkshire DN2 4AJ England |
Telephone: | 01302 265454 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dolly@motherlinelegal.com |
Website: | http://www.motherlinelegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Motherwell And Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | The Portacabin Roberts Street Wishaw ML2 7JF Scotland |
Telephone: | 01698 373388 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Motherwell And Wishaw Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 32 Civic Square Motherwell Lanarkshire ML1 1TP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01698 251981 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 602 Green Lanes Haringey London N8 0RY England |
Telephone: | 020 8245 0262 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mpvisas.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mr Adviser |
Address: | 124 City Road London Greater London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 8058 7174 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Contact1@mradviser.com |
Website: | http://www.Mradviser.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MR Legal Limited |
Address: | Office 19 Rosehill Business Centre Normanton Road Derby Derbyshire DE23 6RH England |
Telephone: | 074 4529 3879 |
Fax: | |
Email: | eeastatus@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 80a Edith Grove London London SW10 0NH England |
Telephone: | 078 8210 2451 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mrvpartnersconsultancy@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MS Immigration and Law Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 40 Peterborough Road Farcet Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE7 3BH England |
Telephone: | 01733 244459 |
Fax: | |
Email: | as@msvisasandimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MSR Immigration Services |
Address: | First Floor Roundhay Chambers 199 Roundhay Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 5AN England |
Telephone: | 079 4427 9394 |
Fax: | |
Email: | syed@msrimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MTS Immigration Advice Services |
Address: | 80 Clough Road Rotherham South Yorkshire S61 1RF England |
Telephone: | 074 5399 1779 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tajmohammed768@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mugo And Company Legal Consultants UK |
Address: | 555 Northumberland Avenue Reading Berkshire RG2 8NX England |
Telephone: | 0118 931 4006 |
Fax: | 0118 931 4010 |
Email: | info@mugolegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mugolegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mulgrave Law Ltd |
Address: | 124 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 7253 7248 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mulgravelaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mulgravelaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Multrees Law |
Address: | Third Floor Lansdowne House Berkeley Square London London W1J 6AB England |
Telephone: | 020 3371 0606 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sisi.zhou@multreeslaw.com |
Website: | http://www.multreeslaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Mumtaz Khan Immigration Law Advocate |
Address: | 290 Uxbridge Street Burton-On-Trent Staffordshire DE14 3JS England |
Telephone: | 078 6780 0201 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mumtazadvocate@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Musselburgh And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 141 High Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 7DD Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 653 2748 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Mutebuka & Co Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | Suite 4 Devonshire House Devonshire Avenue Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 1AY England |
Telephone: | 0113 247 3962 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mutebukaimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.mutebukaimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Muzaffar Associates Limited |
Address: | 9 Allison Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 8NP Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 433 4334 |
Fax: | 0141 433 4340 |
Email: | muzaffariqbalch@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.muzaffarassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MW Global Consulting Ltd |
Address: | 123 High Street Bordesley Birmingham West Midlands B12 0JU England |
Telephone: | 074 6624 5559 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mohamadalbatran@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
My Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 27 Maple Street Rochdale Greater Manchester OL11 4HE England |
Telephone: | 075 0891 8898 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@myimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.myimmigrationservices.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
MYG Limited |
Address: | 79 Winchester Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 1HS England |
Telephone: | 079 5182 1312 |
Fax: | |
Email: | m.gibson@visaworkpermits.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visaworkpermits.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
N H Immigration Centre Ltd |
Address: | 39 Churchill Gardens London London W3 0JN England |
Telephone: | 020 8993 3882 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationnh@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nabeela Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | St George’s House 6 St George’s Way Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1QZ |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nairn Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | 8 High Street Nairn Nairn IV12 4BJ Scotland |
Telephone: | 01667 456677 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Nation.better |
Address: | 128 City Road London Greater London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nationbetter.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB) |
Address: | Third Floor North 200 Aldersgate Street London London EC1A 4HD England |
Telephone: | 0300 023 1430 |
Fax: | |
Email: | feedback@citizensadvice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Nationwide Law Associates |
Address: | 674 Lea Bridge Road London London E10 6AP England |
Telephone: | 074 0354 3285 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nwlawassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.nwlawassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Naval Families Federation |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nff.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Naz Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 15 St. Georges Lane North Worcester Worcestershire WR1 1RD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nazimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Naz Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Unit-9 &11 560 Coventry Road Small Heath Birmingham West Midlands B10 0UN England |
Telephone: | 078 3486 1067 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nazrul-haque@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nazimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Neldons Business and Law Limited |
Address: | Office 107 Access Self Storage 3 Stanton Way Sydenham London SE26 5FU |
Telephone: | 074 5651 7079 |
Fax: | |
Email: | neldonsbuslaw@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Neptune International Recruitment Services Limited |
Address: | Neptune International Recruitment Services Limited Office 7 Barnwell House Barnwell Drive Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8UU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.neptuneinternational.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
New Citizens’ Gateway |
Address: | Hyde House The Hyde 8th Floor London London NW9 6LH England |
Telephone: | 020 8905 9002 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ncgateway.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ncgateway.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
New Europeans Association Ltd |
Address: | Davenant Centre 169/171 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.neweuropeans.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
New Forest Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Town hall Avenue Road Lymington Hampshire SO41 9ZG England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.newforestcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
New Heights Immigration Services |
Address: | 33 Cecil Avenue Barking Greater London IG11 9TD England |
Telephone: | 020 8252 8458 |
Fax: | |
Email: | newheights@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.newheightsimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Golden Cross House 8 Duncannon Street London London WC2N 4JF England |
Telephone: | 020 7484 5599 |
Fax: | |
Email: | qtukoffice@xdf.cn |
Website: | http://www.https://liuxue.xdf.cn/special/branch/uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
New Routes |
Address: | Norwich Social Centre Catherine Wheel Opening Norwich Norfolk NR3 3BQ England |
Telephone: | 01603 662648 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@newroutes.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.newroutes.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
New Vision International Group Ltd |
Address: | 10 Goodge Place London City of London W1T 4SG England |
Telephone: | 020 3741 8080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | fo@newvgroup.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
New World Law Associates Limited |
Address: | 49 Watford Way Hendon London London NW4 3JH England |
Telephone: | 020 7060 6899 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@newworldlaw.co.uk. |
Website: | http://www.newworldlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newcastle Law Centre |
Address: | MEA House Ellison Place Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 8XS England |
Telephone: | 0191 230 4777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | reception@nelawcentre.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.www.nelawcentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newcastle Legal Centre |
Address: | 14 West Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 9HB England |
Telephone: | 0191 298 3758 |
Fax: | 0191 298 3758 |
Email: | nlc.chowdhury@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.newcastlelegalcentre.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newham Community Renewal Programme Ltd |
Address: | 395 High Street North Manor Park London London E12 6PG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.renewalprogramme.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Services restricted to destitute residents of Newham. Referrals through the website only. |
Show Advisers |
Newland Chase Education |
Address: | Newland Chase Skyline House 200 Union Street London SE1 0LX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.education.newlandchase.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Newland Chase Education |
Address: | Capital House 1st Floor West Russell Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS1 5SP England |
Telephone: | 0113 340 1515 |
Fax: | |
Email: | kirsty.wilkinson@newlandchase.com |
Website: | https://www.education.newlandchase.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newland Chase Limited |
Address: | Skyline House 200 Union Street London London SE1 0LX England |
Telephone: | 020 7001 2121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.newlandchase.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newmarket Citizens Advice |
Address: | Foley Gate Wellington Street Newmarket Suffolk CB8 0HY England |
Telephone: | 01638 665999 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Newport Citizens Advice Ltd |
Address: | 8 Corn Street Newport NP20 1DJ Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Newport City Council |
Address: | Civic Centre Godfrey Road Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP20 4UR Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.newport.gov.uk/en/Home.aspx |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newport Isle of Wight Citizens Advice |
Address: | Isle Help Centre County Hall High Street Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire PO30 1UD England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Newport Mind Association |
Address: | 100-101 Commercial Street Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP20 1LU Wales |
Telephone: | 01633 258741 |
Fax: | |
Email: | director@newportmind.org |
Website: | https://www.newportmind.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Newry and Moune Citizens Advice |
Address: | Ballybot House 28 Cornmarket Newry Down BT35 8BG Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 3026 2934 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Newtownabbey and District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Farranshane House 1 Ballygore Road Antrim BT41 2RN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9442 8176 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Newtownabbey and District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Dunanney Centre Rathmullan Drive Rathcoole Newtownabbey BT37 9DQ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9085 2271 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 125 Putney Bridge Road London London SW15 2PA England |
Telephone: | +442035003511 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nexuslawchambers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nexuslawchambers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nexus Visas & Immigration |
Address: | Prima Rosa High Drive New Malden Greater London KT3 3UG England |
Telephone: | 020 3598 7413 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@nexusvisas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nexusvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | St. Georges Community Hub Great Hampton Row Birmingham B19 3JG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nilegals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging |
Address: | 40 Plashet Grove London London E6 1AE England |
Telephone: | 020 8099 9836 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nilegals.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nilegals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.niacro.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Nilssons IS Ltd |
Address: | Parallel House 32 London Road Guildford Surrey GU1 2AB England |
Telephone: | 01483 961768 |
Fax: | |
Email: | judy@nilssons.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nilssons.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Njomane Law Ltd |
Address: | 4 Sunderland Place Marsh Green Wigan Greater Manchester WN5 0QT England |
Telephone: | 078 1659 7100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | njomane2@me.com |
Website: | https://www.njomanelawimmigration.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 07591725862 |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 55 Enterprise House Enterprise Crescent Lisburn Northern Ireland BT28 2BP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 079 0848 1851 |
Fax: | |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | NNRF The Sycamore Centre 33a Hungerhill Road Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG3 4NB England |
Telephone: | 0115 960 1230 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.nottsrefugeeforum.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
NOAH Enterprise |
Address: | 141 Park Street Luton Bedfordshire LU1 3HG England |
Telephone: | 01582 728416 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.noahenterprise.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity: 1059672 |
Show Advisers |
Address: | SUITE 102, FIRST FLOOR, 60 High Street New Malden Surrey KT3 4EZ England |
Telephone: | 079 3177 8368 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anniechen111@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nomad Immigration |
Address: | Suite 1034 Unit 3A 34-35 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8DX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nomadimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nomadimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nomad.Law Services Ltd |
Address: | 24c Edwards Avenue Ruislip Greater London HA4 6UZ England |
Telephone: | 020 7050 0696 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nomadlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nomadlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Norfolk Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Forum Millennium Plain Norwich Norfolk NR2 1TF England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Norfolk Community Law Service |
Address: | 14 Prince Of Wales Road Norwich Norfolk NR1 1LB England |
Telephone: | 01603 496623 |
Fax: | |
Email: | des@ncls.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ncls.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Norfolk County Council |
Address: | People from Abroad Team Norfolk & Norwich Millennium Library Millennium Plain Norwich Norfolk NR2 1AW England |
Telephone: | 0344 800 8020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | information@norfolk.gov.uk |
Website: | http://www.norfolk.gov.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
North and West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice |
Address: | Messenger House 35 St. Michaels Square Gloucester Gloucestershire GL1 1HX England |
Telephone: | 01594 823937 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@gloscab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.gloscab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North And West Sutherland Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | The Pier Kinlochbervie IV27 4RP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01971 521730 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 22a Eglinton Street Irvine KA12 8AS Scotland |
Telephone: | 01294 278051 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 32 — 34 Boyd Street Largs KA30 8LE Scotland |
Telephone: | 01475 673586 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 43 Main Street Kilbirnie Ayr KA25 7BX Scotland |
Telephone: | 01505 682830 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | Ormidale Sports Centre Shore Road Brodick KA27 8DL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01294 467848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 87 Dock Street Saltcoats KA21 5ED Scotland |
Telephone: | 01294 467848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North East Derbyshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | Citizens Advice North East Derbyshire Coney Green Business Centre Wingfield View Clay Cross S45 9JW England |
Telephone: | 084 4848 9800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nedcab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North East Suffolk Citizens Advice |
Address: | St. Margaret’s House Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR34 1JQ |
Telephone: | 01502 518510 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.nesuffolkcab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Kensington Law Centre |
Address: | University of Westminster Legal Advice Clinic 4-12 Little Titchfield Street London London W1W 7BY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nklc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
North Kensington Law Centre |
Address: | Unit 15 Baseline Business Studios Whitchurch Road London London W11 4AT England |
Telephone: | 020 8969 7473 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nklc.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.nklc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
North Liverpool Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 36-38 Breckfield Rd Liverpool L5 4NH England |
Telephone: | 0151 285 1080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Of England Refugee Service |
Address: | Suite 2 Eagle Building 201 High Street East Sunderland SR1 2AX England |
Telephone: | 0191 511 1410 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mn@refugee.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugee.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Of England Refugee Service |
Address: | 49 Granger Road Middlesbrough North Yorkshire TS1 5AU England |
Telephone: | 01641 117447 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mn@refugee.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugee.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Of England Refugee Service |
Address: | 2 Friars Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 4XA |
Telephone: | 0191 245 7301 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mn@refugee.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugee.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
North Tyneside Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Camden House Camden Street North Shields Tyne & Wear NE30 1ND England |
Telephone: | 0191 455 7958 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
North Warwickshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | Parish Rooms Welcome Street Atherstone CV9 1DU England |
Telephone: | 084 4855 2322 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Northamptonshire Rights & Equality Council |
Address: | c/o Northampton College Oak Building Booth Lane Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 3RF England |
Telephone: | 01604 400808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@northamptonshirerec.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.northantsrec.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Notre Dame Refugee Centre |
Address: | 16 Leicester Square London London WC2H 7LE England |
Telephone: | 020 7440 2661 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@notredamerc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.notredamerc.og.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Notre Dame Refugee Centre |
Address: | 5 Leicester Place London London WC2H 7BX England |
Telephone: | 020 7440 2668 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@notredamerc.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.notredamerc.og.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Notting Hill Law Ltd |
Address: | Unit 12, Latimer Industrial Estate 343-453 Latimer Road London London W10 6RQ England |
Telephone: | 020 3322 7728 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Info@nottinghilllaw.com |
Website: | http://www.nottinghilllaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nottingham Arimathea Trust |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nottinghamarimathea.org.uk |
Not Fee Charging |
Nottingham Law Centre |
Address: | Hyson Green Youth Club Terrace Street Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 6ER England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.nottinghamlawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — 515776 |
Show Advisers |
Noush & Co |
Address: | Registered Office: A/C AJ Bennewith & Co 3 Way Court Mary Road Guildford Surrey GU1 4QU England |
Telephone: | 01483 419102 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@noushandco.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.noushandco.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nova Legal Services |
Address: | 1 Fencepiece Road Ilford Greater London IG6 2LY England |
Telephone: | 079 4413 8713 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@novalegalservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.novalegalservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Novells Legal Practice |
Address: | 10-12 Whitechapel Road 1st Floor London London E1 1EW England |
Telephone: | 020 7392 7672 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@novellslegals.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.novellslegals.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Nucleus Legal Advice Centre |
Address: | Lido Centre 63 Mattock Lane London London W13 9LA England |
Telephone: | 020 7373 4005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@nucleus.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.nucleus.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Nucleus Legal Advice Centre |
Address: | 298 Old Brompton Road Earls Court London London SW5 9JF England |
Telephone: | 020 7373 4005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@nucleus.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.nucleus.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oaktree Legal Practice |
Address: | 2 St. Julien Avenue Canterbury Canterbury Kent CT1 1AG England |
Telephone: | 01227 636820 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.oaktreelegalservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oaktree Legal Practice |
Address: | Royal Arsenal Gatehouse Beresford Square London London SE18 6AR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.oaktreelegalservices@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oasis Christian Fellowship (Telford) |
Address: | Unit B1 Stafford Park 15 Telford Shropshire TF3 3BB England |
Telephone: | 01952 292456 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@oasischristianfellowshiptelford.org |
Website: | http://www.oasischristianfellowshiptelford.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — 1175563 |
Show Advisers |
Oasis Hub Waterloo |
Address: | 1 Kennington Road London London SE1 7QP England |
Telephone: | 020 7921 4205 |
Fax: | |
Email: | welcome@oasiswaterloo.org |
Website: | http://www.oasiswaterloo.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
OasisCardiff |
Address: | Unit 2.5 Greyfriars House Greyfriars Road Cardiff South Glamorgan CF10 3AL Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2185 0065 |
Fax: | |
Email: | susan@oasiscardiff.org |
Website: | http://www.oasiscardiff.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Obeid Legal Services and Consultancy |
Address: | 140 Birchfields Road Manchester Greater Manchester M14 6PE England |
Telephone: | 0161 225 1883 |
Fax: | |
Email: | obeidamir@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 36 Station Road London Greater London SW19 2LP England |
Telephone: | 020 3929 1488 |
Fax: | |
Email: | OLAW@MAIL.COM |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Olympus Legal |
Address: | Olympus Legal New Broad Street House 35 New Broad Street London London EC2M 1NH England |
Telephone: | 077 9214 6714 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chandrima@olympuslegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.olympuslegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Omagh Ethnic Communities Support Group |
Address: | Omagh Community House 2 Drumragh Avenue Omagh BT78 1DP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 8224 9750 |
Fax: | |
Email: | oecsg2@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.omaghethnic (Facebook) |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity :- NIC103386 |
Show Advisers |
Omagh Independent Advice Services |
Address: | Omagh Community House 2 Drumragh Avenue Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1DP Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity : NIC101410 |
O’Mcraysum Immigration Service |
Address: | 44 Teall Road Birmingham West Midlands B8 1SX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@omcraysum.com |
Website: | http://www.omcraysum.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Omnis Legal Services |
Address: | Unit 1a 80 Station Road Hampton Greater London TW12 2AX England |
Telephone: | 020 7060 5676 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@omnislegal.com |
Website: | http://www.omnislegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oncu Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | Unit 408 Screenworks 22 Highbury Grove London London N5 2ER |
Telephone: | 020 3735 7174 |
Fax: | |
Email: | oncugocebe@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.oncuaccountancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
One Immigration Limited |
Address: | Regus Office 1 Victoria Square Birmingham West Midlands B1 1BD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.oneimmigration.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
One Immigration Limited |
Address: | Citibase Lockhurst Lane Coventry West Midlands CV6 5SF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.oneimmigration.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
One Immigration Limited |
Address: | 79 London Road Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0PF England |
Telephone: | 0116 255 2110 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mjandu@oneimmigration.org |
Website: | http://www.oneimmigration.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
One Immigration Solutions Limited |
Address: | Suite 1 60 St. Enoch Square Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 4AG Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 332 8181 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jac@oneimmigrationsolutions.com |
Website: | https://www.oneimmigrationsolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
One Move Group Ltd |
Address: | One Move Group 61 Tottenham Court Road London London W1T 2EP England |
Telephone: | 020 3744 7799 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@onemovegroup.com |
Website: | http://www.onemovegorup.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
One Stop Advice Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.onestopadvicecentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
One World Immigration |
Address: | 12 Mathecombe Road Slough Berkshire SL1 5FG England |
Telephone: | 075 4509 1778 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@oneworldimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Open Borders Limited |
Address: | Office 2569 109 Vernon House Friar Lane Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG1 6DQ England |
Telephone: | 079 4645 0959 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rmullen@open-borders.org |
Website: | http://www.open-borders.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Open Door (North East) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.opendoornortheast.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Opera Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 170 Greenford Road Sudbury Hill Harrow Greater London HA1 3QX England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 1877 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@obywatelstwo-uk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.obywatelstwo-uk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Optimus Law Ltd |
Address: | 16 Upper Woburn Place Kings Cross London London WC1H 0HT England |
Telephone: | 020 3598 0099 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@optimuslaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.optimuslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Optimus Law Ltd |
Address: | Optimus Law Merchants Court 2-12 Lord Street Liverpool Merseyside L2 1TS England |
Telephone: | 0151 438 6487 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@optimuslaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.optimuslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Optimus Law Ltd |
Address: | 38 Meriden Street Birmingham West Midlands B5 5LS England |
Telephone: | 0121 667 7561 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@optimuslaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.optimuslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Optimus Law Ltd |
Address: | 72 Nantwich Road Crewe Cheshire CW2 6AL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.optimuslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
OptiVisa |
Address: | 13 Wardown Crescent Luton Bedfordshire LU2 7JS England |
Telephone: | 077 8305 3455 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@optivisa.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Orchid Of Siam |
Address: | 1 Woodcote House Court Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7DG England |
Telephone: | 01372 289059 |
Fax: | |
Email: | orchidofsiam@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.orchidofsiam.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Orkney Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Anchor Buildings 6 Bridge Street Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1HR Scotland |
Telephone: | 01856 875266 |
Fax: | 01856 870400 |
Email: | bureau@orkneycab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Oromah International LTD |
Address: | Unit 1a Cardigan Close Tonteg Pontypridd Mid Glamorgan CF38 1LD Wales |
Telephone: | 0117 450 4799 |
Fax: | |
Email: | oromahint@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.oromahinternational.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Overseas Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Unit 5, Ground Floor Vista Centre 50 Salisbury Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 6JQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.oivisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Overseas Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Ground floor The Vista Centre 50 Salisbury Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 6JQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.oivisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Overseas Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 86 Tobermory Close Slough Berkshire SL3 7JG England |
Telephone: | 020 4548 3576 |
Fax: | |
Email: | infouk@oivisas.com |
Website: | http://www.oivisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Overseas Immigration Services UK LTD |
Address: | 7, The Crescent Southall Greater London UB1 1BE England |
Telephone: | 020 8843 2224 |
Fax: | 020 8843 2225 |
Email: | birender@overseasimmi.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.overseasimmi.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Overseas Visas (UK) Limited |
Address: | 145 Southborough Lane Bromley Greater London BR2 8AP England |
Telephone: | 020 8467 1071 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.overseasvisasuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Owl and Snake Immigration |
Address: | 43 Station Avenue Epsom Surrey KT19 9UD England |
Telephone: | 073 6864 2591 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@owlandsnake.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.owlandsnake.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oxford Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 95 St Aldates Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1DA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citizensadviceoxford.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Oxford Diocesan Council for Social Work Incorporated (Parents And Children Together) |
Address: | Alana House 2 Southern Court South Street Reading Berkshire RG1 4QS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.pactcharity.org/alana-house |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oxford Legal Consultancy |
Address: | 4 St. Peters Terrace Cockett Swansea West Glamorgan SA2 0FW Wales |
Telephone: | 073 8051 5015 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bnar_shekhani@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Oxted Citizens Advice |
Address: | 1st Floor Library Building 14 Gresham Road Oxted Surrey RH8 0BQ England |
Telephone: | 01883 730259 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
P&T Immigration and Consultancy Services |
Address: | 21 Stewart Young Grove Kesgrave Ipswich Suffolk IP5 2YH England |
Telephone: | 075 0110 2821 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pnt.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | https://www.pntimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Unit 24 Unity Business Centre 26 Roundhay Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 1AB England |
Telephone: | 0113 262 2163 |
Fax: | |
Email: | karen@pafras.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.pafras.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pahl And Associates |
Address: | First Floor 4 Longwalk Stockley Park Uxbridge Greater London UB11 1FE England |
Telephone: | 0345 055 9861 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bspahl@pahlassociates.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pahlassociates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PAK UK Consultants and Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 87 Oldham Road Rochdale Greater Manchester OL16 5QR England |
Telephone: | 078 2636 7182 |
Fax: | |
Email: | infopakukconsultants@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pan Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 86 St Andrews Drive Glasgow Lanarkshire G41 4SF Scotland |
Telephone: | 079 8490 8598 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cp@panimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.panimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PaperPlane Visas |
Address: | 27 Old Gloucester Street London London WC1N 3AX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.paperplanevisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Parkar Immigration |
Address: | Hart Business Centre Kimpton Road Luton Bedfordshire LU2 0LA England |
Telephone: | 075 4488 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@parkarimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.parkarimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 1361 Gallowgate Glasgow Lanarkshire G31 4DN Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 554 0004 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Pasha Immigration Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | Airport House Business Centre Purley Way Croydon Greater London CR0 0XZ England |
Telephone: | 020 3291 3589 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@pashaimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pashaimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Passportia Limited |
Address: | Only Connect 32 Cubitt Street London London WC1X 0LR England |
Telephone: | 079 1220 1919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.passportia.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Patterson And Company |
Address: | Suite 219 Tudor Leaf Business Centre 2-8 Fountayne Road London London N15 4QL England |
Telephone: | 020 8885 3005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pattersonlawyers@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 90-92 Bromham Road Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2QH England |
Telephone: | 01234 328100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@pbic.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.pbic.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number :1152448 |
Show Advisers |
Peebles And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Chambers Institution High Street Peebles Peebles EH45 8AJ Scotland |
Telephone: | 01721 721722 |
Fax: | 01721 723844 |
Email: | manager@peeblescab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Peer and Co |
Address: | 35a Chalk Hill 1st Floor Watford Hertfordshire WD19 4BL England |
Telephone: | 020 7183 3706 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shiraz@peerandco.com |
Website: | http://www.peerandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging |
Peer and Co |
Address: | 420 Witton Road Aston Birmingham West Midlands B6 6PP England |
Telephone: | 0121 554 0565 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shiraz@peerandco.com |
Website: | http://www.peerandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pembrokeshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 43 Cartlett Haverfordwest SA61 2LH Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Penicuik Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 14a John Street Penicuik EH26 8AB Scotland |
Telephone: | 01968 675259 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Pennine West Citizens Advice |
Address: | 1 — 2 Ascroft Court Peter Sttreet Oldham OL1 1HP England |
Telephone: | 0344 847 2638 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Penriths Ltd |
Address: | 16 High Holborn London London WC1V 6BX England |
Telephone: | 075 1481 6117 |
Fax: | |
Email: | erkan@penriths.com |
Website: | http://www.penriths.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
People Force Consulting Ltd |
Address: | Diamond House 20a Vaux Road Finedon Road Industrial Estate Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 4TG England |
Telephone: | 01933 448640 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@people-force.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.people-force.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 8 Kingsdown Orchard Hyde Road Swindon Wiltshire SN2 7RR England |
Telephone: | 01793 836010 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mpassmore@permits2work.com |
Website: | http://www.permits2work.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Persian Advice Bureau |
Address: | Avenue House London London N3 3QE England |
Telephone: | 020 8446 1716 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@persianadvicebureau.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.facebook.com/persianadviscebureau/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Personalvisaguide Limited |
Address: | 7 Eastgate Banstead Surrey SM7 1RN England |
Telephone: | 079 7128 9678 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anand@personalvisaguide.com |
Website: | http://www.personalvisaguide.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Services (PKAVS) |
Address: | The Gateway North Methven Street Perth Perth PH1 5PP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01738 567076 |
Fax: | |
Email: | minoritieshub@pkavs.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.pkavs.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : SC005561 |
Show Advisers |
Perth Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 7 Atholl Crescent Perth Perth PH1 5NG Scotland |
Telephone: | 01738 450580 |
Fax: | 01738 450582 |
Email: | advice@perthcab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Peterborough Asylum and Refugee Community Association(PARCA) |
Address: | Unity Hall Northfield Road Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 3QH England |
Telephone: | 01733 563420 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@parcaltd.org |
Website: | http://www.parcaltd.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number 1152592 |
Show Advisers |
Peterborough Citizens Advice |
Address: | 16-17 St Mark’s Street Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2TU England |
Telephone: | 0344 499 4120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citapeterborough.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Peterson Law Associates |
Address: | 26-28 Victoria Parade Greenwich London London SE10 9FR |
Telephone: | 020 8853 4968 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.petersonlaw.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Philip Jones Legal |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.philipjoneslegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on: 07305724152 |
Phoenix Women’s Aid |
Address: | 12 -13 Priory Place Doncaster South Yorkshire DN1 1BL England |
Telephone: | 079 3206 9153 |
Fax: | |
Email: | help@phoenixwomensaid.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.phoenixwomensaid.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Phyllisya Immigration Services |
Address: | 67 Vicarage Road Leyton London London E10 5EF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pines Consultancy Limited |
Address: | Pines Consultancy Limited Stirling House, Breasy Place 9 Burroughs Gardens Hendon London NW4 4AU England |
Telephone: | 020 8359 1206 |
Fax: | |
Email: | evelie@pinesconsultancy.com |
Website: | http://www.pinesconsultancy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pioneer Legal Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 31 Southampton Row London London WC1B 5HJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3878 5063 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@hs-consultant.com |
Website: | http://www.hs-consultant.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PK Immigration Law |
Address: | 11 Green Lane Edgware Greater London HA8 7PL England |
Telephone: | 020 8952 1587 |
Fax: | |
Email: | peter@pklaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pklaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PK Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Office 3 49 West Ham Lane London London E15 4PH England |
Telephone: | 078 8883 1094 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@pkimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pkimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PKBUL (Private Client) LLP |
Address: | 74 Howard 368 Queenstown Road, London Greater London SW11 8NN |
Telephone: | 020 3286 4887 |
Fax: | |
Email: | saule.voluckyte@pkbul.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.familyofficeinlondon.com/uk-immigration-law/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PKBUL (Private Client) LLP |
Address: | Suite 2, Ground Floor 1 Duchess Street London London W1W 6AN England |
Telephone: | 020 3286 4887 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Saule@FamilyOfficeinLondon.com |
Website: | http://www.familyofficeinlondon.com/uk-immigration-law/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pleek Immigration Serviices Limited |
Address: | 1 Windmill Close Gotham Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG11 0JF England |
Telephone: | 0115 983 1397 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advisor@pleekimmigrationservices.com |
Website: | http://www.pleekimmigrationservices.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Plumstead Community Law Centre |
Address: | 36 Wellington Street Woolwich London London SE18 6PE England |
Telephone: | 020 8853 9970 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.pclc.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Plymouth Citizens Advice |
Address: | Floor 3 32 Mayflower Street Plymouth Devon PL1 1QX England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Plymouth Hope |
Address: | 80-84 Union Street Plymouth Devon PL1 3EZ England |
Telephone: | 077 1241 8206 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@plymouthhope.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.plymouthhope.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Plymouth Hope |
Address: | Unit 5 237 Union Street Plymouth Devon PL1 3HQ England |
Telephone: | 01752 289071 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@plymouthhope.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.plymouthhope.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PN Legal Services |
Address: | The Pavilion Rosslyn Crescent Harrow Greater London HA1 2SZ England |
Telephone: | 020 8863 5548 |
Fax: | |
Email: | phakizi72@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pnls.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Po Umu Ltd |
Address: | Flat 23 17 Hardwicks Square London London SW18 4AG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Polina Revzina |
Address: | 7 Dykes Way Bromley Greater London BR2 0SU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | polina.revzina@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Polish and East European Christian Family Centre Ltd (PEEC) |
Address: | 3rd Floor Haringey Irish Centre Pretoria Road London London N17 8DX England |
Telephone: | 020 8365 9090 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.peec.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : 1126136 |
Show Advisers |
Polish Expats Association |
Address: | Unit 4, Minerva Works, , B5 5RT 158 Fazeley Street Birmingham West Midlands B5 5RT England |
Telephone: | 0121 513 0240 |
Fax: | |
Email: | community@centrala-space.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.centrala-space.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Companies House registration number 08043154 |
Show Advisers |
Polopermits Ltd. |
Address: | The Old Bank House Golden Square Petworth West Sussex Sussex GU28 0AH England |
Telephone: | 01798 343693 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@polopermits.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.polopermits.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Powar Law |
Address: | 86 Wood Lane Isleworth Greater London TW7 5EA England |
Telephone: | 020 8572 1234 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nina@powarlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.powarlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Powys Citizens Advice |
Address: | Ladywell House Newtown Powys SY16 1QS Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.powyscitizensadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | Flat 14 Atkinson Court 2 Kings Close London London E10 5BB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Praxis Community Project |
Address: | Pott Street London London E2 OEF |
Telephone: | 020 7729 7985 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Bethan@praxis.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.praxis.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC) 174 Hammersmith Road London London W6 7JP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.prcbc.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging |
Premier Immigration Consultants Ltd |
Address: | Liberty House 30 Whitchurch Lane Edgware Greater London HA8 6LE England |
Telephone: | 020 8952 9801 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@premierimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.premierimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Premier Visas Limited |
Address: | St. Clements House 27 Clement’s Lane London London EC4N 7AE England |
Telephone: | 020 7788 7812 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@premiervisas.com |
Website: | http://www.premiervisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | First Floor 677 High Road London London N12 0DA England |
Telephone: | 075 1362 1625 |
Fax: | |
Email: | premium.visa.solutions@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Preston Citizens Advice |
Address: | Town Hall annexe Birley Street Preston PR1 2QE England |
Telephone: | 01772 822416 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Pride Immigration |
Address: | 64 Hall Lane Armley Leeds West Yorkshire LS12 2LH England |
Telephone: | 077 4896 6211 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@prideimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.prideimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Prime Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 220 Jubilee Street London E1 3BS England |
Telephone: | 020 7709 8393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | primeimmigration@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Prime Immigration Limited |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Prime Law Chambers |
Address: | Claremont Business Centre Office 17 6 Claremont Road Surbiton Greater London KT6 4QU England |
Telephone: | 075 8550 8863 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@primelawchambers.com |
Website: | http://www.primelawchambers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Primevisa Ltd |
Address: | 42A St. James Road Sutton Surrey SM1 2TN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.primevisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Primevisa Ltd |
Address: | 10 Margaret Street London London W1W 8RL England |
Telephone: | 077 7107 3331 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@primevisa.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.primevisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Prisoners’ Advice Service |
Address: | 37 Eyre Street Hill London London EC1R 5ET England |
Telephone: | 020 7253 3323 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.prisonersadvice.org.uk/. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Private Business Solutions Investment |
Address: | Room Wh1. 22 75 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@pbsinvestment.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.pbsinvestment.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Pro Immigration Advisor |
Address: | 117a High Street King’s Lynn PE30 1DD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Probay Legal Limited |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 3JR |
Telephone: | 020 3633 2559 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bayo@probaylegal.com |
Website: | http://www.probaylegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Professional Immigration & Consulting Services |
Address: | 28 Whitby Road Slough Berkshire SL1 3DW England |
Telephone: | 01753 843600 |
Fax: | 01753 526721 |
Email: | sadia@professionalimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigration-slough.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Profile Consultancy |
Address: | 7 Rugby Road Belfast Antrim BT7 1PS Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9031 5784 |
Fax: | |
Email: | javaid.i.naveed@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PSAU Services LTD |
Address: | BLCC/ Club Quarters 8 Northumberland Avenue London London WC2N 5BY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | psauvage@psauservices.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
PT Law & Associates |
Address: | Alliance House 3rd Floor 6 Bishop Street Leicester Leicestershire LE1 6AF England |
Telephone: | 0116 482 6588 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pardon@ptlaw.org |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Purbeck Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2 Mill Lane Wareham Dorset BH20 4RA England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Push Legal Services |
Address: | A M P House 4 Dingwall Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2LX England |
Telephone: | 0333 012 4253 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.pushlegalservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Push Legal Services |
Address: | 3 Lacock Close London London SW19 1BG England |
Telephone: | 0333 012 4253 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ernestina@pushlegalservices.com |
Website: | http://www.pushlegalservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Qattan & Co |
Address: | 38 Chandlers Close Feltham Greater London TW14 9PG England |
Telephone: | 073 8398 1791 |
Fax: | |
Email: | karmen@qattan.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.qattan.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
QC Immigration Ltd |
Address: | QC Immigration 117 Waterloo Road Mercury House London London SE1 8UL England |
Telephone: | 020 3637 8633 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@qc-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.qc-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Qualis Law Ltd |
Address: | Romer House 132 Lewisham High Street London London SE13 6EE England |
Telephone: | 077 2025 1595 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@qualislaw.com |
Website: | http://www.qualislaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Quick Immigration Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 430 Alum Rock Road Birmingham West Midlands B8 3HT England |
Telephone: | 0121 448 6350 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@qisimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.qisimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Quick Pursue Limited |
Address: | Chamber House 75 Harborne Road Birmingham West Midlands B15 3DH England |
Telephone: | 0121 454 1485 |
Fax: | |
Email: | quickpursue@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
R.D. Law (UK) Limited |
Address: | 17 Kenneth Gardens Stanmore Greater London HA7 3SA England |
Telephone: | 020 8954 5457 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rdoverseasuk.com |
Website: | http://www.rdoverseasuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rahma UK |
Address: | Adamson House Wilmslow Road Towers Business Park Manchester Greater Manchester M20 2YY England |
Telephone: | 0161 955 4354 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rahmauk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rahmauk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rainbow Immigration Legal Services |
Address: | Suit SC1-3 The Ivy Business Centre Crown Street Failsworth Manchester Greater Manchester M35 9BG England |
Telephone: | 079 0850 2291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rainbowimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Rainbow Immigration Legal Services |
Address: | Eurolink Business Centre 49 Effra Road Unit 38 Brixton London SW2 1BZ England |
Telephone: | 079 0850 2291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rainbowimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rainbowimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rainbow Migration |
Address: | 7-14 Great Dover Street London London SE1 4YR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@rainbowmigration.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rainbowmigration.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ramona Breazu Limited |
Address: | 281a High Road Leytonstone London City of London E11 4HH England |
Telephone: | 020 3876 5740 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rbimmigrationservices@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ramonabreazu.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rapid Visas Ltd |
Address: | 2nd Floor 9 Hatton Street London London NW8 8PL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rapid-visas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Rapid Visas Ltd |
Address: | Queens Court 2 64 Greencroft Gardens London London NW6 3JH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rapid-visas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Rapid Visas Ltd |
Address: | 180 Piccadilly London London W1J 9HF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rapid-visas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rasools Law |
Address: | 1st Floor 104 St. Georges Road Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 2BZ England |
Telephone: | 078 2453 3770 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rasoolslaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rasoolslaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 10a Station Road Hayes Greater London UB3 4DA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | suleman_butt@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RB Immigration |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rbimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
RBC Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | Suite 1A-4, Building 1 Wilsons Park Monsall Road Manchester Greater Manchester M40 8WN England |
Telephone: | 077 6607 7106 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chicas@rbcconsultancy.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.rbcconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RC Immigration Services |
Address: | 57 Nine Elms Avenue Uxbridge Greater London UB8 3TJ England |
Telephone: | 01895 349373 |
Fax: | 01895 49373 |
Email: | info@rcimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rcimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RCG Immigration Law |
Address: | Flat 10 Paul Byrne Court 10 Robert Road Birmingham West Midlands B20 3RT England |
Telephone: | 074 4701 0958 |
Fax: | |
Email: | r.gutu@rcgimmigrationlaw.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RCJ Advice |
Address: | Royal Courts of Justice Strand London London WC2A 2LL England |
Telephone: | 020 3475 8996 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@rcjadvice.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Reading Refugee Support Group |
Address: | First Floor Risc 35-39 London Street Reading Berkshire RG1 4PS England |
Telephone: | 0118 950 5356 |
Fax: | 0118 958 5406 |
Email: | reception@rrsg.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rrsg.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Redbridge Citizens Advice |
Address: | 1st Floor Redbridge Central Library Clements Road Ilford Greater London IG1 1EA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Redcar & Cleveland Citizens Advice |
Address: | 17 Queen Street Redcar TS10 1AB England |
Telephone: | 01287 203324 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Redstart Law |
Address: | Reception Bradford On Avon — The Marina Trowbridge Road Bradford-On-Avon Wiltshire BA15 1UD England |
Telephone: | 075 4770 4913 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@redstartlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.redstartlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Redstart Law |
Address: | 203-205 Charminster Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 9QQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redstartlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Redwing Immigration Consultants |
Address: | Redwing Immigration The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 2BX England |
Telephone: | 0114 312 2664 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ksmith@redwingimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.redwingimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Redwing Immigration Consultants |
Address: | Enterprise@Lincoln Building Rope Walk Lincoln Lincolnshire LN6 7DQ England |
Telephone: | 0114 312 2664 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ksmith@redwingimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.redwingimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action |
Address: | St. Augustines Hanson Lane Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 5PG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Refugee Action |
Address: | Society Building,Regents Wharf 8 All Saints Street London Greater London N1 9RL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | fissahak@refugee-action.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Refugee Action |
Address: | 2nd Floor Cobalt Square 83 Hagley Road Birmingham West Midlands B16 8QG England |
Telephone: | 0121 201 3070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action |
Address: | Refugee Action Victoria Charity Centre 11 Belgrave Road London London SW1V 1RB England |
Telephone: | 020 7952 1562 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asylumcrisisreferral@refugee-action.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action |
Address: | 179 Royce Road Hulme Manchester Greater Manchester M15 5TJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action |
Address: | c/o Bradford Action for Refugees 40a Piccadilly Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 3NN England |
Telephone: | 077 0360 8969 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugee-action.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action Kingston |
Address: | Siddeley House Canbury Business Centre 50 Canbury Park Road Kingston Upon Thames Greater London KT2 6LX England |
Telephone: | 020 8547 0115 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@refugeeactionkingston.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeeactionkingston.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Action Kingston |
Address: | Neville House 55 Eden Street Kingston Upon Thames Greater London KT1 1BW England |
Telephone: | 020 8547 0115 |
Fax: | |
Email: | director@refugeeactionkingston.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeeactionkingston.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee And Migrant Centre |
Address: | Roma Parva 1st Floor 9 Waterloo Road Wolverhampton Staffordshire WV1 4NB England |
Telephone: | 01902 311554 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rmcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rmcentre.org.uk. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee And Migrant Centre |
Address: | Second Floor The Chamberlain Building 36 Frederick Street Birmingham West Midlands B1 3HN England |
Telephone: | 0121 374 0140 |
Fax: | |
Email: | infobham@rmcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rmcentre.org.uk. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee And Migrant Centre |
Address: | 41-45 Bridge Street Walsall West Midlands WS1 1JQ England |
Telephone: | 01922 614221 |
Fax: | |
Email: | walsall@rmcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rmcentre.org.uk. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London (RAMFEL) |
Address: | 80-92 High Street Stratford London London E15 2NE England |
Telephone: | 020 8478 4513 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ramfel.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.ramfel.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton |
Address: | Granfers Community Centre 73-79 Oakhill Road Sutton Greater London SM1 3AA England |
Telephone: | 077 2554 9411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@rmns.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rmns.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Legal Assistance Project |
Address: | Centre for Research in Law University of Bedfordshire University Square Luton LU1 3JU England |
Telephone: | 01234 400400 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rlap@beds.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.beds.ac.uk/howtoapply/departments/businessschool/our-departments/law-finance/law/the-refu |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Legal Support |
Address: | c/o Elder Rahimi Solicitors Norvin House 45-55 Commercial St London London E1 6DB England |
Telephone: | 079 5542 3893 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rls-executive@googlegroups.com |
Website: | http://www.refugeelegalsupport.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Support Devon |
Address: | Exeter Community Centre St. Davids Hill Exeter Devon EX4 3RG England |
Telephone: | 01392 682185 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@refugeesupportdevon.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.refugeesupportdevon.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Support Services Ltd |
Address: | CUBO The Old Post Office Victoria Street Derby DE1 1EQ England |
Telephone: | 079 3205 2361 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Gregory.WarrenDE1@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Refugee Women’s Association |
Address: | Print House 18 Ashwin Street London London E8 3DL England |
Telephone: | 020 7923 2412 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.refugeewomen.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Regardless Ltd |
Address: | Apartment 1 Alexandra House 47 Rutland Street Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1SE England |
Telephone: | 0116 234 4300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ro.consulting@icloud.com |
Website: | http://www.roconsulting.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Regent Visa Service Limited |
Address: | 18 Palm Court, Alpine Road, London NW9 9BQ |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.regentvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Regent Visa Service Limited |
Address: | Office 325 Linen Hall 162-168 Regent Street London London W1B 5TE England |
Telephone: | 020 7039 0152 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.regentvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Regina Lawyers |
Address: | Premier Business Centre 47-49 Park Royal Road London London NW10 7LQ England |
Telephone: | 079 9979 2301 |
Fax: | |
Email: | narcisse.choufani@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.regina-lawyers.co.uk. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rehoboth Law |
Address: | Office 5, Unit A Brickfield House High Road Epping Essex CM16 6TH England |
Telephone: | 01992 566783 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rehobothlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rehobothlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rehoboth Law |
Address: | Castle Cavendish Works Dorking Road Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 5PN England |
Telephone: | 0115 900 3202 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rehobothlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rehobothlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Reliance Immigration Agency Ltd |
Address: | 613 George Street Aberdeen Aberdeen AB25 3YH Scotland |
Telephone: | 073 8554 2465 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@relianceimmigrationltd.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.relianceimmigrationltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Relocation Advisory Services Limited |
Address: | Token House 12 Tokenhouse Yard London London EC2R 7AS England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 5350 |
Fax: | |
Email: | arti@relocationadvisor.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.relocationadvisor.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 46 George Street Paisley Renfrew PA1 2JY Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 375 7328 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | Office 3500 182-184 High Street North London Greater London E6 2JA England |
Telephone: | 075 7037 3705 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@demir-co.com |
Website: | https://www.demir-co.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Resolve Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | Suite 421 Coventry Chambers 1-3 Coventry Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4QR England |
Telephone: | 079 1813 3837 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@resolveimmigration.org |
Website: | http://www.resolveimmigration.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Resource Centre Derry |
Address: | 42 Racecourse Road Derry Londonderry BT48 8BA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2871226550 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Revive |
Address: | Revive 187 Grey Mare Lane Manchester Greater Manchester M11 3ND England |
Telephone: | 0161 223 5668 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@revive-uk.org |
Website: | http://www.revive-uk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rex Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | 7 Eastholme Drive Manchester Greater Manchester M19 2QU England |
Telephone: | 0161 989 9370 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rexlawchambers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rexlawchambers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 078 0801 0860 |
Show Advisers |
RGR Immigration Law Consultants |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rgr-imigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Rhondda Cynon Taff Citizens Advice |
Address: | 5 Gelliwastad Road Pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taff CF37 2BP Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.carct.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ribble Valley Citizens Advice |
Address: | 19/21 Wesleyan Row Parson Lane CLITHEROE Lancashire BB7 2JY England |
Telephone: | 01200 428966 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Richmond Borough Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 94-102 High Street Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1NY England |
Telephone: | 0344 826 9700 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicerichmond.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Right 4 Migrants UK Limited |
Address: | 87 St. Nicolas Park Drive Nuneaton Warwickshire CV11 6DZ England |
Telephone: | 0121 293 2328 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@right4migrants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rights4migrants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Right 4 Migrants UK Limited |
Address: | Pelum Business Centre 702 Alum Rock Road Birmingham West Midlands B8 3NU England |
Telephone: | 074 7540 4022 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@right4migrants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rights4migrants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rights of Women |
Address: | Tindlemanor 52-54 Featherstone Street London London EC1Y 8RT England |
Telephone: | 020 7251 6575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@row.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rightsofwomen.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rightstatus Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Flat 48 Victoria Court Leicester Road Oadby Leicester Leicestershire LE2 4AG England |
Telephone: | 075 0818 1322 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@rightstatus-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rightstatus-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Riverside Community Health Project |
Address: | Carnegie Building, Atkinson Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 8XS England |
Telephone: | 0191 226 0754 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.riversidechp.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RJ Law Consultant |
Address: | 553 Stapleton Road Bristol Bristol BS5 6SQ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rjlawconsultant.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RJS Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | Suite 102 264 Lavender Hill London London SW11 1LJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rjsimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RKG Consulting Limited |
Address: | 37 Panton Street Haymarket London London SW1Y 4EA England |
Telephone: | 020 7839 0389 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rganguly@rkgconsulting.com |
Website: | http://www.rkgconsulting.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RLC Immigration Services |
Address: | 17 Milburn Close Luton Bedfordshire LU3 4EH England |
Telephone: | 077 4109 5090 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rlc-immigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.rlc-immigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RMS Immigration Limited |
Address: | 129 Mile End Road 129 Mile End Road London London E1 4BG England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 2557 |
Fax: | |
Email: | rmsimmigrationltd@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.rmsimmigrationlimited.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rochdale Immigration Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rochdaleimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Rochford & Rayleigh Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Civic Suite Hockley Road Rayleigh Essex SS6 8EB England |
Telephone: | 084 4477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Roma Support Group |
Address: | 17 Old Ford Street Bethnal Green London London E2 9PJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8983 5066 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@romasupportgroup.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.romasupportgroup.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC |
Address: | 20 The Hive Northfleet Gravesend Kent DA11 9DE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.romani.top |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ross & Cromarty Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 4 Church Street Dingwall IV15 9SB Scotland |
Telephone: | 01349 864850 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rossandcromartycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ross & Cromarty Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Suie House Market Square Alness Ross and Cromarty IV17 0UD Scotland |
Telephone: | 01349 883333 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rossandcromartycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rother District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Bank Chambers Buckhurst Road Bexhill on sea East Sussex TN40 1QF England |
Telephone: | 01424 215055 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rotherham & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | 27 Howard Street Rotherham South Yorkshire S65 1JQ England |
Telephone: | 01709 515680 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Gareth.Sherburn@citizensadvicerotherham.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicerotherham.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance |
Address: | Unity Centre St. Leonards Road Rotherham South Yorkshire S65 1PD England |
Telephone: | 01709 720744 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rema-online.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Roxburgh And Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 20 Shedden Park Road Kelso TD5 7AL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01573 223516 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Roxburgh And Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Community Centre Albert Road Eyemouth TD14 5DE Scotland |
Telephone: | 01890 750500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Roxburgh And Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Southfield Community Centre Station Road Duns TD11 3EL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01361 883340 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Roxburgh And Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 1 Towerdykeside Hawick TD9 9EA Scotland |
Telephone: | 01450 374266 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Royal Association for Deaf People |
Address: | RAD 5 London Wall Buildings London London EC2M 5NS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.royaldeaf.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 03006882525 |
Royal Association for Deaf People |
Address: | Block F, Parkside Office Village Knowledge Gateway Nesfield Road Colchester Essex CO4 3ZL |
Telephone: | 0300 688 2525 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@royaldeaf.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.royaldeaf.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 03006882525 |
Show Advisers |
Royal College Of Nursing Immigration Advice Service |
Address: | 2nd Floor A M P House Dingwall Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2LX England |
Telephone: | 0345 408 4391 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration.advice@rcn.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.rcn.org.uk/support/services/immigration_advice_service |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RS Global Visas |
Address: | 13 Smithfield Road Aberdeen Aberdeen AB24 4NR Scotland |
Telephone: | 01224 503745 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@rsglobalvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.rsglobalvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
RS Immigration Services |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Runnymede and Spelthorne Citizens Advice |
Address: | The Old Library Church Road Addlestone Surrey KT15 1RW England |
Telephone: | 01932 827187 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rushmoor Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Civic Offices Farnborough Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 7LE England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1306 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicerushmoor.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rutherglen And Cambuslang Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Market House Kyle Court 17 Main Street Cambuslang G72 7EX Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 646 3191 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Rutland Citizens Advice |
Address: | 56 High Street Oakham Rutland LE15 6AL England |
Telephone: | 01572 723494 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicerutland.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Ryan Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 345 Muswell Hill Broadway London London N10 1BX England |
Telephone: | 020 8089 9106 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ryanimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ryanimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ryedale Citizens Advice |
Address: | Harrison House Norton Road Norton Malton YO17 9RD England |
Telephone: | 01653 692867 |
Fax: | 01653 692809 |
Email: | immigration.ryedalecab@cabnet.org.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S & J Compass Immigration Limited |
Address: | 30 Moorgate London London City of London EC2R 6DA England |
Telephone: | 020 3290 5148 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sandjcompass.com |
Website: | http://www.sandjcompass.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S & S Law Ltd |
Address: | 20 Marbaix Gardens Isleworth Greater London TW7 4FD |
Telephone: | 079 8409 2128 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sundus.sheikh@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.saslawltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S Gardner And Company |
Address: | St. Marks Church & Community Centre Office 11C, Unit 3 Tollgate Road London London E6 5YA England |
Telephone: | 020 7474 1687 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sunitagardner.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sunitagardner.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S O Immigration Limited |
Address: | 3rd Floor, 117 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1DT England |
Telephone: | 074 1218 1121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sabbir.osmani@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S Sharma Ltd |
Address: | 22 Deverills Way Slough Berkshire SL3 8WN England |
Telephone: | 020 8133 9842 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sanjeev@s-sharma.com |
Website: | http://www.s-sharma.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
S.I.UK (London) Ltd |
Address: | 3rd Floor 211-213 Regent Street London London W1B 4NF England |
Telephone: | 020 7287 7040 |
Fax: | |
Email: | visaservice@studyin-uk.com |
Website: | http://www.studyin-uk.com/services/visa/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SA Law Practice Ltd |
Address: | F4, Enterprise House Foleshill Enterprise Park Cortaulds Way Coventry West Midlands CV6 5NX England |
Telephone: | 024 7523 3888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sema@salawpractice.com |
Website: | http://www.sa4ukvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Telephone: | 075 3394 8690 |
Fax: | |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sable International Citizenship Ltd t/a 1st Contact Visas and Sable International |
Address: | 13th Floor, One Croydon 12-16 Addiscombe Road Croydon Greater London CRO OXT |
Telephone: | 020 7759 5341 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ppgamble@sableinternational.com |
Website: | https://www.sableinternational.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Safar Global |
Address: | Bright Side Shay Lane Hale Barns Altrincham Greater Manchester WA15 8UE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Safe Passage International |
Address: | 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road London London E2 9DA England |
Telephone: | 077 5687 9276 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@safepassage.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.safepassage.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 128 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 074 9026 0983 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationmeriam@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sahir House |
Address: | 2nd Floor 151 Dale Street Liverpool Merseyside L2 2AH England |
Telephone: | 0151 237 3989 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sahir.uk.com |
Website: | http://www.sahir.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Sahir House is a HIV support, information and training charity on Merseyside. Sahir House provides immigration advice to people living with HIV ONLY |
Show Advisers |
Saintta Global Lawyers (UK) Limited |
Address: | Space Building 25 Wilton Road London London SW1V 1LW England |
Telephone: | 020 7112 8288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sainttalaw.com |
Website: | http://www.sainttalaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SAJ Law Chambers |
Address: | SAJ Law Chambers Trident Business Centre 89 Bickersteth Road Tooting London SW17 9SH England |
Telephone: | 020 8355 3478 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sajlawchambers@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sakhi Law |
Address: | 334 Ashton Road Oldham Greater Manchester OL8 3ED England |
Telephone: | 0161 917 4822 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sakhilawchambers.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Salusbury World |
Address: | Salusbury Primary 103 Salusbury Road London London NW6 6RG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.salusburyworld.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Samad And Company Immigration Consultants |
Address: | 23 Acfold Road Handsworth Wood Birmingham West Midlands B20 1HD England |
Telephone: | 0121 327 1199 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@samadandco.com |
Website: | http://www.samadandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Samphire |
Address: | 1st Floor 54-56 Castle Street Dover Kent CT16 1PJ England |
Telephone: | 01304 242755 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@samphireproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.samphireproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sandwell Consortium CIC |
Address: | Greets Green Access Centre Tildasley Street West Bromwich West Midlands B70 9SJ England |
Telephone: | 0121 533 2668 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sandwellconsortium.co.uk. |
Website: | http://www.sandwellconsortium.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sangam Association Of Asian Women |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.sangamcentre.org.uk |
Fee Charging |
Sangat Advice Centre |
Address: | Sancroft Assembly Hall Sancroft Road Harrow Greater London HA3 7NS England |
Telephone: | 020 8427 0659 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sangat.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.sangat.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sangat Centre Community Association |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.sangatcentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Sangawe Immigration Service |
Address: | Petre House Office 34 Peter Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 8LJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Santa Fe Immigration Services |
Address: | 1 Lyric Square London Greater London W6 0NB England |
Telephone: | 020 8961 4141 |
Fax: | |
Email: | koshi.blavobarna@santaferelo.com |
Website: | http://www.santeferelo.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SAR (London) Ltd |
Address: | Suite 535 Linen Hall 162-168 Regent Street London London W1B 5TF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sara-Int Accounting and Immigration Limited |
Address: | Unit 8, 480 London Road Isleworth Greater London TW7 4RL England |
Telephone: | 020 8846 3610 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@saraint.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sarker Legal Services |
Address: | 235 Witton Road Birmingham West Midlands B6 6NU England |
Telephone: | 078 8671 3905 |
Fax: | |
Email: | muktira2002@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Organisation can also be contacted via the following e-mail: sarkerlegal@gmail.com |
Show Advisers |
SB Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 34 Lodge Crescent Orpington Kent BR6 0QF England |
Telephone: | 078 7061 9080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sandip@sbimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.sbimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SB Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 107 Cheapside London London EC2V 6DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | sandip@sbimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.sbimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SBV Law Ltd |
Address: | 58 Magnolia Drive Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE5 3QG |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.sbvlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Schneider Goldstein Immigration Law |
Address: | Churchill House 267 Ballards Lane London London N12 8NR England |
Telephone: | 020 8445 3291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sgimmigrationlaw.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Scottish Refugee Council |
Address: | Portland House 17 Renfield Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 5AH Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 248 9799 |
Fax: | |
Email: | data@scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 2-4 Eastern Road Romford RM1 3PJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.SCOTTSIMMIGRATION.COM |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sedgemoor Citizens Advice |
Address: | Clarence House High Street Bridgwater Somerset TA6 3BH England |
Telephone: | 01278 455236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://citizensadvicesedgemoor.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 30 Robert Lowe Close London London SE14 5QB England |
Telephone: | 078 9023 4919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nsegaran7@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.segaran.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Select Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | 2,4 St. Matthews Road Torquay TQ2 6JA England |
Telephone: | 0117 973 6801 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.selectvisaservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Select Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | Saatchi Clifton Arcade Boyces Avenue Bristol Bristol BS8 4AA England |
Telephone: | 0117 973 6801 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anna@selectvisaservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.selectvisaservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sense Immigration Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 4 Cavendish Square London London W1G 0PG England |
Telephone: | 020 3947 3215 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@senseimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.senseimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Additional phone number for Simone Ferreira is 020 3947 3216 |
Show Advisers |
Seren Legal Practice |
Address: | 20a City Road Cardiff South Glamorgan CF24 3DL Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2078 9131 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@serenlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.serenlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Settled |
Address: | R1.3 Riverside House Newport Market Upper Dock Street Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP20 1DD Wales |
Telephone: | 056 0385 2688 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@settled.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.settled.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SEWA Centre |
Address: | 48-50 Vicarage Road Wolverhampton Staffordshire WV2 1DS England |
Telephone: | 01902 219391 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sewa.centre@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SH Immigration |
Address: | 78 Woodhall Street Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU8 8DS England |
Telephone: | 078534596207 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.shimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Shabbir & Co (Aberdeen) Limited |
Address: | 49 Shaw Crescent Aberdeen Aberdeen AB25 3BT Scotland |
Telephone: | 079 0301 0966 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@a2zaccounting.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Shama Women’s Centre |
Address: | 39 Sparkenhoe Street Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0TD England |
Telephone: | 077 3821 2639 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yasmin.shamaadvice@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.shamawomenscentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sharada Associates Limited |
Address: | Room 202 A Island Business Centre 18-36 Wellington Street London London SE18 6PF England |
Telephone: | 020 3247 4794 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yprasain@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sharq Immigration Legal Services Limited |
Address: | Unit 6, Raza Bazaar 171 Alum Rock Road Birmingham West Midlands B8 1NJ England |
Telephone: | 0121 824 4366 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wahidi@sharqimmigration.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Shehzad Law Chambers Limited |
Address: | 644 Lea Bridge Road Leyton London London E10 6AP England |
Telephone: | 078 9499 5680 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@shehzadlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.shehzadlaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Shetland Islands Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Market House 14 Market Street Lerwick ZE1 0JP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01595 694696 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Shillingford Law |
Address: | 3rd Floor 56-90 Paul Street London City of London EC2A 4NE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.shillingfordlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Shores & Legal |
Address: | No 1 Royal Exchange London London EC3V 3DG England |
Telephone: | 020 7097 6778 |
Fax: | |
Email: | antonio.lam@shoreslegal.com |
Website: | http://www.shoreslegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Simo Law Firm |
Address: | 83 Roseville Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 5DT England |
Telephone: | 0113 318 4768 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@simolawfirm.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.simolawfirm.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Simon Barr Immigration Law |
Address: | 767b Upper Newtownards Road Dundonald Belfast Antrim BT16 2QY Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@simonbarrimmigrationlaw.com |
Website: | https://simonbarrimmigrationlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Simon Community Scotland |
Address: | Streetwork Holyrood Hub 22 Holyrood Road Edinburgh Midlothian EH8 8AF Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.simonscotland.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : SC003076 |
Simon Community Scotland |
Address: | Streetwork 18 South Bridge Edinburgh Midlothian EH1 1LL Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.simonscotland.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : SC003076 |
Simon Community Scotland |
Address: | Holyrood Hub 22 Holyrood Road Edinburgh Midlothian EH8 8AF Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 418 6980 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hugh.hill@simonscotland.org |
Website: | https://www.simonscotland.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : SC003076 |
Show Advisers |
Simple Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 36 Turner Street London London E1 2AS England |
Telephone: | 020 7780 1828 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.simplesolution@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Simple Visa Solutions Limited |
Address: | 5 Helmsdale Woking Surrey GU21 3HT England |
Telephone: | 020 3286 9618 |
Fax: | |
Email: | emily@simplevisasolutions.com |
Website: | http://www.simplevisasolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sincere Immigration |
Address: | Kings Cross HQ 344-354 Gray’s Inn Road London London WC1X 8BP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sincereimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.sincereimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sindhu Immigration Services Ltd. |
Address: | Suite 9,2nd Floor Cranbook House 61 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PG England |
Telephone: | 020 3560 3315 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sindhuimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sindhuimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07473026953 & 07525367893 |
Show Advisers |
Singh Tek Law Limited |
Address: | PO Box 947 Altrincham Greater Manchester WA15 5HR |
Telephone: | 077 1259 1065 |
Fax: | |
Email: | guppy@singhteklaw.com |
Website: | http://www.singhteklaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SKB Law Ltd |
Address: | 86a High Street West Bromwich West Midlands B70 6JW England |
Telephone: | 077 9030 1635 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@skblaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.skblaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Skill Vision International |
Address: | 380 Stratford Road Sparkhill Birmingham West Midlands B11 4AB England |
Telephone: | 078 3772 9082 |
Fax: | |
Email: | asim_iiie@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Skillclear |
Address: | Victoria House 52 High Street Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1JG England |
Telephone: | 084 5680 1100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dean.marshall@skillclear.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.skillclear.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SKS Law Ltd |
Address: | Leicester Business Centre Unit G 111 Ross Walk Leicester Leicestershire LE4 5HH England |
Telephone: | 077 1304 9948 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enq.sks@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Skye & Lochalsh Citizen’s Advice Bureau |
Address: | The Green Portree IV51 9BT Scotland |
Telephone: | 01478 612032 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Sleek Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 830 Romford Road Manor Park London London E12 5JG England |
Telephone: | 077 8888 9880 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Slough Immigration Aid Unit |
Address: | 52 High Street Chalvey Slough Berkshire SL1 2SQ England |
Telephone: | 01753 246730 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info.siau@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.siauslough.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Slough Refugee Support |
Address: | 28 Bath Road Slough Berkshire SL1 3SR England |
Telephone: | 01753 537142 |
Fax: | 01753 575234 |
Email: | srsinfo@sloughrefugeesupport.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.sloughrefugeesupport.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Office 6 Maple House Winterstoke Road Weston-Super-Mare Somerset BS23 3YS England |
Telephone: | 0333 344 4126 |
Fax: | |
Email: | zahid@sponsorlicencespecialists.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.sponsorlicencespecialists.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smart Immigration Services |
Address: | 60a Goring Way Greenford Greater London UB6 9NP England |
Telephone: | 074 7825 2488 |
Fax: | |
Email: | smartimmigrationservices@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smart Immigration Solutions |
Address: | Laxton House 191 Lincoln Road Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE1 2PN England |
Telephone: | 01733 974644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | saeeda@smartimmigrations.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.smartimmigrations.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smethwick Pakistani Muslims Association Ltd |
Address: | Victoria Centre Suffrage Street (Victoria Park End) Smethwick Staffordshire B66 3PZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.spmaltd.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smith Stone Walters Limited |
Address: | Hanover Place 8 Ravensbourne Road Bromley Greater London BR1 1HP England |
Telephone: | 020 8461 6660 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.smithstonewalters.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smith Stone Walters Limited |
Address: | 12 Masons Avenue London London EC2V 5BT England |
Telephone: | 020 8461 6660 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@smithstonewalters.com |
Website: | http://www.smithstonewalters.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Smithfield Lawyers Ltd |
Address: | Kemp House 152-160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 3973 4669 |
Fax: | |
Email: | client@smithfieldlawyers.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.smithfieldlawyers.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SMS Law Chambers |
Address: | Visa Centre 50 Salisbury Road Hounslow Greater London TW4 6JQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8538 0159 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@smslawchambers.com |
Website: | http://www.1mic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SN Law Chambers |
Address: | Barking Enterprise Centre (BEC 2) 50 Wakering Road Barking IG11 8GN England |
Telephone: | 020 3538 7841 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.snlawchambers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SNS Legal Ltd |
Address: | Imperial Offices 2a Heigham Road London London E6 2JG England |
Telephone: | 020 8475 8858 |
Fax: | |
Email: | legalsns@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Softlink Consultants Limited |
Address: | 16 Botley Road Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 7JL England |
Telephone: | 01442 217990 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.softlinkuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Solace Women’s Aid |
Address: | 2 Angel Square London London EC1V 1NY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | a.kendall@solacewomensaid.org |
Website: | http://www.solacewomensaid.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Solent Immigration Services |
Address: | Carlton Studios 19-22 Upper Banister Street Southampton Hampshire SO15 2EF England |
Telephone: | 023 8001 6362 |
Fax: | |
Email: | msohal@solentimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.solentimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Solon Jacobs & Gold Ltd |
Address: | The Chambers 70 Staines Road Hounslow Greater London TW3 3LF England |
Telephone: | 020 8570 9444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@solonjacobsgold.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Solution Visas |
Address: | 6 The Close Eastcote Pinner Greater London HA5 1PH England |
Telephone: | 020 7859 4527 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jamalbatla@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.solutionvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Somali Welfare Centre |
Address: | 182 Seven Sisters Road London London N7 7PX England |
Telephone: | 020 7263 7804 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@somaliwelfarecentre.org |
Website: | http://www.londonnorthacademy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sonis U.K. Immigration Services Limited |
Address: | 30 Churchill Place London London E14 5RE |
Telephone: | 075 6348 1308 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sonisukimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.sonisimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 16 High Holborn London Greater London WC1V 6BX England |
Telephone: | 079 4398 9438 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ahmet@sortielegal.com |
Website: | http://www.sortielegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
South City Resource and Development Centre |
Address: | 2 MALDON STREET Belfast Antrim BT12 6HE Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890504848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
South Lakes Citizens Advice |
Address: | Blackhall Road Kendal LA9 4BT England |
Telephone: | 015394 47185 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.southlakescab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South Liverpool Citizens Advice |
Address: | Garston Community House 2 Speke Road Liverpool L19 2PA England |
Telephone: | 0151 427 5337 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South London Refugee Association |
Address: | The Woodlawns Centre, 16 Leigham Court Road London London SW16 2PJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3490 3443 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@slr-a.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.slr-a.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
South London Tamil Welfare Group |
Address: | 36 High Street Colliers Wood London London SW19 2AB England |
Telephone: | 020 8542 3285 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@sltwg.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.sltwg.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
South Staffordshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | Civic Centre Gravel Hill Wombourne South Staffordshire WV5 9HA England |
Telephone: | 084 4411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South Tyneside Citizens Advice |
Address: | Edinburgh Buildings 2 Station Approach South Tyneside SOUTH SHIELDS Tyne & Wear NE33 1HR England |
Telephone: | 0191 455 7958 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.southtynelca.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (S.T.E.P.) |
Address: | 3 Queen St, Magherafelt Down BT45 5AJ Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.stepni.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (S.T.E.P.) |
Address: | 12 Beechvalley Way Dungannon Tyrone BT70 1BS Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 8775 0211 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bernadette.mcaliskey@stepni.org |
Website: | http://www.stepni.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
South West Aberdeenshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Suite 2, 1st Floor Offices Westhill Shopping Centre, Old Skene Road Westhill AB32 6RL Scotland |
Telephone: | 01224 747714 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South West London Law Centres |
Address: | 76 Falcon Road London London SW11 2LR England |
Telephone: | 020 8767 2777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@swllc.org |
Website: | http://www.swllc.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
South West London Law Centres |
Address: | Ground Floor, Neville House 55 Eden Street Kingston Upon Thames Greater London KT1 1BW England |
Telephone: | 020 8767 2777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@swllc.org |
Website: | http://www.swllc.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
South West London Law Centres |
Address: | Merton Law Centre 112 London Road Morden Greater London SM4 5AX England |
Telephone: | 020 8543 4069 |
Fax: | 020 8542 3814 |
Email: | merton@swllc.org |
Website: | http://www.swllc.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
South West London Law Centres |
Address: | 5th Floor Davis House Robert Street Croydon Greater London CR0 1QQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8767 2777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@swllc.org |
Website: | http://www.swllc.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
South Worcestershire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 52 Prospect Close Malvern Worcestershire WR14 2FD |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1303 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.citizensadvicesw.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice |
Address: | The Sanctuary 37-39 Chapel Walk Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 2PD England |
Telephone: | 078 5386 7215 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@syrlj.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.syrlj.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southall Advice Bureau |
Address: | 58 Ranelagh Road Southall Greater London UB1 1DG England |
Telephone: | 020 8574 5636 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@southalladvicebureau.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southall Black Sisters |
Address: | 21 Avenue Road Southall Greater London UB1 3BL England |
Telephone: | 020 8571 9595 |
Fax: | 020 8574 6781 |
Email: | info@southallblacksisters.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.southallblacksisters.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southampton Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 14-15 Brunswick Place Southampton Hampshire SO15 2AQ England |
Telephone: | 023 8022 3659 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesouthampton.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southern Brooks Community Partnerships |
Address: | The Kingswood Estate Office 5, Old School House Kingswood Bristol Bristol BS15 8DB England |
Telephone: | 0333 577 4666 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@southernbrooks.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.southernbrooks.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
Southern Brooks Community Partnerships |
Address: | Coniston Community Centre The Parade Coniston Road Bristol Bristol BS34 5LP England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.southernbrooks.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southside Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 0/1 57 Boyd Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 8AG Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Southwark Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 8 Market Place Southwark Park Road London London SE16 3UQ England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7849 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicesouthwark.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Southwark Law Centre |
Address: | SE13 5EU Leemore Community Hub Bonfield Road London London SE13 5EU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.southwarkadvice.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Southwark Law Centre |
Address: | Southwark Law Centre Hanover Park House 14-16 Hanover Park London London SE15 5HG England |
Telephone: | 020 7732 2008 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.southwarkadvice.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Specialist Immigration Law Consultancy |
Address: | SILC 131 Brent Street London London NW4 4BY England |
Telephone: | 020 8203 7562 |
Fax: | |
Email: | zmostajir@silc-uklaw.org |
Website: | http://www.silc-uklaw.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Spectrum Visas Ltd |
Address: | 38 Mayplace Road East Bexleyheath Greater London DA7 6DY England |
Telephone: | 077 3934 4854 |
Fax: | |
Email: | spectrum.visas@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.spectrumvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SPI Law Ltd |
Address: | 90 Bedfont Lane Feltham Greater London TW14 9BP England |
Telephone: | 020 8751 0825 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@spilaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.spilaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sponsor Compliance Consultancy |
Address: | 11 Denbigh Road Coventry Warwickshire CV6 1FZ England |
Telephone: | 079 9058 7468 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hollie@sponsorcompliance.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sponsorcompliance.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sponsor Licence and Visas |
Address: | 9 High Street Wellington Somerset TA21 8QT England |
Telephone: | 0330 341 0919 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Peju@sponsorlicenceandvisas.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sponsor Licence Experts Ltd |
Address: | Sponsor Licence Experts Ltd Third Floor 86-90 Paul Street London London EC2A 4NE England |
Telephone: | 020 4566 5022 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.sponsorlicenceexperts.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sport Immigration Services |
Address: | 8 Broads Foundry London London W7 2QP |
Telephone: | 020 7018 1510 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sportimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sportimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Spring Housing Association |
Address: | Hestia House 22 Old Walsall Road Birmingham West Midlands B42 1DT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.springhousing.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Springfield Charitable Association |
Address: | 27 Clonard Crescent Belfast Antrim BT13 2QN Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890329085 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
SRA Advisory Limited |
Address: | 5th Floor Lansdowne House 57 Berkeley Square London London W1J 6ER England |
Telephone: | 020 3687 0346 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@sraa.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sraa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SSC Legal Direct |
Address: | 8 Grand Arcade London London N12 0EH England |
Telephone: | 020 3092 4949 |
Fax: | |
Email: | pradeep@ssclegaldirect.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ssclegaldirect.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
SSL Immigration Services |
Address: | 737 Stockport Road Manchester Greater Manchester M19 3AR England |
Telephone: | 078 3094 6293 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sslimmigration@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Augustine’s Centre |
Address: | St Augustine’s Centre Hanson Lane Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 5PG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.staugustinescentrehalifax.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Helens Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2nd Floor Millennium Centre Corporation Street St Helens Merseyside WA10 1HJ England |
Telephone: | 0344 826 9694 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
ST Immigration |
Address: | 31 Snowberry Crescent Warrington Cheshire WA5 1DA England |
Telephone: | 077 1533 8539 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sarah@stimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Leger Homes of Doncaster |
Address: | St. Leger Homes Of Doncaster Ltd St. Leger Court White Rose Way Doncaster South Yorkshire DN4 5ND England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.stlegerhomes.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Mungo Community Housing Association |
Address: | Fifth Floor 3 Thomas More Square London London E1W 1YW England |
Telephone: | 020 3856 6000 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@mungos.org |
Website: | https://www.mungos.org/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Pauls Advice Centre |
Address: | 146 Grosvenor Road Bristol Bristol BS2 8YA England |
Telephone: | 0117 955 2981 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiry@stpaulsadvice.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.stpaulsadvice.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St Vincent de Paul Society |
Address: | Allenby House Rees Way Bradford West Yorkshire BD3 0DZ England |
Telephone: | 01274 726790 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wyinfo@svp.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.svp.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
St. Vincent’s Support Centre |
Address: | Curtis Business Centre 4 Berking Avenue Leeds West Yorkshire LS9 9LF England |
Telephone: | 0113 248 4126 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hello@svp.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.svp.org.uk/stvincentsleeds |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Staf H Immigration |
Address: | 8 Lancaster Walk Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 3UF England |
Telephone: | 01204 781301 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.stafhimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Staf H Immigration |
Address: | 120 Bark Street Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 2AX England |
Telephone: | 01204 781301 |
Fax: | |
Email: | stafh1512@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.stafhimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Staffordshire North and Stoke-on-Trent Citizens Advice |
Address: | 10 Tunstall Road Biddulph Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire ST8 6HH England |
Telephone: | 01782 201234 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@snscab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.stoke-cab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Staffordshire North and Stoke-on-Trent Citizens Advice |
Address: | 25-27 Well Street Newcastle under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 1BP England |
Telephone: | 01782 201234 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@snscab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.stoke-cab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Staffordshire North and Stoke-on-Trent Citizens Advice |
Address: | Advice HOUSE 13-15 Cheapside Hanley Stoke-On-Trent Staffordshire ST1 1HL England |
Telephone: | 01782 201234 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@snscab.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.stoke-cab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Star Companies Ltd |
Address: | 29 Braddock Bluff Blackburn Lancashire BB2 7FY |
Telephone: | 01254 690430 |
Fax: | |
Email: | starimmigration@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Lansdowne House 57 Berkeley Square Greater London W1J 6ER England |
Telephone: | 01793 313017 |
Fax: | |
Email: | consultingstartin@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.startinconsulting.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Focal Point 27-35 Fleet Street Swindon Wiltshire SN1 1RQ England |
Telephone: | 01793 313017 |
Fax: | |
Email: | consultingstartin@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.startinconsulting.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Status Solutions UK Limited |
Address: | Office 23 Innovation Centre Medway Maidstone Road Chatham Kent ME5 9FD England |
Telephone: | 01634 789223 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shabanashahab@immigrationstatus.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.immigrationstatus.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stay UK |
Address: | 86-90 Paul Street 3rd Floor London London EC2A 4NE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@stay-uk.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.stay-uk.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stellar Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 42 West End March Cambridgeshire PE15 8DL England |
Telephone: | 0333 577 8800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@stellarimmigrationservices.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stephen M.S Lai & Co Business Consulting Limited |
Address: | 7A The Grange Kingfield Close Woking Surrey GU22 9BE England |
Telephone: | 077 1102 3584 |
Fax: | |
Email: | stephenmslai@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.chuilaiandcocpa.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sterling Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 5 St. John’s Lane Faringdon London Greater London EC1M 4BH England |
Telephone: | 020 8099 7560 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shanara@ukmigrationlaw.com |
Website: | http://www.ukmigrationlaw.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sterling Law |
Address: | Fleet House 8-12 New Bridge Street London London EC4V 6AL England |
Telephone: | 020 7822 8535 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@sterling-law.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sterling-law.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sterling Lexicon |
Address: | Adapt by Arlington Building 4, Uxbridge Business Park Sanderson Road Uxbridge Greater London UB8 1DH England |
Telephone: | 020 8836 3382 |
Fax: | |
Email: | leanne.cottrell@sterlinglexicon.com |
Website: | http://www.sterlinglexicon.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stevjeme And Company Immigration Law Practitioners |
Address: | 72 Bolton Crescent Kennington London London SE5 0SE England |
Telephone: | 020 7735 9645 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mcelhadi@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.Stevjemelegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau Limited |
Address: | The Norman McEwan Centre Cameron Street Stirling Stirling FK8 2DX Scotland |
Telephone: | 01786 470239 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Stockport District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Fred Perry House Edward Street Stockport SK1 3UR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Stockton & District Citizens Advice & Information Service |
Address: | SDAIS Wellington Square Shopping Centre Stockton Town Centre TS18 1RH England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1295 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.stockton-cab.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Strabane and District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 17 Dock Street Strabane Strabane Tyrone BT82 8EE Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 7138 2665 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Strand Legal Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 5 Chancery Lane London London WC2A 1LG England |
Telephone: | 077 0256 1664 |
Fax: | |
Email: | william@strandlegal.com |
Website: | https://www.strandlegal.com/en/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Stride Partnership CIC |
Address: | 19A Bretherton Row Wigan Greater Manchester WN1 1LL England |
Telephone: | 01942 418318 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@stridepartnership.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.stridepartnership.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Students United Limited |
Address: | 3-1 & 3-2 12 Renfield Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 5AL Scotland |
Telephone: | 084 4493 0990 |
Fax: | |
Email: | shu@suuk.org |
Website: | http://www.suuk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sudbury and District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Keyse House Acton Lane Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1QN England |
Telephone: | 01787 374671 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Suffolk Law Centre |
Address: | 44 St. Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3EP England |
Telephone: | 01473 408111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.suffolklawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Suffolk Law Centre |
Address: | 46a St. Matthews Street Ipswich Suffolk IP1 3EP England |
Telephone: | 01473 408111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@suffolklawcentre.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.suffolklawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Suleman Legal Services Ltd |
Address: | Gloucester House 399 Silbury Boulevard Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK9 2AH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Sunrise Immigration Limited |
Address: | HQ King’s Cross 344-354 Gray’s Inn Road London London WC1X 8BP England |
Telephone: | 020 7164 2268 |
Fax: | |
Email: | visa@sunriseimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.sunriseimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Super Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Supreme Immigration Law Practice |
Address: | 151 Deptford High Street London London SE8 3NU England |
Telephone: | 020 8127 6130 |
Fax: | |
Email: | silpractice@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Supreme Legal Practice Ltd |
Address: | 77 Green Street London London E7 8JF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.supremelegalpractice.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Surrey Welfare Rights Unit |
Address: | Unit 14A Monument Way Depot Monument Way East Woking Surrey GU21 5LY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | bureau@swru.org |
Website: | http://www.swru.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Sustain Immigration Law Services |
Address: | 64 Greenway Forest Town Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG19 0LQ England |
Telephone: | 01623 628066 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sustainimmigrationlawservices@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Swansea Law Clinic |
Address: | Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law Swansea Universtiy Singleton Park Swansea West Glamorgan SA2 8PP Wales |
Telephone: | 01792 513140 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lawclinic@swansea.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.swansea.ac.uk/law/lawclinic |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Swindon Citizens Advice |
Address: | Sanford House College Street Entrance Swindon Wiltshire SN1 1HE England |
Telephone: | 01793 402110 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bureau.swindoncab@cabnet.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadviceswindon.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Swiss Benevolent Society |
Address: | 79 Endell Street London London WC2H 9DY England |
Telephone: | 020 7836 9119 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@swissbenevolent.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.swissbenevolent.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity No: 1111348 |
Show Advisers |
Syed And Company |
Address: | 266 Ashton Road Oldham Greater Manchester OL8 1QN England |
Telephone: | 0161 652 2252 |
Fax: | |
Email: | syedandcompany@aol.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Syed Law Chambers |
Address: | 28 Stockport Road Ashton-Under-Lyne Greater Manchester OL7 0LD England |
Telephone: | 0161 330 4765 |
Fax: | |
Email: | syedlaw10@yahoo.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Synergy Immigration Solutions Ltd |
Address: | Work Life Rivington House 82 Great Eastern Street City of London EC2A 3FJ |
Telephone: | 020 3150 5359 |
Fax: | |
Email: | laura@synergy-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.synergyimmigrationsolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Synergy Immigration Solutions Ltd |
Address: | 11 South Vale London London SE19 3BA England |
Telephone: | 073 0924 0340 |
Fax: | |
Email: | laura@synergy-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.synergyimmigrationsolutions.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
T & I Immigration Advisers |
Address: | 14B Norwood Road Southall Greater London UB2 4DL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging |
T & I Immigration Advisers |
Address: | 16 Winchester Road Northwood Middlesex HA6 1JF England |
Telephone: | 01895 546411 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tandiimmigration@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
T & S Immigration Services |
Address: | The Old Quaker Meeting House Carperby Leyburn North Yorkshire DL8 4DH England |
Telephone: | 01969 663983 |
Fax: | |
Email: | steve@tandsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.tandsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
T.B.I.C. Ltd T/A The Business and Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 4 Cam Road Stratford London Greater London E15 2SN England |
Telephone: | 020 3479 6993 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@tbiconsultancy.com |
Website: | http://www.tbiconsultancy.com. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tadley Citizens Advice |
Address: | Franklin Avenue Tadley Hampshire RG26 4ET England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1283 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.basingstokeandtadleycab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Tait’s Immigration Services |
Address: | 2 Prince Of Wales Road London London NW5 3LQ England |
Telephone: | 079 7144 6602 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ti.services@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Takeoff Immigration Services |
Address: | Office G17 Brooklands House Marlborough Road Lancing West Sussex BN15 8AF England |
Telephone: | 074 2763 1115 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@takeoffvisa.com |
Website: | https://www.takeoffvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Talan City Group |
Address: | Spaces Business Centre 25 Wilton Road Victoria London London SW1V 1LW England |
Telephone: | 020 7193 1533 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@talancitygroup.com |
Website: | http://www.talancitygroup.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Talk Visa Immigration Specialists Ltd |
Address: | 10-12 New College Parade Finchley Road London London NW3 5EP England |
Telephone: | 079 2052 3678 |
Fax: | |
Email: | crownjustice8@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Talukdar Legal Practices |
Address: | 14 Walkersgreen Road Newcastle Tyne & Wear ST5 7SR England |
Telephone: | 078 0937 3345 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Talukdar Legal Practices |
Address: | 1 Mellard Street Newcastle Tyne & Wear ST5 2DN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tameside District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Tameside One Market Place Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 6BH |
Telephone: | 0161 342 5005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.tamesidecab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Tamil Welfare Association (Newham) UK |
Address: | 602 Romford Road Manor Park London London E12 5AF England |
Telephone: | 020 8478 0577 |
Fax: | 020 8514 6790 |
Email: | twan@twan.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.twan.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tamsons Legal Services |
Address: | Citygate House 246-250 Romford Road London London E7 9HZ England |
Telephone: | 020 3489 4550 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@tamsons.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.tamsons.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tar Isteach |
Address: | 244 Antrim Road Belfast Antrim BT15 2AR Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890754967 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Taunton Citizens Advice |
Address: | St Mary’s House Magdalene Street TAUNTON Somerset TA1 1SB England |
Telephone: | 01823 282235 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
TDP Immigration |
Address: | Flat 15 Evelyn Court Malvern Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL50 2JR England |
Telephone: | 078 0765 4794 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tdpimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tech Nomads Limited |
Address: | 57 Berkeley Square London Greater London w1j 6er England |
Telephone: | 075 5486 0873 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ep@nomadsintech.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Telford & The Wrekin Citizens Advice |
Address: | 40 Tan Bank Wellington TELFORD and WREKIN TELFORD Shropshire TF1 1HW England |
Telephone: | 01952 459250 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Temp Inter Consult (UK) Limited |
Address: | Unit 87 99 Lavender Hill London London SW11 5QL England |
Telephone: | 020 7228 3665 |
Fax: | |
Email: | infointerconsult@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tendring Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 18 Carnarvon Rd Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 8QF |
Telephone: | 01255 377080 |
Fax: | |
Email: | supervisor@cabtendring.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/local/tendring/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Terra Firma Immigration |
Address: | First Floor 310A Station Road Harrow Greater London HA1 2DX England |
Telephone: | 020 8123 4292 |
Fax: | |
Email: | vipul.patel@terrafirma-immigration.com |
Website: | http://www.terrafirma-immigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 229 Bonchurch Road London London W10 5NS |
Telephone: | 074 2541 2050 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sevkia@terranova.global |
Website: | http://www.terranova.global |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Terrence Higgins Trust HIV Support Organisation |
Address: | Cally Yard 437&439 Caledonian Road London London N7 9BG England |
Telephone: | 020 7812 1600 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@tht.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.tht.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Test Valley Citizens Advice |
Address: | 1st Floor Chantry House Chantry Way Andover Hampshire SP10 1LZ England |
Telephone: | 01794 516378 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.testvalleycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
TGP Cymru |
Address: | Cardiff University Social Science Research Park (SPARK) Maindy Road Cardiff South Glamorgan CF24 4HQ Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2039 6974 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@tgpcymru.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.tgpcymru.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thai Visa Express Limited |
Address: | 29 Cambridge Street Cleethorpes North East Lincolnshire DN35 8HB England |
Telephone: | 01472 322442 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thaivisaexpress.com |
Website: | http://www.thaivisa-express.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thakerar Consultancy Services |
Address: | Suite 210, Second Floor 16 Lyon Road Harrow Greater London HA1 2AG England |
Telephone: | 020 8427 0361 |
Fax: | |
Email: | suite210@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thames Migration Ltd |
Address: | Chiswick Town Hall Heathfield Terrace Turnham Green London Greater London W4 4JN England |
Telephone: | 020 8996 0120 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thamesmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.thamesmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thames Reach Charity |
Address: | Elmfield House, 5 Stockwell Mews London London SW9 9GX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@thamesreach.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.thamesreach.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity no 1166311 |
Thames Reach Charity |
Address: | Hudson House: 1 Stockwell Green London London SW9 9JF England |
Telephone: | 020 3691 4333 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@thamesreach.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.thamesreach.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity no 1166311 |
Thames Reach Charity |
Address: | Vital Business Centre 382-386 Edgware Road London London W2 1EB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@thamesreach.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.thamesreach.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity no 1166311 |
Thames Reach Charity |
Address: | 29 Peckham Road London London SE5 8UA England |
Telephone: | 020 3617 6070 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@thamesreach.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.thamesreach.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity no 1166311 |
Show Advisers |
Thathall Immigration Law Chambers |
Address: | Suite 16 Rosehill Business Centre Normanton road Derby Derbyshire DE23 6RH England |
Telephone: | 01332 290633 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.immigration-derby.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thaxted Legal Ltd |
Address: | 137 Slades Drive Chislehurst Greater London BR7 6JZ England |
Telephone: | 075 0772 1219 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thaxtedlegal.com |
Website: | http://www.thaxtedlegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Aire Centre |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.airecentre.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Bridge Plus |
Address: | Sackville Busines Place 44-48 Magdalen Street Norwich Norfolk NR3 1JU England |
Telephone: | 01603 617076 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bridgeplus.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Bridge Renewal Trust |
Address: | Laurels Healthy Living Centre St. Ann’s Road London London N15 5AZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.bridgerenewaltrust.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : 1131941 |
Show Advisers |
The Brigstowe Project: For People Living With or Affected by HIV |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.brigstowe.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The British Red Cross Society (London) |
Address: | Uk Office 44 Moorfields London London EC2Y 9AL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.redcross.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to family reunion |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Children’s Law Centre |
Address: | Second Floor Rights House 127 -131 Ormeau Road Belfast Antrim BT7 1SH Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 028 9024 5704 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@childrenslawcentre.org |
Website: | http://www.childrenslawcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Children’s Society |
Address: | Unit 12 Eastway Business Village Olivers Place Preston Lancashire PR2 9WT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
The Children’s Society |
Address: | 21 -23 Broadway London London E15 4BQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8221 8233 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
The Children’s Society |
Address: | First Floor 17 Rowlandsway Wythenshawe Manchester Greater Manchester M22 5RN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
The Children’s Society |
Address: | Unit 501 The Big Peg 120 Vyse Street The Jewelery Quarter Birmingham West Midlands B18 6NE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Children’s Society |
Address: | Second Floor 18 Ridley Place Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 8JW England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Clement James Centre |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.clementjames.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Connection at St Martins |
Address: | St Martins House 27 Nightingale Lane London London SW12 8SY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.connection-at-stmartins.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered charity number 1078201 |
The Connection at St Martins |
Address: | 12 Adelaide Street London London WC2N 4HW England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.connection-at-stmartins.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered charity number 1078201 |
Show Advisers |
The Cotton Tree Trust |
Address: | Dame Geraldine Aves Hall 6-9 Manor Gardens London London N7 6LA England |
Telephone: | 020 7503 0038 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@cottontreetrust.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.cottontreetrust.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Derby Bosnia Herzegovina Community Association |
Address: | Bosnia & Herzegovina Centre 99 Curzon Street Derby Derbyshire DE1 1LN England |
Telephone: | 01332 294436 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bihcommderby@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.bihcommunityderby.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Destitution Project |
Address: | 37-39 Knowsley Street Bolton Greater Manchester BL1 2AS England |
Telephone: | 01204 387221 |
Fax: | |
Email: | dropindp@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.boltondp.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07421352829 |
Show Advisers |
The East Manchester Community Association |
Address: | Rainbow Haven 113 Abbey Hey Lane Gorton Manchester Greater Manchester M18 8TJ England |
Telephone: | 0161 370 3472 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.rainbowhaven.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Filipino Agency Limited |
Address: | 53 Old Oak Road London London W3 7HW England |
Telephone: | 079 5153 2384 |
Fax: | |
Email: | filipinoagency@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 38 Charles Street Enfield Greater London EN1 1LD England |
Telephone: | 077 8457 3570 |
Fax: | |
Email: | guler@firstplaceimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.firstplaceimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Good Shepherd Centre |
Address: | The Guard House West Lane Keighley West Yorkshire BD22 6ES England |
Telephone: | 01535 608639 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tgsc.keighley@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.thegoodshepherdcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number — 1170396 |
Show Advisers |
The Harbour Project |
Address: | St. Lukes Hall Broad Street Swindon Wiltshire SN1 2DS England |
Telephone: | 01793 611682 |
Fax: | |
Email: | claire.garrett@harbourproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.harbourproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Indo-British Cultural Exchange |
Address: | 10/11 Great Russell Street London London WC1B 3NH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | prcp@prafulpatel.co.in |
Website: | http://www.indo-british-ibce.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Iranian Association |
Address: | 222 King Street London London W6 0RA England |
Telephone: | 020 8741 2304 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@iranianassociation.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.iranianassociation.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.jcwi.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
The Legal Guys |
Address: | Imperial House 64 Willoughby Lane London London N17 0SP England |
Telephone: | 020 8801 7422 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@legalguys.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.legalguys.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Legal Help Centre |
Address: | 68 Harehills Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 5NU England |
Telephone: | 0113 345 4647 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@thelegalhelpcentre.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Marriage Visa Specialists |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
The Nathanson Partnership |
Address: | 1 Coldbath Square Farringdon London London EC1R 5HL England |
Telephone: | 020 3476 9523 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@nathansonpartnership.com |
Website: | http://www.nathansonpartnership.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Passage |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.passage.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Public Law Project |
Address: | The Design Works 93-99 Goswell Road London London EC1V 7EY England |
Telephone: | 020 7843 1260 |
Fax: | |
Email: | r.singh@publiclawproject.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.publiclawproject.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Queen Mary Advice Centre |
Address: | Queen Mary university of London 327 Mile End Road London London E7 4NS |
Telephone: | 020 7882 3931 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.lac.qmul.ac.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Race Equality Centre |
Address: | 1st Floor Highfields Centre 96 Melbourne Road Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0DS England |
Telephone: | 0116 204 2790 |
Fax: | |
Email: | administrator@trec.org.uk |
Website: | https://www.trec.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Roma Project |
Address: | 124 Broad Street Coventry CV6 5BG England |
Telephone: | 077 2255 5899 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bernie.flatley@theromaproject.org |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging |
The Roma Project |
Address: | Oakwood House St Patricks Road Coventry West Midlands CV1 2HL England |
Telephone: | 077 2255 5899 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 36 Walton Heath Bletchley Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK3 7RU England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.thesceptrelegals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Security Watchdog |
Address: | 17 Rochester Row London London SW1P 1JB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.securitywatchdog.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
The Security Watchdog |
Address: | Viables Industrial Estate Jays Close Basingstoke Hampshire RG22 4LT England |
Telephone: | 075 5700 4341 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advisory@securitywatchdog.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.securitywatchdog.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Southwark Day Centre For Asylum Seekers |
Address: | Peckham Park Road Baptist Church London London SE15 6SX England |
Telephone: | 020 7732 0505 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@sdcas.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.sdcas.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging |
The Southwark Day Centre For Asylum Seekers |
Address: | The Copleston Centre Copleston Road London London SE15 4AN England |
Telephone: | 020 7732 0505 |
Fax: | |
Email: | office@sdcas.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.sdcas.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The UK Law Firm Limited |
Address: | 44a St. Helens Road Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 3NH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Unity Project (TUP) |
Address: | 277a Upper Street London London N1 2TZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.unity-project.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Visa Office Ltd |
Address: | Cross House Salisbury Street Mere Warminster Wiltshire BA12 6HE England |
Telephone: | 020 7836 8505 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@visa-office.com |
Website: | http://www.visa-office.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Well Multi-Cultural Resource Centre |
Address: | 42-44 Albert Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 8DN Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 424 4523 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thewell.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.thewell.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Westwood Organisation Limited |
Address: | Suite 9 Unit F2 Sussex Manor Business Park Gatwick Road Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9NH England |
Telephone: | 01293 889691 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@twolimited.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.twolimited.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
The Yellow Halo |
Address: | Suite 4.35a Windsor House Cornwall Road Harrogate North Yorkshire HG1 2PW England |
Telephone: | 01423 593366 |
Fax: | |
Email: | stjohn@theyellowhalo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.theyellowhalo.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thiago Crespo Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 329 Chester House Kennington Park Business Centre 1-3 Brixton Road, London London SW9 6DE England |
Telephone: | 020 3176 1220 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thiagocrespoconsultancy.com |
Website: | http://www.thiagocrespoconsultancy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thomas Chase Immigration Limited |
Address: | Office 7 35-37 Ludgate Hill London London EC4M 7JN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | cthomas@thomaschaseimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.thomaschaseimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Thomas Chase Immigration Limited |
Address: | City Pavillion 27 Bush Lane London London EC4R 0AA England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 1061 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@thomaschaseimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.thomaschaseimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Three Rivers Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Three Rivers House Northway Rickmansworth Hertfordshire WD3 1RL England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1296 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Thurrock Citizens Advice |
Address: | Voluntary & Community Resource Centre High Street Grays Essex RM17 6XP England |
Telephone: | 0344 477 0808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Tian Xin Law Associates Limited |
Address: | Regus 33 Cavendish Square London London W1G 0PW England |
Telephone: | 078 2729 5526 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tianxin_legal@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Times PBS LTD |
Address: | Times Business Centre 24 Scrubs Lane London London NW10 6RA England |
Telephone: | 020 8962 9630 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mosni@timespbs.com |
Website: | http://www.timespbs.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
TM Immigration Lawyers |
Address: | 34 Burnbank Grove Straiton Loanhead Midlothian EH20 9NX Scotland |
Telephone: | 075 1695 2661 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tm.immigration.lawyers@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
TM Legal Services |
Address: | Third Floor Unit 317 Stratford Workshops Burford Road London London E15 2SP England |
Telephone: | 020 8534 5700 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tmlegalservices@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
TMH Immigration Services |
Address: | 6 High Drive Basingstoke Hampshire RG22 6JS England |
Telephone: | 01256 464731 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tmhimmigration@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
TNS Legal Services Ltd |
Address: | 239 Kensington Highstreet London W8 6SN |
Telephone: | 079 6233 6747 |
Fax: | |
Email: | angela@tnslegalservices.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tooting Law Chambers Ltd |
Address: | Unit 102C3 Peel House 44 London Road Morden Greater London SM4 5BT England |
Telephone: | 074 5375 7677 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@tootinglawchambers.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Top Immigration Services |
Address: | 284 Dudley Road Wolverhampton Staffordshire WV2 3JU England |
Telephone: | 01902 618488 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sharma172@outlook.com |
Website: | https://www.topimmigration.services.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Topadar Law Chamber |
Address: | 109 High Street Erdington Birmingham West Midlands B23 6SA England |
Telephone: | 074 0432 8106 |
Fax: | |
Email: | tlawchamber@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Toprak Consultancy Services Limited |
Address: | 45a Anson Road Rusholme Manchester Greater Manchester M14 5DE England |
Telephone: | 0161 224 4711 |
Fax: | |
Email: | baran@toprakconsultancy.com |
Website: | http://www.toprakconsultancy.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Torbay Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 29 Palace Avenue Paignton Devon TQ3 3EQ England |
Telephone: | 01803 521726 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon Citizens Advice |
Address: | 13 Bridgeland street Bideford Devon EX39 2QE England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.testvalleycab.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Tower Hamlets Law Centre |
Address: | St Anne Street Unit 1 789-791 Commercial Road London London E14 7HG England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.thlc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Toynbee Hall Free Legal Advice Centre |
Address: | Toynbee Hall Legal Advice Centre 28 Commercial Street London London E1 6LS England |
Telephone: | 020 7247 6943 |
Fax: | |
Email: | FLAC@toynbeehall.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.toynbeehall.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Triumph Legal Advice Services Ltd |
Address: | Suite 3, 5th Floor, Humberstone House 81-83 Humberstone Road Leicester Leicestershire LE1 1WB. |
Telephone: | 074 7545 9808 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@triumphimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
TRSvisa Ltd |
Address: | 24 Ewenny Road Bridgend Mid Glamorgan CF31 3HP Wales |
Telephone: | 01656 750997 |
Fax: | |
Email: | alevtina@vpkempster.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tulia Group Community Interest Company |
Address: | 121-123 New Union Street Coventry West Midlands CV1 2NT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.migrantfamilysupport.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Tunbridge Wells and District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Ground floor Monson House Monson Way TUNBRIDGE WELLS Kent TN1 1LQ England |
Telephone: | 01892 617256 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Turriff And District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Masonic Building Gladstone Terrace Turriff AB53 4AT Scotland |
Telephone: | 01888 562495 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Twins & Co |
Address: | 58 Devonshire Street Keighley West Yorkshire BD21 2BL England |
Telephone: | 01535 663033 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@twins-co.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.twins-co.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
U.K Pakistan Welfare Society |
Address: | Main Office 3 Turnbull Road Longsight Manchester Greater Manchester M13 0PZ England |
Telephone: | 0161 224 2705 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jawaid144@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukpws.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
U.L.Consultants Ltd |
Address: | Unit 2A, 2nd Floor 369 Burnt Oak Broadway Edgware Greater London HA8 5AW England |
Telephone: | 020 7018 2027 |
Fax: | |
Email: | upul@ulcworld.com |
Website: | http://www.ulcworld.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Uddin Law Associates |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Uganda Community Relief Association |
Address: | Selby Centre Selby Road London London N17 8JL England |
Telephone: | 020 8808 6221 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ucra2000@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ucra.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK & EU ILS Immigration Law Services |
Address: | Unit 325 Chester House 1-3 Brixton Road London London SW9 6DE England |
Telephone: | 020 3621 6560 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukeuils.com |
Website: | http://www.ukeuils.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Bridge Limited |
Address: | 3rd Floor 54 St. James Street Liverpool Merseyside L1 0AB England |
Telephone: | 078 3789 3787 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lifeintheuk@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.chinaukbridge.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Butterflies LTD |
Address: | 15 Oakdale Drive Bradford West Yorkshire BD10 0JF England |
Telephone: | 01274 968046 |
Fax: | |
Email: | euss@ukb-oisc.com |
Website: | http://www.uk-butterflies.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Council For International Student Affairs (UKCISA) |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukcisa.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
UK Education & Tutor Services Ltd |
Address: | 27 The Broadway Hornchurch Greater London RM12 4RW England |
Telephone: | 020 8088 8688 |
Fax: | |
Email: | genlin@ukets.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukets.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Education Union Ltd |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukeu.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
UK Expert Bureau |
Address: | 124 City Road London Greater London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 8988 0662 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lawexpert1@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.expert-buro.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Global Immigration Services |
Address: | 147 Dickenson Road Manchester Greater Manchester M14 5HZ England |
Telephone: | 074 5604 2986 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukglobalimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukglobalimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration & Visa Advocates |
Address: | 38 Matlock Street Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0GR England |
Telephone: | 0116 332 1873 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@uk-iva.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uk-iva.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 07940865357 |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Adviser |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
UK Immigration Advisors |
Address: | Encon House 4 Mornington Villas Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 7HB England |
Telephone: | 079 3914 1319 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@uk-ia.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uk-ia.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration And Business Advisors Limited |
Address: | Suite 1, Room 3 12 Chapel Road Ilford Greater London IG1 2AG England |
Telephone: | 020 7993 5557 |
Fax: | 020 7993 5557 |
Email: | usman6@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukiba.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration and Education Service Ltd |
Address: | 43 Hamilton Crescent Palmers Green London London N13 5LN England |
Telephone: | 020 8882 9458 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jing_ding1225@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukies.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration and Visa Consultant Limited |
Address: | Unit 54 Skyline Business Village Limeharbour London London E14 9TS England |
Telephone: | 020 3645 5598 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jmokolade@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationandvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Centre Limited |
Address: | 96 Leatherhead Road Chessington Surrey KT9 2HP England |
Telephone: | 020 8949 5588 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukemin@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukimin.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Consulting |
Address: | 103 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PU England |
Telephone: | 078 9608 5553 |
Fax: | |
Email: | innaderekh@hotmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Help Ltd |
Address: | 1000 Great West Road Brentford Greater London TW8 9HH England |
Telephone: | 020 7112 4955 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukimmigrationhelp.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationhelp.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Law |
Address: | 1 Girvan Close Bolton Greater Manchester BL3 3JS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukvilaw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Law Advisers Ltd |
Address: | 78 Moss Lane Altrincham Cheshire WA15 8HW England |
Telephone: | 075 4316 2975 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukimmigrationlawadvisers@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationlawadvisers.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Law Consultants |
Address: | Suite T-13 Prudential Buildings 103 Cranbrook Road Ilford Greater London IG1 4PU England |
Telephone: | 020 3874 4206 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukilc@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Legal Services |
Address: | 99 Buckingham Drive Luton Bedfordshire LU2 9RB England |
Telephone: | 077 3253 4799 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mir@ukils.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukils.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Limited |
Address: | 3 Walnut Drive Smethwick Staffordshire B66 3RS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | gurpreet.k13@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationltd.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Limited |
Address: | 424 Bearwood Road Smethwick, Birmingham West Midlands B66 4EY England |
Telephone: | 079 4441 7890 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukimmigrationltd.com |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationltd.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Services |
Address: | Richmond Bridge House 419 Richmond Road Twickenham Greater London TW1 2EX England |
Telephone: | 020 8755 0532 |
Fax: | |
Email: | main@ukisvs.com |
Website: | https://www.ukisvs.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration Solutions Limited |
Address: | UK Immigration Solutions Ltd 192A Campden Hill Road London London W8 7TH England |
Telephone: | 020 7101 4929 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.i-visas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Immigration with Aditi |
Address: | 121 Bartley Wilson Way Ninian Park Cardiff CF11 8EP |
Telephone: | 075 3796 1961 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukimmigration.aditi@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Law Associates Limited |
Address: | UK Law Associates Olympic House 28-42 Clements Road Ilford Greater London IG1 1BA England |
Telephone: | 020 8478 3333 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@uklawassociates.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uklawassociates.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Law Consultants |
Address: | 4 Yardley Bracknell RG12 8QS England |
Telephone: | 079 3094 7829 |
Fax: | |
Email: | uklawconsultants@btconnect.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Lawyers & Advocates |
Address: | Suite 307 Cumberland House 80 Scrubs Lane London London NW10 6RF England |
Telephone: | 078 9894 4588 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ukla1@outlook.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Legal and Consultant Services Centre Limited |
Address: | 4 Hever Croft London London SE9 3HB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Permits & Visas |
Address: | Business Centre Bessemer Drive Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2DX England |
Telephone: | 0333 666 0101 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ds@ukpermits.com |
Website: | http://www.ukpermits.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Permits & Visas |
Address: | One Pancras Square London London N1C 4AG |
Telephone: | 0333 666 0100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ds@ukpermits.com |
Website: | http://www.ukpermits.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Solutions Direct Limited |
Address: | 1st Floor 68 Leeds Road Nelson Lancashire BB9 9TD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Sovereign Visa & Immigration |
Address: | 105 Mayors Walk Peterborough Cambridgeshire PE3 6EY England |
Telephone: | 078 2709 9592 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@uksovereign.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uksovereign.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Study Group Ltd |
Address: | UK Study Centre 5th Floor, Dudley House 169 Piccadilly, Mayfair London City of London W1J 9EH England |
Telephone: | 020 3397 7744 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@ukstudycentre.com |
Website: | https://www.ukstudycentre.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Advice Services |
Address: | Collingwood Buildings 38 Collingwood Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE1 1JF England |
Telephone: | 0191 229 9557 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvaservices.org |
Website: | http://www.ukvaservices.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa and Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 18 Soho Square London London W1D 3QL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
UK Visa and Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | UK Visa and Immigration Services Ltd Capital Tower 91 Waterloo Road London London SE1 8RT England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | roberto_bruognolo@hotmail.co |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
UK Visa and Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 14 Dawlish Avenue London London SW18 4RW England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Centre |
Address: | Lourie House Colyear Street Derby Derbyshire DE1 1LA England |
Telephone: | 020 3239 1228 |
Fax: | |
Email: | uk_visas@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uvclegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Centre |
Address: | 71-75 Uxbridge Road Ealing London London W5 5SL England |
Telephone: | 020 3239 1228 |
Fax: | 020 3002 2740 |
Email: | uk_visits@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uvclegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Needs |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
UK Visa Partners Limited |
Address: | Suite G7 & G8, Davina House 137-149 Goswell Road London London EC1V 7ET England |
Telephone: | 020 7253 6888 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvisapartners.com |
Website: | http://www.ukvisapartners.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Works |
Address: | 31 Balvernie Grove London London SW18 5RR England |
Telephone: | 0333 344 4535 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvisaworks.com |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaworks.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visa Xpats |
Address: | Unit 3M3B Camberwell Business Centre 99-103 Lomond Grove London London SE5 7HN England |
Telephone: | 020 3105 8094 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvisaxpats.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaxpats.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | Alphacom House 8A Oakhill Road Horsham West Sussex RH13 5SB England |
Telephone: | 01403 801801 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvisas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukvisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visas and Immgration Consultants Ltd |
Address: | 293a Alcester Road South Birmingham West Midlands B14 6EB England |
Telephone: | 079 4638 3428 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvics.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukvics.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK Visas Online |
Address: | 71 — 75 Shelton Street London London WC2H 9JQ England |
Telephone: | 080 0061 4794 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@ukvisasonline.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukvisasonline.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 29 Southover London London N12 7JG England |
Telephone: | 077 1777 0820 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ahmadi@ukals.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UKCN Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 85 Gresham Street London London EC2V 7NQ England |
Telephone: | 020 7096 0100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@beimmigration.org |
Website: | http://www.beimmigration.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UK-Immigration Clinic |
Address: | The Basepoint Centre Canterbury Innovation Centre University Road Canterbury Kent CT2 7FG England |
Telephone: | 01227 910189 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukimmigrationclinic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukimmigrationclinic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
UKIVC (UK Immigration & Visa Consultancy) |
Address: | Kinetic Business Centre Suite 155 Theobald Street Elstree & Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 4PJ England |
Telephone: | 020 8387 5544 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukivc.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.ukivc.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 1000 Great West Road Brentford Greater London TW8 9DW England |
Telephone: | 020 8572 6386 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukvisaexpert.com |
Website: | http://www.ukvisaexpert.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 11 Pavilion Close Rochdale Greater Manchester OL12 6EW England |
Telephone: | 079 0404 2644 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@myukvs.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.myukvs.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Unique Visa Services Limited |
Address: | Arthur House Suite 3C Chorlton Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 3HF England |
Telephone: | 0161 956 2003 |
Fax: | |
Email: | itssona1@yahoo.com |
Website: | http://www.uvsuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
United Immigration & Visa Services Ltd |
Address: | 85a Harehills Road Leeds Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 5HS England |
Telephone: | 078 5379 4027 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@urorefugee.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
United Immigration Services |
Address: | Artisan Unit 3, the Beacon Westgate Road Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 9PQ England |
Telephone: | 0191 242 5409 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gmanwar@uislimited.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
United Kingdom Uncovered Limited |
Address: | Kemp House 160 City Road London London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 3965 1777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ukuimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.ukuimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
United Legal Access |
Address: | 7 Bell Yard London London WC2A 2JR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.unitedlegalaccess.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Universal Fortune Limited |
Address: | A Jay Business Centres Ltd Continental House 497 Sunleigh Road Wembley Greater London HA0 4LY England |
Telephone: | 077 9291 3082 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ufvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.ufvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Universal Fortune Limited |
Address: | A Jay Business Centres Ltd Continental House 497 Sunleigh Road Wembley Greater London HA0 4LY England |
Telephone: | 020 8733 8296 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@ufvisas.com |
Website: | http://www.ufvisas.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Universal Immigration Advisers Limited |
Address: | 107-111 Fleet Street London London Ec4A 2AB England |
Telephone: | 079 6086 5653 |
Fax: | |
Email: | universalimmigrationadvisers@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Universal Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 42 Medway Gardens Wembley Greater London HA0 2RJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
University of London (Refugee Law Clinic) |
Address: | Charles Clore House 17 Russell Square London London WC1B 5DR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
University of Strathclyde Law Clinic |
Address: | Graham Hills Building Room 844, 8th Floor 40 George Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 1BA |
Telephone: | 0141 548 5995 |
Fax: | |
Email: | gillian.melville@strath.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.lawclinic.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
University of Sussex Migration Law Clinic |
Address: | Room F23, The Freeman Building University of Sussex, Southern Ring Road Falmer Brighton East Sussex BN1 9QE England |
Telephone: | 01273 876797 |
Fax: | |
Email: | migrationlaw@sussex.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.sussex.ac.uk/law/clinical-legal-education |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
University of Westminster Legal Advice Clinic |
Address: | 4-12 Little Titchfield Street London London W1W 7BY England |
Telephone: | 020 3506 9626 |
Fax: | |
Email: | lawclinic@westminster.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.uowlegaladviceclinic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
University of Exeter Immigration Clinic |
Address: | Amory Building Rennes Drive Exeter Devon EX4 4RJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigrationclinic@exeter.ac.uk |
Website: | http://www.socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/law/communitylawclinic/#collapse30 |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Upper Springfield Advice Services |
Address: | 2b Springhill Drive Ballymurphy Belfast Antrim BT12 7SH Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2895908668 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Uttlesford Citizens Advice |
Address: | Barnard’s Yard Uttlesford SAFFRON WALDEN Essex CB11 4eb England |
Telephone: | 01799 618840 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
UVIC Limited |
Address: | 23 Austin Friars London London EC2N 2QF |
Telephone: | 020 3757 7200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | visa@uvic.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.uvic.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Address: | 2 Sudbury Croft Wembley Greater London HA0 2QW England |
Telephone: | 079 5125 2768 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Contact@vanshconsultancyservices.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vantage International Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | 20-22 Wenlock Road London London N1 7GU |
Telephone: | 074 6461 7075 |
Fax: | |
Email: | xiaobin.su@vicimmigration.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vargas Advisory |
Address: | 50 Capitol Way 75 Dara House London Greater London NW9 0BR |
Telephone: | 020 3983 0067 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@vargascl.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.vargasconsultancy.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
VC Legal (UK) |
Address: | Abbey House Brooklands Business Park Weybridge Surrey KT13 0TT England |
Telephone: | 020 8972 9712 |
Fax: | 084 4822 9939 |
Email: | info@vclegaluk.com |
Website: | http://www.vclegaluk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Ve Pillai & Co |
Address: | First & Second Floor 182 The Grove Stratford London London E15 1NS England |
Telephone: | 020 8522 7300 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@vepillai.com |
Website: | http://www.vepillai.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Veristat Limited |
Address: | Regus 69 Buchanan Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G1 3HL Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.veristat.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Veristat Limited |
Address: | 40 Princess Street 40 Princess Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 6DE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.veristat.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Veristat Limited |
Address: | 77 Bouldish Farm Road Ascot Berkshire SL5 9EW England |
Telephone: | 01344 624016 |
Fax: | |
Email: | enquiries@veristat.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.veristat.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
VFG Immigration Limited |
Address: | 107 Burdett Road London London E3 4JN England |
Telephone: | 078 9655 2388 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nuri@vfgimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.vfgimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
VG Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 5 Belfry Court Sandy Bedfordshire SG19 1JR England |
Telephone: | 01767 689802 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@vgimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.vgimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Victory Legal Services |
Address: | 138 Marsh Road Luton Bedfordshire LU3 2NL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Victory Legal Services |
Address: | 20 Southampton Gardens Luton Bedfordshire LU3 3UA England |
Telephone: | 01582 495155 |
Fax: | 01582 524521 |
Email: | vlsadvice@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vikiwells Limited |
Address: | Victoria Wells Centre Victoria Road Llanwrtyd Wells Powys LD5 4SY Wales |
Telephone: | 01591 610141 |
Fax: | |
Email: | juliawrightuk@yahoo.ie |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Village Immigration Services Ltd |
Address: | 21 Henry Street Hyde Cheshire SK14 1HP England |
Telephone: | 0161 368 5580 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@villageimmigration.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Villarico and Associates |
Address: | 99 Gulson Road Coventry West Midlands CV1 2HY England |
Telephone: | 079 1417 2651 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@villaricoandassociates.com |
Website: | http://www.villaricoandassociates.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vine |
Address: | 193 Crumlin Road Belfast Antrim BT14 7AA Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 2890351020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Not Fee Charging |
Vira International Limited |
Address: | Commercial Unit 4, Level 2, Bradburys Court Lyon Road Harrow London London HA1 2BY |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.vira.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vira International Limited |
Address: | Unit 2, Forum House Empire Way Wembley Park Middlesex HA9 0AB England |
Telephone: | 020 8863 5811 |
Fax: | |
Email: | anjum@vira.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.vira.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Virk Nik Jacob LLP |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.vnjllp.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Visa & Migration Ltd |
Address: | Marco Polo House 3-5 Lansdowne Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2BX England |
Telephone: | 020 3411 1261 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visaandmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.visaandmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa and Immigration Services Capital |
Address: | 67 Fitz Hugh Crescent Eagle Farm South Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK17 7BU |
Telephone: | 078 2788 9288 |
Fax: | |
Email: | iany28@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.viscapital.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa and Immigration UK Limited |
Address: | Vlora House Cripley Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 0AH England |
Telephone: | 01865 240104 |
Fax: | |
Email: | g.shajko@visaimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visaandimmigrationukltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Club Limited |
Address: | 119 Morton Way London London N14 7AN England |
Telephone: | +4402082924479 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visaclub.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visaclub.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Connect |
Address: | 14 Victoria Crescent Chester Cheshire CH4 7AX England |
Telephone: | 079 6767 0037 |
Fax: | |
Email: | psteinke.2003@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaconnect.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Connect |
Address: | 10 Beaconsfield Street Chester Cheshire CH3 5AZ England |
Telephone: | 079 6767 0037 |
Fax: | |
Email: | psteinke.2003@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaconnect.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Consulting UK LTD |
Address: | 492 Sidcup Road London Greater London SE9 4HA England |
Telephone: | 079 2077 6685 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visaadviceuk.com |
Website: | http://www.visaadviceuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Expert Limited |
Address: | The Winning Box 27-37 Station Road Hayes Greater London UB3 4DX England |
Telephone: | 020 8935 5956 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visa-expert.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visa-expert.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Genie Ltd |
Address: | 30 Morland Gardens Southall Greater London UB1 3DY England |
Telephone: | 020 8571 0883 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.visagenie.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Inn Limited |
Address: | Norman House 207 — 209 High Street Berkhamsted Herefordshire HP4 1AD England |
Telephone: | 0330 113 1456 |
Fax: | |
Email: | allan.immigration@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visainn.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Legal Ltd |
Address: | 1 Bournemouth Road Peckham London London SE15 4BH |
Telephone: | 020 7732 5457 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visalegal.com |
Website: | http://www.visalegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Lines Immigration |
Address: | 555 Alfreton Road Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG7 5NJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visalinesimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visalinesimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Link Limited |
Address: | 13 Coleshill Street Flint Flintshire CH6 5BQ Wales |
Telephone: | 077 7851 0849 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visalinkltd.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visalinkltd.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to nationality and entry clearance |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa London |
Address: | 43 Bedford Street Suite 128 London London WC2E 9HA England |
Telephone: | 070 5061 6893 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@visalondon.com |
Website: | http://www.visalondon.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Management |
Address: | Square Root Business Centre 102-116 Windmill Road Croydon Greater London CR0 2XQ England |
Telephone: | 020 8665 4321 |
Fax: | |
Email: | bob_plasz@msn.com |
Website: | http://www.visamanagement.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Plus |
Address: | 3rd Floor, The Pinnacle Central Court Station Way Crawley West Sussex RH10 1JH |
Telephone: | 01293 385374 |
Fax: | |
Email: | jaspreet.visaplus@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.visaplus.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Positive Limited |
Address: | 50 Liverpool Street London London EC2M 7PY England |
Telephone: | 020 3617 1111 |
Fax: | |
Email: | visa@visapositive.com |
Website: | http://www.visapositive.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Professionals Limited |
Address: | Visa Professional Limited Unit G3 Davina House 137-149 Goswell Road London London EC1V 7ET England |
Telephone: | 020 3137 8699 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visaprofessionals.com |
Website: | http://www.visaprofessionals.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 07958684024 |
Show Advisers |
Visa Quest |
Address: | Bayleaf 2 Crossways Road Grayshott Hindhead Surrey GU26 6HJ England |
Telephone: | 077 8630 5971 |
Fax: | |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Simple Limited |
Address: | Vintage House 36-37 Albert Embankment London London SE1 7TL England |
Telephone: | 020 3640 6663 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@visasimple.com |
Website: | http://www.visasimple.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa Solutions |
Address: | Visa Solutions 132-134 Lots Road London SW10 0RJ England |
Telephone: | 020 3575 1236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visa-solutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visa-solutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Visa Solutions |
Address: | 50 Liverpool Street London London EC2M 7PY England |
Telephone: | 020 3575 1236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visa-solutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visa-solutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Visa Solutions |
Address: | 1st Floor 415 High Street London London E15 4QZ England |
Telephone: | 020 3575 1236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visa-solutions.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visa-solutions.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visa4UnitedKingdom |
Address: | Gazelle House Old Wickford Road South Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex CM3 5QT England |
Telephone: | 078 6016 8051 |
Fax: | |
Email: | peteruk@visa4unitedkingdom.com |
Website: | http://www.visa4unitedkingdom.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
VisaCheck UK Limited |
Address: | Work.Life Camden 13 Hawley Crescent London London NW1 8NP England |
Telephone: | 075 8368 8496 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@visacheck.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visacheck.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visalogic Limited |
Address: | Visalogic Limited 6th Floor ,Nicholsons House Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 1LD England |
Telephone: | 01628 775798 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visalogic.net |
Website: | http://www.visalogic.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visas 24/7 |
Address: | The Old Town Hall 4 Queens Road London London SW19 8YB England |
Telephone: | 020 3405 6381 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visas247.com |
Website: | http://www.visas247.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Mobile phone number: 077 9196 7349 |
Show Advisers |
Visavis Ltd |
Address: | 10th Floor Nova North 11 Bressenden Place London London SW1E 5BY |
Telephone: | 020 7873 2065 |
Fax: | |
Email: | team@visavisuk.com |
Website: | http://www.visavisuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visavisto Immigration Consultancy |
Address: | 130 Nyland Court Naomi Street London London SE8 5EX |
Telephone: | 074 9613 2438 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visavisto.uk |
Website: | http://www.visavisto.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vision Legal Services Ltd. |
Address: | Unit 23, City Business Centre St Olav’s Court Lower Road London London SE16 2XB England |
Telephone: | 020 7394 9594 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@visionlegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.visionlegal.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Visto a Vista |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.vistoavista.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Vital Legal Services |
Address: | 3A Crystal House New Bedford Road Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1HS England |
Telephone: | 01582 965165 |
Fax: | |
Email: | vitallegalservices@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.vscl.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Viva La Visa Limited |
Address: | Laffitts Hall Framsden Road Pettaugh Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 6DT England |
Telephone: | 01473 892660 |
Fax: | |
Email: | andy@vivalavisa.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.vivalavisa.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vivek Chadha |
Address: | 17 Hartopp Road Sutton Coldfield West Midlands B74 2RQ England |
Telephone: | 0121 270 6500 |
Fax: | |
Email: | chadhavivek200@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Vize4uk Limited |
Address: | 506 Linen Hall 162 -168 Regent Street London W1B 5TF England |
Telephone: | 079 2264 7272 |
Fax: | |
Email: | omer@vize4uk.com |
Website: | http://www.vize4uk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Voice For The Voiceless UK |
Address: | The Ripple Community Centre 121-125 Ripple Road Barking Greater London IG11 7PB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | voicevuk@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Voice For The Voiceless UK |
Address: | 3 Hammonds Road Dagenham Essex RM8 2RN England |
Telephone: | 020 8969 1731 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Voice For The Voiceless UK |
Address: | Voice For The Voiceless 3 Hammonds Close Dagenham Greater London RM8 2RN England |
Telephone: | 074 2445 1615 |
Fax: | |
Email: | voicevuk@yahoo.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Voices in Exile |
Address: | 36 Upper Bedford Street Brighton East Sussex BN2 1JP England |
Telephone: | 01273 328598 |
Fax: | |
Email: | advice@voicesinexile.org |
Website: | http://www.voicesinexile.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Voyage Relocations International Limited |
Address: | 83 Victoria Street London London SW1H 0HW England |
Telephone: | 020 3170 8848 |
Fax: | 020 3008 6180 |
Email: | michaelf@voyagerelocations.com |
Website: | http://www.voyagerelocations.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
VRS Immigration Services |
Address: | 140 Melton Road Leicester Leicestershire LE4 6QS England |
Telephone: | 0116 266 9693 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@vrsimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.vrsimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wahid Associates |
Address: | 39 Bankhall Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G42 8SL Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 237 3910 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wahidassociates786@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wailian Moon Boat Limited |
Address: | 306 70 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0XL England |
Telephone: | 075 1542 3133 |
Fax: | |
Email: | elaine.yao@wailian.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.wailian.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wakefield District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 27 King Street Wakefield WF1 2SR England |
Telephone: | 084 4499 4138 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Walkthruvisa Ltd |
Address: | 5 South Charlotte Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH2 4AN Scotland |
Telephone: | 078 9439 3121 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@walkthruvisa.com |
Website: | http://www.walkthruvisa.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau Ltd |
Address: | Unit 4, 187 Hoe Street Walthamstow London London E17 3AP England |
Telephone: | 075 8798 0705 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wfib.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau Ltd |
Address: | 8 Oaks Grove London London E4 6EY England |
Telephone: | 020 3659 4839 |
Fax: | |
Email: | cassim@wfib.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.wfib.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Waltham Forest Race Equality Council |
Address: | Waltham Forest Race Equality Council 1 Russell Road Leyton London E10 7ES England |
Telephone: | 020 8279 2425 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wfrec806@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.wfrec.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | 02082792684 |
Show Advisers |
Wandsworth Citizens Advice |
Address: | 265 Lavender Hill London SW11 1JB England |
Telephone: | 080 8278 7833 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.www.cawandsworth.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Wanstead and Woodford Migrant Support |
Address: | Broadmead Baptist Church 357 Chigwell Road Woodford Woodford Green Greater London IG8 8PE England |
Telephone: | 020 4548 3269 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@wwms.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.wwms.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Warrington District Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | the Gateway 89 Sankey St Warrington WA1 1SR England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | www.warrington-advice.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
We Are Londoners Ltd |
Address: | 24 Littlechurch Road Luton LU2 9DA England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wearelondoners.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wealden District Citizens Advice |
Address: | Uckfield Library Library Way High Street Uckfield East Sussex TN22 1AR England |
Telephone: | 01825 764940 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Welsh Refugee Council |
Address: | Rooms 28 — 31 YMCA Building 1 The Kingsway Swansea West Glamorgan SA1 5JQ Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.welshrefugeecouncil.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Welsh Refugee Council |
Address: | Welsh Refugee Council 33 Grosvenor Road Wrexham Wrexham LL11 1BT Wales |
Telephone: | 01978 355818 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.welshrefugeecouncil.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Welsh Refugee Council |
Address: | 66 Lower Dock Street Newport Gwent and Monmouthshire NP20 1EF Wales |
Telephone: | 01633 266420 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.welshrefugeecouncil.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Welsh Refugee Council |
Address: | 120-122 Broadway Cardiff South Glamorgan CF24 1NJ Wales |
Telephone: | 029 2048 9800 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.welshrefugeecouncil.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Welwitschia Welfare Centre |
Address: | Imperial House 64 Willoughby Lane Tottenham London London N17 0SP England |
Telephone: | 020 8808 1255 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@wwcuk.org |
Website: | http://www.wwcuk.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Welwyn Hatfield Citizens Advice |
Address: | Queensway House Hatfield Herts Hertfordshire AL10 0LW England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
West Berkshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2nd Floor Broadway House 4-8 The Broadway Northbrook Street Newbury Berkshire RG14 1BA England |
Telephone: | 084 4477 9980 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
West Bowling Community Advice And Training Centre |
Address: | West Bowling Centre Clipstone Street West Bowling Bradford West Yorkshire BD5 8EA England |
Telephone: | 01274 733770 |
Fax: | 01274 392896 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wbcentre.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 77 Bank Street Alexandria Dunbarton G83 0LW Scotland |
Telephone: | 01389 752727 |
Fax: | 01389 729271 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wdcab.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | Social Economy Centre 63 Kilbowie Road Clydebank G81 1BL Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 435 7590 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wdcab.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
West Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau |
Address: | 179 High Street Dumbarton Dunbarton G82 1NW Scotland |
Telephone: | 01389 744690 |
Fax: | 01389 768019 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wdcab.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
West End Consultants Limited |
Address: | 79 College Road Harrow Greater London HA1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 020 3713 7051 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@westendconsultants.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.westendconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
West London Accounting Ltd |
Address: | 8 Royal Parade Hanger Lane London London W5 1ET England |
Telephone: | 020 8354 2495 |
Fax: | |
Email: | marcin@halac.co.uk |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
West London Equality Centre |
Address: | Villiers House 4-5 New Ealing Broadway London London W5 2NU England |
Telephone: | 020 8231 2575 |
Fax: | |
Email: | barbara@wlec.net |
Website: | http://www.wlec.net |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
West London Immigration Services |
Address: | 19 North Terrace Durham Durham DH1 5EF England |
Telephone: | 0191 386 232 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@wlisuk.com |
Website: | http://www.wlisuk.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Westbridge Business Immigration LTD |
Address: | 107 Cheapside London City of London EC2V 6DN England |
Telephone: | 020 3086 7236 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www..wbbi.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 45 Winfield Way Balivanich HS7 5LH Scotland |
Telephone: | 01870 602421 |
Fax: | 01870 602008 |
Email: | bureau@uistcab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicewesternisles.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | Castlebay Isle of Barra HS9 5XD Scotland |
Telephone: | 01871 810608 |
Fax: | 01871 810875 |
Email: | bureau@barracab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicewesternisles.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | Pier Road Tarbet HS3 3BG Scotland |
Telephone: | 01859 502431 |
Fax: | 01859 502431 |
Email: | bureau@harriscab.casonline.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicewesternisles.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service |
Address: | 41/43 Westview Terrace Stornoway HS1 2HP Scotland |
Telephone: | 01851 705727 |
Fax: | 01851 706913 |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.citizensadvicewesternisles.co.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Address: | 71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden London London WC2H 9JQ England |
Telephone: | 079 6065 1035 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@westernpartners.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.westernpartners.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
WestKey Legal Associates |
Address: | 19 Somers House 2 Spitfire Chase Walton on Thames Surrey KT12 1FW |
Telephone: | 020 3535 0107 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@westkeylegal.com |
Website: | http://www.westkeylegal.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Westkin Associates |
Address: | Primatas Limited Maddox House 1 Maddox Street London London W1S 2PZ England |
Telephone: | 020 7118 8005 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@westkin.com |
Website: | http://www.westkin.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Westland Mark Limited |
Address: | 8 Oak Gardens Edgware Greater London HA8 5LF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.westlandmark.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Westland Mark Limited |
Address: | Office 414 85 Tottenham Court Road London London W1T 4TQ England |
Telephone: | 073 0546 4777 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@westlandmark.com |
Website: | http://www.westlandmark.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Westpoint-Sustainable Community Development |
Address: | Office A, Norland House 9 Queensdale Crescent London London W11 4TL England |
Telephone: | 020 3883 2114 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@westpointcommunity.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.westpointcommunity.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Weymouth & Portland Citizens Advice |
Address: | 2 Mullberry Terrace Great George st Weymouth Dorset DT4 8NQ England |
Telephone: | 0344 245 1291 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Whalebone Associates Limited |
Address: | 465 Whalebone Lane North Romford Greater London RM6 6RB England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
White Rose Visas |
Address: | 101 Wilkinson Street Sheffield South Yorkshire S10 2GJ England |
Telephone: | 0114 303 9933 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@whiterosevisas.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.whiterosevisas.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Whytecroft Ford Ltd |
Address: | 450 Bath Road West Drayton Greater London UB7 0EL England |
Telephone: | 020 8757 5751 |
Fax: | |
Email: | admin@Whytecroftford.com |
Website: | http://www.whytecroftford.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
William Lamb And Company Limited |
Address: | William Lamb & Company Faraday House 1 Faraday Close Eastbourne East Sussex BN22 9BH England |
Telephone: | 020 8406 8050 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@williamlamb.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.williamlamb.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Williams Charles & Co. Ltd |
Address: | Crusader House 145-157 St. John Street London London EC1V 4PY England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.link-law.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Williams Charles & Co. Ltd |
Address: | 36 Clarence Street Southend-On-Sea Essex SS1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 01702 416112 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@link-law.com |
Website: | http://www.link-law.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wilson Immigration Services |
Address: | 124 City Road London City of London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 7390 0503 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@wilsonimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.wilsonimmigrationservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | The organisation can also be contacted on 07879711436 |
Show Advisers |
Wiltshire Citizens Advice |
Address: | 3 Avon Reach Monkton Hill Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1EE England |
Telephone: | 084 4375 2775 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | https://www.citizensadvicewiltshire.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Winvolved Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | Trident House 31-33 Dale Street Liverpool Merseyside L2 2HF England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@winvolved.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.winvolved.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Winvolved Consultancy Ltd |
Address: | The Clubhouse 20 St Andrew Street Holborn London London EC4A 3AG England |
Telephone: | 0333 224 4822 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sheijdra@winvolvedlegal.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.winvolved.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wirral Change |
Address: | Wirral Change St. Laurences School St. Laurence Drive Birkenhead Merseyside CH41 3JD England |
Telephone: | 0151 649 8177 |
Fax: | |
Email: | sabra@wirralchange.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.wirralchange.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
WM Immigration Limited |
Address: | 80-81 Ebrington Square Londonderry, BT47 6FA |
Telephone: | 020 3322 2290 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@wmimmigration.com |
Website: | http://www.wmimmigration.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Woodland Assist Global (UK) Ltd |
Address: | 22 Manchester Road Burnley Lancashire BB11 1HH England |
Telephone: | 074 8211 6118 |
Fax: | |
Email: | JacquelineW@woodlandassist.com |
Website: | http://www.woodlandassist.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Woodland Assist Global (UK) Ltd |
Address: | 17 Arundel Close Burnley Lancashire BB12 0NG England |
Telephone: | 01282 447759 |
Fax: | |
Email: | woodlandassist@gmail.com |
Website: | http://www.woodlandassist.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Woodman Laks Associates |
Address: | 89 London Road Leicester Leicestershire LE2 0PF England |
Telephone: | 077 5891 2862 |
Fax: | |
Email: | mail@woodmanlaks.com |
Website: | http://www.woodmanlaks.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Worcester Citizens Advice & WHABAC |
Address: | The Hopmarket The Foregate Worester WR1 1DL England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1303 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Work Permit Cloud |
Address: | 2nd floor 112-116 Whitechapel Road London London E1 1JE England |
Telephone: | 020 8087 2343 |
Fax: | |
Email: | nahid@workpermitcloud.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.workpermitcloud.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Work Permit Services Limited |
Address: | 926 Govan Road Glasgow Lanarkshire G51 3AF Scotland |
Telephone: | 0141 445 8885 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.workpermitservices.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Work Rights Centre (WoRC) |
Address: | Business and IP Centre Manchester Central Library St. Peters Square Manchester Greater Manchester M2 5PD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.workrightscentre.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : 1165419 |
Show Advisers |
Work Rights Centre (WoRC) |
Address: | 379-381 High Rd London London NW10 2JR England |
Telephone: | 0300 400 0100 |
Fax: | |
Email: | contact@workrightscentre.org |
Website: | http://www.workrightscentre.org |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Registered Charity Number : 1165419 |
Show Advisers |
Worlds End Neighbourhood Advice Centre |
Address: | Advice Centre 2 Worlds End Place Chelsea London London SW10 OHE |
Telephone: | 020 7351 5749 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@wenac.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.wenac.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Worldwide Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 30 Busk Crescent Farnborough Hampshire GU14 0BL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.worldwideimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Worldwide Immigration Ltd |
Address: | St. James House 62a East Street Farnham Surrey GU9 7TJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.worldwideimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Worldwide Immigration Ltd |
Address: | 124 City Road London Greater London EC1V 2NX England |
Telephone: | 020 3488 2308 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@worldwideimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.worldwideimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Worldwide Law |
Address: | Suite 133 63 St. Mary Axe London London EC3A 8AA England |
Telephone: | 020 3958 6324 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@widelaws.com |
Website: | http://www.widelaws.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 2 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wortley Legal Consultants |
Address: | 16 Norfolk Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2LF England |
Telephone: | 0333 344 9078 |
Fax: | |
Email: | wortley-legal@hotmail.co.uk |
Website: | https://www.wortleylegalconsultants.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
WOW Direct |
Address: | 24 Barclay Oval Woodford Green Essex IG8 0PP England |
Telephone: | 020 3663 5848 |
Fax: | |
Email: | weihuwow@gmail.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Wrexham Citizens Advice |
Address: | 35 Grosvenor Road Wrexham LL11 1BT Wales |
Telephone: | 0344 477 2020 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Wyre Forest Citizens Advice |
Address: | 21-23 New Rd Kidderminster Worcestershire DY10 1AF England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.wyreforestcab.org.uk/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC London Regus 16 Upper Woburn Place London London WC1H 0AF England |
Telephone: | 075 1966 1564 |
Fax: | |
Email: | london@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | 19 Windsor Place Cardiff South Glamorgan CF10 3BY Wales |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | cardiff@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Birmingham 1 Victoria Square Birmingham West Midlands B1 1BD England |
Telephone: | 0121 262 4109 |
Fax: | |
Email: | birmingham@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | Office 636,6th Floor Horton House Exchange Flags Liverpool Merseyside L2 3PF England |
Telephone: | 0151 244 5573 |
Fax: | |
Email: | liverpool@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Edinburgh Room 2.99 83 Princes Street Edinburgh Midlothian EH2 2ER Scotland |
Telephone: | 0131 357 8556 |
Fax: | |
Email: | edinburgh@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Newcastle Suites 5-7 2nd floor, Mea House Ellison Place Newcastle Tyne & Wear NE1 8XS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | newcastle@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Leicester Lionel House 35 Millstone Lane Leicester Leicestershire LE1 5JN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | leicester@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Portsmouth Unit 7, St Georges Business Centre St. Georges Square Portsmouth Hampshire PO1 3EY England |
Telephone: | 023 9282 1206 |
Fax: | |
Email: | portsmouth@ukec.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Hull Room 601, Floor 6, K2 Bond Street 44 Bond Street Hull East Riding of Yorkshire HU1 3EN England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Coventry 4th Floor, Friars House Manor House Drive Coventry West Midlands CV1 2TE England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | UKEC Glasgow Spaces-Glasgow 1 West Regent Street Glasgow Lanarkshire G2 1RW Scotland |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
Xinlung Group Limited |
Address: | 2nd Floor St. James Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester Greater Manchester M1 6FQ England |
Telephone: | 0161 503 4885 |
Fax: | |
Email: | immigration@xinlung.com |
Website: | http://www.xinlung.com/ |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Yaqub And Company Immigration Services |
Address: | 43 Burnham Lane Burnham Slough Berkshire SL1 6LH England |
Telephone: | 01628 668356 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yaqubandco@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.yaqubandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Yaqub And Company Immigration Services |
Address: | 43 Burnham Lane Burnham Slough Berkshire SL1 6LH England |
Telephone: | 01628 665200 |
Fax: | |
Email: | yaqubandco@hotmail.com |
Website: | http://www.yaqubandco.com |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Yellow Scarf CIC |
Address: | Church House Market Place Evesham Worcestershire WR11 4RW England |
Telephone: | 01905 570235 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@yellowscarf.org |
Website: | http://www.yellowscarf.org. |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
YES UK Immigration Ltd |
Address: | Yes UK Immigration Ltd 429-433 Pinner Road Harrow Greater London HA1 4HN England |
Telephone: | 020 3151 9366 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@yesukimmigration.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.yesukimmigration.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Yildiz Visa Limited |
Address: | 1st Floor 239 High Street Kensington London London W8 6SN |
Telephone: | 020 7316 3143 |
Fax: | |
Email: | ahmet08@btinternet.com |
Website: | http://www.ankara-anlasmasi.info |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
YMCA North Down |
Address: | 10-12 High Street Bangor Gwynedd (preserved county) BT20 5AY Northern Ireland |
Telephone: | 075 9184 0529 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@northdownymca.org |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
York & District Citizens Advice |
Address: | West Offices Station Rise YORK YO1 6GA England |
Telephone: | 0344 411 1444 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging |
Yorkshire Immigration Consultancy Service Limited |
Address: | 281A Upper Floor Roundhay Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS8 4HS England |
Telephone: | 0113 235 9393 |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.www.yorkshireimmigrationservice.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice Judicial Review Case Management (Asylum) Judicial Review Case Management (Immigration) |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Youkey Ltd |
Address: | The Trampery Republic (The Greenhouse) G06 Import Building 2 Clove Crescent London City of London E14 2BE England |
Telephone: | 074 4742 6060 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@youkey.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.youkey.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | Walker Centre Church Walk Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE6 3BS England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | Yhn Housing Services @east end East End Pool Hadrian Square Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE6 1AL England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | YHN Housing services @ Outer West Outer West Customer Service Centre West Denton Way Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE5 2QZ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | YHN Housing Services @West End West End Customer Service Centre Condercum Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 9JH England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | YHN Housing Centre @ Kenton The Kenton Centre Hillsview Avenue Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE3 3QJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Your Homes Newcastle |
Address: | Your Homes Newcastle 11 Benton Park Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE7 7LX England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | euss@yhn.org.uk |
Website: | http://www.yhn.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Immigration advice limited to EU Settlement Scheme |
Not Fee Charging | |
Further Information: | Advice is provided for local residents only |
Show Advisers |
Youth Legal and Resource Centre |
Address: | Ashburton Youth Club Club House Westleigh Avenue London London SW15 6XD England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | Not available |
Website: | http://www.youthlegal.org.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Not Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
YV Enterprise |
Address: | YV Enterprise Limited 1 Concourse Way Sheffield South Yorkshire S1 2BJ England |
Telephone: | |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@yventerprise.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging |
YV Enterprise |
Address: | Unit 1 Ground Floor 26 Rodney Street Liverpool Merseyside L1 2TQ England |
Telephone: | 0151 707 0899 |
Fax: | |
Email: | info@yventerprise.com |
Website: | No Web Site Address available |
Advice: | Level of advice: 3 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Z Law Immigration |
Address: | 428 Westgate Road Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne & Wear NE4 9BN England |
Telephone: | 0191 272 0526 |
Fax: | |
Email: | hasan.zamil@zlaw.co.uk |
Website: | http://www.zalw.co.uk |
Advice: | Level of advice: 1 Asylum and protection advice Immigration advice |
Fee Charging | |
Show Advisers |
Zafer C and C |
Address: | Jhumat House 160 London Road Barking Greater London IG11 8BB Англия |
Телефон: | 020 3745 7405 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | zafercandc@gmail.com |
Веб-сайт: | Адрес веб-сайта недоступен |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Юридические услуги Зейн |
Адрес: | 4 Radford Boulevard Рэдфорд Ноттингем Ноттингемшир NG7 3BP Англия |
Телефон: | 0115 998 5713 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | muf_Advocate@hotmail.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zainlegalservices.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Зам Лоу Ассошиэйтс |
Адрес: | 71 Killinghall Road Брэдфорд Западный Йоркшир BD3 8DU Англия |
Телефон: | 079 8342 9360 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | zamlawassociates@gmail.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zamimmigration.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 2 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Занс Иммиграционные Консультанты ООО |
Адрес: | Jhumat House 160 London Road Barking Greater London IG11 8BB Англия |
Телефон: | 077 9138 5411 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@zansimmigration.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zansimmigration.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Иммиграционные Адвокаты Зенит |
Адрес: | 2 Talbot Road Northampton Northamptonshire NN1 4JB Англия |
Телефон: | 01604 633518 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | nazil.rahimbaccus@zenithimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zenithimmigrationlawyers.co.uk |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 2 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Зеноспейс Интернэшнл Лимитед |
Адрес: | Unit 2 Meridian House — верхний этаж Nazeing New Road Broxbourne Hertfordshire EN10 6SX England |
Телефон: | |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@zenospace.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zenospace.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Иммиграционный совет |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Визы ZR и корпоративная иммиграция |
Адрес: | 23 Metcalfe Road Сток-он-Трент Стаффордшир ST6 7AZ Англия |
Телефон: | 01782 977899 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@zrvisas.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zrvisas.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Консультация по убежищу и защите Иммиграционная консультация |
Взимание платы | |
Показать советников |
Зувату ООО |
Адрес: | 115 — 117 Wilmslow Road Handforth Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 3ER Англия |
Телефон: | 01744 630863 |
Факс: | |
Эл. адрес: | info@zuvatu.com |
Веб-сайт: | http://www.zuvatu.com |
Совет: | Уровень консультации: 1 Иммиграционный совет |
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