Ограничения сроков обучения по визам Tier 4  

Студент может находится в Великобритании не более 2 лет, обучаясь на уровне ниже уровня бакалавра Великобритании с 18 лет (см. таблицу ниже Bachelors degree).

Эти ограничение на 2 года не распространяется и не включает в себя любое время, которое студент провел в Великобритании в период обучения ниже уровня Bachelorsdegree:

  • Правила для учащихся, действовавшие до 31 марта 2009 года; или
  • Tier 4 (General) в возрасте 16 или 17 лет; или
  • Tier 4 (Child) в возрасте 17 лет или младше; или
  • Любая другая категории визы Tier 4, которая позволяет учиться в UK
Qualifications and Credit Framework in England and Wales and Northern Ireland
Level 8  Doctorate
Level 7  Master’s degree
Level 6  Bachelor’s degree
Level 5  Bachelor’s degree, Foundation degree, Higher National Diploma
Level 4  Bachelor’s degree, Foundation degree, Higher National Certificate
Level 3  A-level, BTEC Extended Diploma, BTEC National Certificate
Level 2  GCSE (grades A* to C), BTEC First Diploma
Level 1  GCSE (grades D-G), BTEC First Diploma, Foundation Diploma
Entry Level 3 Key Stage 3, E3 Diploma
NQF level Level criteria
Level 8 Level 8 qualifications recognise leading experts or practitioners in a particular field. Learning at this level involves the development of new and creative approaches that extend or redefine existing knowledge or professional practice.
Level 7 Level 7 qualifications recognise highly developed and complex levels of knowledge that enable the development of in-depth and original responses to complicated and unpredictable problems and situations. Learning at this level involves the demonstration of high-level specialist professional knowledge and is appropriate for senior professionals and managers. Level 7 qualifications are at a level equivalent to masters degrees, postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas.
Level 6 Level 6 qualifications recognise a specialist high-level knowledge of an area of work or study to enable the use of an individual’s own ideas and research in response to complex problems and situations. Learning at this level involves the achievement of a high level of professional knowledge and is appropriate for people working as knowledge-based professionals or in professional management positions. Level 6 qualifications are at a level equivalent to bachelor degrees with honours, graduate certificates and graduate diplomas.
Level 5 Level 5 qualifications recognise the ability to increase the depth of knowledge and understanding of an area of work or study to enable the formulation of solutions and responses to complex problems and situations. Learning at this level involves the demonstration of high levels of knowledge, a high level of work expertise in job roles and competence in managing and training others. Qualifications at this level are appropriate for people working as higher grade technicians, professionals or managers. Level 5 qualifications are at a level equivalent to intermediate higher education qualifications such as diplomas of higher education, foundation and other degrees that do not typically provide access to postgraduate programmes.
Level 4 Level 4 qualifications recognise specialist learning and involve detailed analysis of a high level of information and knowledge in an area of work or study. Learning at this level is appropriate for people working in technical and professional jobs, and/or managing and developing others. Level 4 qualifications are at a level equivalent to Certificates of Higher Education.
Level 3 Level 3 qualifications recognise the ability to gain, and where relevant apply a range of knowledge, skills and understanding. Learning at this level involves obtaining detailed knowledge and skills. It is appropriate for people wishing to go to university, people working independently, or in some areas supervising and training others in their field of work.
Level 2 Level 2 qualifications recognise the ability to gain a good knowledge and understanding of a subject area of work or study, and to perform varied tasks with some guidance or supervision. Learning at this level involves building knowledge and/or skills in relation to an area of work or a subject area and is appropriate for many job roles.
Level 1 Level 1 qualifications recognise basic knowledge and skills and the ability to apply learning with guidance or supervision. Learning at this level is about activities that mostly relate to everyday situations and may be linked to job competence.

При получении британских студенческих виз Tier 4 (General) student visa и Tier 4 (Child) student visa в UK, а также Parent of a Tier 4 child visa и Short-term study visa на 11 месяцев, нужен тест на туберкулез и обязательно оплатить Immigration Health Surcharge (NHS/IHS — Иммиграционный сбор за медицинское обслуживание в Великобритании).

После получения британских студенческих виз,  в Великобритании по месту жительства необходимо получить карту Biometric Residence Permit (биометрическая BRP карта — вид на жительства в Великобритании, для тех, кто проживает в UK более 6 месяцев). Биометрическую карту BRP надо получить в течении 10 дней в британском почтовом отделении.

Образец CAS для визы Tier 4 в Великобританию

 ➡ Регистрация в полиции по месту проживания в Англии, Шотландии, Уэльсе и Северной Ирландии

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    * Подробная информация услуги «Виза под ключ UK»

    Индивидуальный Предприниматель, собственник предприятия, иностранные граждане,  а также в случае подключения спонсора — стоимость увеличивается

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